Rome legendary: battle of the Allia

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by Bekam, Mar 16, 2021.

  1. Bekam

    Bekam Spearman

    Jan 25, 2021
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    Rome legendary: battle of the Allia

    Playing with a co-op friends is really less than 40 minutes to reach the wonder of the world. How is that possible? AI opponents are more brutal than us. The first start came about 3 minutes at a time 2 trading ships on us (blue). We want to try a trick or something similar to reach a wonder of the world under 40 minutes. But many ramparts and the most cruel sieges en masse. Incidentally, as the worst start as my self-destructing village center then it is a bit quieter after about 10 minutes on my co-op partner attack but managed to expand and quickly we developed further as possible and rebuild blue. and further on the border extremely hard many armies and sieges (too Palintonon) By the way, after 2 hours I had to reach the wonder of the world. For me, the result is impossible to achieve in under 40 minutes.

    Is that possible trick or improvement reduction of the AI opponent.

    Many thanks!

    Lg Bekam:)
    NoteHermelin786 likes this.
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  3. RekiemOne

    RekiemOne Champion

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Those quests are meant to be hard don't worry if you don't succeed on first or in couple of tries, you will in a near future find the strat' to get there in time :)
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