Exp/Gold/Drop multiplier

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by Bicio, Aug 15, 2021.

  1. Bicio

    Bicio Long Swordsman

    Aug 15, 2021
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    From the various answers you are so kindly giving me, I am seeing that almost all of the content is meant for those who have already reached the end game. I also saw it in the summer event, which aims a lot at those who already have an already developed top-level civilization (eg: high-level missions or the request for high-level materials).

    If on the one hand I understand that you have to focus a lot on creating content for those who have already finished the game for a long time (and perhaps are particularly good at it), on the other hand the accessibility to new players is an important point, especially in a game designed for a large "amateur" audience therefore not focused on taking as much money as possible from the players (which is the mentality of today's "corporations" ... which I hate).

    So the questions to ask are, in addition to the canonical "how can we keep the attention of longtime players", "how can we make the game more accessible to newbies and to those who perhaps want a less" hardcore "gaming experience?" . The answers to these two questions are simple (in words, in fact it is a little different ..). To make the leveling more accessible and less tedious, to allow even non "pros" or "with a lot of time" to access the various contents.

    This would mean, even in substance following the examples above, to, for example, allow the purchase of the recipes of the materials in some in-game store and not leave them at the "rng" or even allow you to play all the missions "legendary" even to those who are not so good, perhaps putting an option that can make them easier and at the same time with a lower reward (which can be, half difficulty = half money and 50% of receiving a legendary item compared to 100% of the standard mission).

    This last point is somewhat felt, since it is a pity that there are good people who think about new missions but then maybe only "a few" can play them, since it would be nice if everyone, even the less skilled ones, could play all, with the right reward based on the chosen challenge level.

    You are doing a really good job with this game, with a lot of dedication. I am only sorry to have discovered it late and that the gap to be bridged to try to "catch up" is quite huge .. Thanks again for what you are doing :) :innocent:
  2. Bicio

    Bicio Long Swordsman

    Aug 15, 2021
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    Hello, I have now reached level 40 all civilizations and now I have a couple of questions :)

    - Once you reach the maximum level, it makes sense to complete the (various) missions left behind in the various regions, or the rewards are so scarce that it is better to dedicate yourself only to the missions for the maximum level (like like the last region that was released with this month's patch). Like, aside from the cash reward, are the treasure chests you receive at the same level as you or are they at the mission level? this would already be a discriminating factor..

    - Equip yourself well by paying. I saw that there is a shop in Cyprus that sells equipment at very high prices, so I guess those are the best you can buy. Are there any other stores in other regions that sell level 40 gear? Like that of Cyprus has prices a little too high for my pockets, especially if you want to upgrade an entire army (not to mention all the armies of all civilizations ..), so in addition to knowing if that of Cyprus is the shop that sells the absolute best equipment you can buy, I would like to know if there are other shops around that are worth considering, also because of the lower prices..

    Thanks :)
  3. Slyrevick

    Slyrevick Immortal

    May 22, 2020
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    you don't need to buy anything.

    you just have to do quests you are able to at your rhythm

    One day or another, you'll find the desired gear or recipe.

    I'll just recommend to have the most possible workshops being active:)
  4. Bicio

    Bicio Long Swordsman

    Aug 15, 2021
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    but the legendary missions are quite impossible without a good equipment ..:( even just to hold up the confrontation between the troops so as not to melt them at the first clash .. :oops:

    also because I am quite incapable... :( or at least, I like to play slow, so any slight advantage against the AI is very useful to me since this last spams units without resource or population limits ...:rolleyes: so like every extra life point is pure gold for my troops :D
  5. Slyrevick

    Slyrevick Immortal

    May 22, 2020
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    i think the strategy is a better advantage than gear. it's also cheaper ;)
  6. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    Most older legendaries have been solo'd by players in pure Green gear, so gear isn't really the end-all be-all.

    You can also play on the new Champion Mode with the new quests, which essentially nullifies ANY gear on both yourself and the AI, making it all about your skill.
  7. RekiemOne

    RekiemOne Champion

    Jan 13, 2020
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    level 40 gears green blue epics, are more than enough to do legendary quests, eco macro, timings and game knowledge are the most important part towards dealing with legendary quests, there are plenty of youtube videos if you need help with the strategy, you can also coop sometimes with someone used to it to feel more confident about those or ask over here and discord to get some advises for solo :)
  8. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    @Bicio for gearing, best approach is to buy epic and cheap legendaries from trade channels and some shops. The gear sold for high cost in shops are mainly coin sinks with minimal improvements over much cheaper options. A good place to get started is using a gearing guide, I've one here https://forums.projectceleste.com/threads/gearing-sheet-for-all-civs.5462/ and there are some by other players too. The guides can show you what are good upgrades and what small upgrades that aren't worth bothering with for now.

    Discord is also very useful to chat through specific questions or get pointed in the right direction.
  9. Bicio

    Bicio Long Swordsman

    Aug 15, 2021
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    thanks to all of the answers, very kind :)
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