Top Donations

  1. TuranianGhazi donated $1,000.00

    Jan 15, 2022
  2. TuranianGhazi donated $500.00

    You guys are the best! I love AOEO, recently came back second time and I have a feeling that I'd be coming by over and over again in the future.

    Jan 10, 2021
  3. mike4314 donated $500.00

    Nov 7, 2023
  4. TuranianGhazi donated $500.00

    Kudos on releasing Romans so early this year! Cheers! Roma invicta!!! :D

    Mar 6, 2021
  5. Guest donated $500.00

    You guys are the best! I love AOEO, recently came back second time and I have a feeling that I'd be coming by over and over again in the future.

    Jan 10, 2021
  6. loonypath donated $300.00

    Aug 20, 2020
  7. Jones96 donated $250.00

    thanks for a nice game

    Mar 21, 2021
  8. UberJumper donated $235.00

    Dec 14, 2017
  9. allthedetails donated $200.00

    May 19, 2020
  10. frelon25 donated $200.00

    always the best game......and a fabulous team

    Nov 24, 2021
  11. MrDragon2100 donated $200.00

    Thanks for a great game

    Nov 30, 2023
  12. Guest donated $200.00

    Great work, excited to see more PvP improvements and new content.

    Aug 17, 2019
  13. Anonymous donated $200.00

    Thank you for this amazing game

    Nov 3, 2023
  14. Kriissu donated $200.00

    This one is from friends and family that play and love it!

    Oct 31, 2020
  15. Guest donated $200.00

    Sep 10, 2023
  16. stijndp donated $200.00

    Jun 24, 2018
  17. scenariotc donated $200.00

    Jun 30, 2018
  18. Guest donated $150.00


    Aug 15, 2020
  19. Guest donated $130.00

    I love this game; I play it with my dad and it makes him happy.

    Jul 21, 2024 at 9:38 PM
  20. Alpha donated $125.00

    You guys are on the right track. Keep it up. More please :)

    Apr 22, 2018
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