I am struggling to get better at this game.

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by Drag0nstarz, Dec 27, 2020.

  1. Drag0nstarz

    Drag0nstarz Woad Raider

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Hey everyone.

    Basically I am really struggling to get better at this game and also I cant do any of the winter leg quests. Well I tried Marion and Paphos. But I could solo a few of the Halloween ones.

    I spent 6 hours today trying to learn and try different things and I didn't finish one quest lol

    What should I be doing to push myself? Should I be only trying these in co op until I am good enough?

    Someone agreed to try paphos with me but I couldn't even defend my area. That's why I am worried to co op and I don't like to bother people.

    Maybe I need to watch more youtube videos and work on what to build first and speed.

    I have asked on discord a few times and always get great help but I am still struggling. How did everyone else learn to approach the leg quests?
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  3. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
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    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hey! I'm glad you took the time to reach out to the community for tips on getting better. We have a handful of very helpful guides around here that can all help you get better at the game. I'm going to link them for you below, but before that, some absolute basics are:
    • Never stop training Villagers until you have somewhere between 70-85.
    • Make constant use of Storehouses, and when it comes to gathering Wood, make sure to replace your Wood storehouses as your Villagers cut deeper and further into the woodline.
    • Don't leave your Military Buildings idle; as soon as you can afford training Units whilst making Villagers, make sure to put your Military Buildings to use.
    • Don't forget upgrades; one of the things I see very commonly forgotten with a lot of the players is that they often forget to get their upgrades, particularly their Storehouse upgrades. The extra income you get from researching economic upgrades is absolutely massive and you should never skip them.

    Also, we have recently classified Legendary Quests into 5 different difficulty levels which you can read about HERE. I would recommend starting out on the 1-star and 2-star Quests first before you start thinking about playing the harder ones.

    Some useful guides:
    • Official PvP Guide - This guide has pretty much everything you need to get good at Quests and should not be used only for PvP gameplay. You can find this guide inside the Sparta interface, or you can find an online version of it HERE.
    • Beginner's guide to Legendary Quests by Aaron - Excellent starter guide that can help you out quite a bit.
    • Legendary Meta Community Guide by MsMuffins - Even though it's a little outdated at the moment, it can still be helpful for you to get started with Legendary Quests.
    Good luck getting better at the game and don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions! ;)
    #2 PF2K, Dec 27, 2020 at 6:42 PM
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020
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  4. Drag0nstarz

    Drag0nstarz Woad Raider

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Thanks a lot PF2K. I will read through that.
    #3 Drag0nstarz, Dec 27, 2020 at 6:54 PM
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2020
    Jeinx, Andy P XIII and PF2K like this.
  5. Slyrevick

    Slyrevick Immortal

    May 22, 2020
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    6 hours playing doesn't make sense. It'll get you tired and possibly mad/ tilted.

    As mentionned above, you better reducing time playing and studying it deeper with forum's guides.

    You maybe missed something obvious that you'll discover later..

    Each quest has some solution, When unable to find it by myself. I just go on youtube and apply it ( but that's kind of cheating :). Sometimes, I have to admit the quest is beyond my level and i just pass
    Drag0nstarz likes this.
  6. Drag0nstarz

    Drag0nstarz Woad Raider

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Yeah thanks. It did make me mad. But I was just so determined to do it.
    I love this game. I have played it since near the beginning and I should be better by now. That's where the frustration comes from.

    I just did the event Marion leg solo with 5 mins to spare with what I learnt from here and also Geese was a big help.
    #5 Drag0nstarz, Dec 28, 2020 at 1:12 PM
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2020
    Andy P XIII likes this.
  7. Aaron

    Aaron Berserker

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Edit: Somehow I read Geese as Greek.

    Marion can be painful to solo with the no-siege option and snowmans approaching from both entrances at the beginning. Ice King is probably the easiest to solo out of the event legs if you are using Greek, Babylon, or Egyptian. You can greed out the 1st wave of snowman by run your spearmen around your initial 2 towers, then build a bunch of towers/fortresses/units until your palins/elephants/etc.

    Paphos is easy to solo if you are careful in how you wall for your caravans (and very hard if you don't). If you do wall correctly (i.e. not extending too far into P2), you won't get snowmans on that side. However, if you mess up your walling, or if you don't wall while your partner does in co-op, you get 100% of the waves of both P1 and P2. I found out the hard way last year, and it's not fun.

