Paphos - Greeks - Solo

Discussion in 'PvE Tips & Tutorials' started by Geese, Feb 21, 2020.

  1. Geese

    Geese Berserker

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Any questions let me know :)

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  3. Hawkster

    Hawkster Champion

    Jan 21, 2020
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    Wow, now I know how to do phaphos leg quest on solo! This is really helpful video! Thanks for the tip to use fort and walling and build order!!

    Now, this is my question after seeing this video; how about using calvery or infantry? There are some civilizations that uses other than ranged units. Can you show how to play with them? (In phaphos, of course)
  4. Geese

    Geese Berserker

    Mar 27, 2018
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    I'm very glad to hear that Hawkster! Makes me happy to know I'm able to help new players :D

    With regards to your question, the way the quest is played mostly remains the same. Usually the same build order. Here's what I usually make as other civs:

    Egyptians - Elephants - You can skip the tower building part and just park a few elephants there while the rest of the army goes to attack

    Norse - Berserkers (Similar to egyptians). You can even use Horsemen if you have the advisor.

    Celts - I usually go Woad Raiders but there's more options such Archers with Stone Throwers or even Champions.

    Persians - Bowmen/War Wagons tend to work the best very similar play style to Greeks.

    Babylon - You can go Lancers or Royal Guards with Palintonons or Chariot archers with some Palintonons

    I think on my twitch I may have some paphos done in the middle of some stream however I will try to create some more videos with the different civs. I'll post them in this thread instead of creating a new one :)

    Thanks again for your feedback and I'll work on getting you some more videos.
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