Hello there Celeste players!

As promised, we are bringing you a quick sneak peek at our upcoming content pack, Conquest of Britannia!

Travel to the Roman city of Londinium, located in the all new region of Britannia, where for the first time ever, you will get to aid both sides of the ongoing war between the Celts and the Romans, and assist both Boudicca and Crassus!


Hello there Celeste players! The Winter Event is finally upon us!

In just a few hours, you can log into the game and enjoy the exclusive content. The event will go live at 2023/12/18 00:01 UTC

To access the event, go to your Empire Store in your Capital City and find all the new quests for the event. Alternatively, you can access the Event content by going to Sparta....

Hello there Celeste players! The Halloween Event is finally upon us!. (Well, ALMOST!)

Once the Event starts (00:01 UTC 2023/10/23), go to your Empire Store in your Capital City and find all the exclusive quests for the event.

You can find every...

Fire Ship and Dock Overview

It’s been a while since we discussed how we designed the Indians for water maps, so here is a quick recap:

As always, before designing a piece of a new civ, we need to extract the design...
Hello there Celeste players! Here you can find the details of the upcoming Summer Event for this year, going live on July 24th, 00:01 UTC!

A lot of fan-favorite items are coming back, and many of them are reworked.


How to access...

Hello there Celeste players! We are happy to announce that the Return to Tarsos Quest Pack is finally here! Without any further ado, let's get into the details

This is a great quest pack for people who are just starting to try Legendary quests, since it contains mostly 2-star and only a single 4-star quests, making it super...

Hello there Celeste players! We are back once again with another Developer Blog! This one is a little overdue, but we've had our hands more than full in the past few weeks and are working hard to bring you as much new content as we can.

We hope that you've had plenty of time to try the Gear Dismantler by now but for those who aren't familiar with it,...

Greetings Celeste players! It's been a while, but we are back with another Developer Blog! We will go over the recently released Quest Rotation System, an overview of the most recent Advisor Reworks and Changes, several changes to units in PvE, and will have a quick sneak peek at the upcoming Gear Dismantler feature, which...​

War Elephant


Much of the allure of Ancient India springs from its mighty elephants. Famously, at the thought of facing hundreds of them, Alexander the Great chose instead to turn his undefeated army around and leave. Indian War...
Hey there everyone!

It has been a while since our last Indian civilization update - but don't worry, we are still working on them!

In the meantime, here is a quick sneak peek into their music, made once again by WeRFury. Here's a message from him:

Hello guys, I'm so happy to finally release one song from the soundtrack that I've preparing for you for more than a year. This is the first song that I decided to show you guys - just a piece of what you will see with the...
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