    As for co-op in general, if you are worried about not being able to "defend your side", pick ones with only 1 entrance, like Ice King Mountain, Winter Wonderland, and Questing in Woods. That way, if you can't defend, it's not only your fault. Good players would be able to handle all the defending by themselves if they have to, and co-op merely makes it faster for them. They may even be able to pick up on things you are doing wrong, like "where are your villagers?" and "where are your upgrades?". (I am little iffy on recommending Candy Cane Kourion. While it is easy, it's not the usual caravan spam that we all know and "love".)

    Another tip for learning quests. Try starting the quest solo, and just send your scout to build watch posts and do nothing else. You should be able to pick up the timing and size of the first 2 attack waves.

    P.S. I should update my guides. Dumnorix is no longer stupid OP, even though I think he is still good.
    #6 Aaron, Jan 2, 2021 at 7:56 AM
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2021
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  8. Drag0nstarz

    Drag0nstarz Woad Raider

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Thanks Aaron, Mega helpful.

    I have made great progress in the last week or so. I have been co-oping all the event legs apart from paphos. I can mostly hold my own and keep up. I even helped a few people who were struggling. The same as I was. I think I have about 22k winter points so far and 175 shards left which I don't know what to spend on.

    Some games I still don't get my economy totally right but that's probably just more practice needed.

    I need to have another go at Pahphos and figure out how to defend better at the start. It seems like a few people struggle with p1 on this quest.
    Slyrevick likes this.
  9. Slyrevick

    Slyrevick Immortal

    May 22, 2020
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    I think it's possible to keep the points for next year
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  10. Drag0nstarz

    Drag0nstarz Woad Raider

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Yeah I might do that. I am waiting to buy the event castle but I heard it is gonna be adjusted to shards and not hearts so I waited.
    Not sure about the event gear either. I got greaves for cheif and a set to try on hoplites but I don't know if there is any use for the other items?
    The horse armor looks good. Simeone said to use it in eles. How about anything else?
  11. Slyrevick

    Slyrevick Immortal

    May 22, 2020
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    yep, I think greaves and arrows are pretty good

    Anyway. you can store some in your vault and sell them later just in case you need some coins to buy another gear. better having it now before event end

    dont forget to split between civs for crafting items :)
    #10 Slyrevick, Jan 5, 2021 at 7:32 PM
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
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  12. Aaron

    Aaron Berserker

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Personally, I am just buying strongholds. 7 for the 7 civs. Not sure how I am going to spend the hearts/shards since I already have tons of arrows from last year.
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  13. fabsroman

    fabsroman Spearman

    Aug 16, 2019
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    Playing P1 in Paphos is the hard side of Paphos. I usually have P2 wall himself in and I take both snowman attacks and the bulk of the enemy as P1 with a wall opening to lure everybody to my side. A line of towers and forts usually takes care of most of it in Cyprus legendary Paphos, but for the winter quest I have to make infantry to help me defend initially.
    Drag0nstarz likes this.
  14. fabsroman

    fabsroman Spearman

    Aug 16, 2019
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    I am putting the greaves on my Chief, Hoplites, and Sparabara. Might put them on elephants, but I doubt it. JEINX showed me his fire and ice elephant build and it does look intriguing. Set spear, set shield, ice horse armor, and ice greaves.

    As far as the points are concerned, I will get 7 ice forts, just like I got 7 libraries and 7 prisons. Then, I might spend some points on the ice horse armor. Think I am going to go with an ice theme in Celts and Norse. Ice slings, ice arrows, and ice spears. These spears are one of the only ones in the game with snare. They are the equivalent of the old Enkindu spears when Project Celeste first started. I could not get Zahhak spears for my Norse, Babylonian, or Celts spearmen, so they will get ice spears. I still need to work on gearing up Norse, Babylon, and Celts, mostly because I have been lazy about it.

    Congrats on figuring out most of the quests. If you coop with somebody that is knowledgeable, they should be able to spend 5 minutes with you to show you the ropes and then restart the quest to get it done. One piece of advice I will give you is to always build an additional TC as soon as you can, and then to keep villagers pumping out of them. If there is water, put up a dock too and get some fishing boats out. Kourion and I believer Woods are both good maps for fishing boats. Get your economy booming and your defenses up, and then start pumping out military units.
    Drag0nstarz likes this.
  15. Drag0nstarz

    Drag0nstarz Woad Raider

    Jul 27, 2020
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    I was doing paphos solo just to try and work out the strategy but I haven't managed it yet. I probably just neef to be a bit quicker with a consistent build order. I always build a TC and markets asap. That's helped a lot.

    I think my problem is sometimes I get my economy wrong by forgetting something or not being quick enough but that will probably just come from more practice I guess. Also I need to keep improving my gear and advisor collection.
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