Exp/Gold/Drop multiplier

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by Bicio, Aug 15, 2021.

  1. Bicio

    Bicio Long Swordsman

    Aug 15, 2021
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    Hello everybody,
    I'm new to the forum / game, but I'm from 140 hours of playing the old AoE Online and I'm glad someone of good will, resumed it and updates it :)

    I wanted to ask, as I'm purely a single player and the old game was a bottomless pit of farming / game time to progress with experience / money / equipment / etc, in this "amateur" version, has a multiplier been added or a way to facilitate the acquisition of experience / money / equipment? (like, who knows, a 2x to the experience obtained / money / drop rate)?
    after the first few hours of playing that I did I would say no .. but I would hope to be wrong since I would like to avoid wasting too much time in farming again..

    thank you :)
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  3. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
    Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 21, 2017
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    Since the old games best items were found in various levels across the game, and Celeste has replaced most all of them with level 40 Legendary versions, they are much easier to get now, as most all of them can be grinded for just doing legendary quests, or level 40 quests in general. There are some gear that are alternate bests that can only be obtained by playing events, Moes has its own items that are exclusive only to Moes, Crete has an item that is exclusive to it, and the Bahram lottery items are exclusive to it. But these are gear for players to chase that have played a lot, and need stuff to do that have exhausted normal methods. In Celeste, you can get rewards for simply logging in daily, You can get rewards for leaderboards in Crete, and Sparta. So yeah, while you can't just get everything overnight, you can gear a civ much easier, and get rewards much faster than you could in the old game for sure.
    RekiemOne likes this.
  4. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    In terms of XP - The Northern Hold questpack has a quest obtainable fairly early on that rewards you with a 50% account-wide XP boost. You can get a single Pro civ up to 40 in roughly 3 hours by acquiring this reward, then doing, but not turning in a large number of quests, and once you have all these quests ready to go, using the XP boost and turning them all in for a massive XP boost (In my experience, Skirmish Unstoppable 10x daily repeatable, Argos entry quest, Tarsos/Babylon entry quest, and the next Northern Hold quest in the quest series, plus capital city repeatables is enough to go straight from 20->40).

    As it's account-wide and lasts for 24 hours, you can also get plenty of XP on your other civs too (And keep in mind that you can hit 10x unstoppable skirmish quest at ANY lvl, once you complete the intial 10 skirmishes)

    Also in terms of XP, there's currently an Event underway which is available to civs at lvl 10, and has a large number of repeatable, easy quests that gives solid XP.

    In terms of Gold - Not quite a multiplier but rather creep. The devs went and restandardized the amount o gold available at all end-game lvls - Elite quests now reward 1500 coin base (Previously only rewarded 500 coin), and Legendaries can reward up to 20k coin depending on both difficulty, and how often you can do it (Easy legendary quests that have a 12 hour CD only give 1.5k-2k coin, whereas hard quest that have a 2 week CD give 20-30k).

    In terms of loot, a loot re-work happened last year that significantly improved it, with specialized chests. While you still have your regular chests that can reward basically any loot in the game, you also have guaranteed Epic chests (From Elite quests) which will 100% reward an Epic piece of gear, and all Legendary quests have Legendary quest chests which have a roughly 10% or so chance to give Legendary loot (And if they don't, Rare or Epic piece of loot/advisor/recipe instead, never a consumable, uncommon, or common piece of loot). Plus there are several legendary quests which have Guaranteed Legendary chests that are 100% legendary.

    So yea, XP is better then in the past due to both extra quest packs as well as all quests packs being free, and thus having access to Northern Hold. Coin/Gold is better then in the past due to them reworking it. Loot is also far better then in the past due to both a much, much larger number of legendary quests as well as the loot rework that happened.
  5. RekiemOne

    RekiemOne Champion

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Welcome back ! What's been said avove is totally accurate.
    I would add that now getting 40 at least on 1 civ is more important than it was, because of the community mostly playing PVE and this will grant you help and reduce your time to gear up and get coins in all the end game content which has been improved drasticaly from 5 legendary quests to almost 80 total if i remember correctly.
    Enjoy! And feel free to ask for help on discord or in game ;)
  6. Bicio

    Bicio Long Swordsman

    Aug 15, 2021
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    Thank you all for the answers, you were really kind and precise :hearteyecat::grinning:

    question: this experience boost of "The Northern Hold questpack" at what level can it be obtained (I think it is a region that I have not yet unlocked since I am low level ..)? Is the boost a "one-off" consumable, or can it be obtained multiple times by doing some mission? (I hope a quick mission ..). :innocent:

    I have the problem that I am a very spot player, so my inconstancy has the problem that with these games that require a lot of farming, it leads me to unlock things very slowly ... and usually the best stuff is found once I reach the level cap .. so all the time taken before reaching the maximum level is always "wasted time" in principle .. :confused2:
  7. RekiemOne

    RekiemOne Champion

    Jan 13, 2020
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    at level 20 you can acces northern hold from marcus pollux in your capital city, then you have to do couple of quests i don't really know how many but something like 4-6 then you should have it around level 24-25, it's only obtainable once per civ but up to 7 civs so for instance you can get one then create the 3 premiums (starting at level 20) civs to get 3 more with low effort). Using 2 won't give you +100xp but will extend the duration by 24hours.

    I would advise to focus on one to level to 40 to at least see the whole content, gearing to complete any content is not hard with decent gear, adding better items if you loot or buy them slowly works just fine and once 40 you can hop on when you can there is no penalty if nobody is available then you can play other civs to level them up with the time you have available (at least that's what I would do, but it's up to you:) )
  8. Bicio

    Bicio Long Swordsman

    Aug 15, 2021
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    Thanks very kind :)
  9. Bicio

    Bicio Long Swordsman

    Aug 15, 2021
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    question: what time do daily missions reset? (or server time in general ..). Since I play from Italy, I have to adjust to my schedule :grin:
  10. Slyrevick

    Slyrevick Immortal

    May 22, 2020
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    you can redo the quest after the delay that is mentioned in its description, it's twelve hours for most.

    So if you get addicted, you can basically do your quest early in the morning and redo it late in the evening.
  11. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    The CD on missions is based on when you turned it in, with the length being the stated time (12 hours, 36 hours, 6 days, 1 week 6 days)

    So there is no "reset" time to worry about, play at your own pace.
  12. Bicio

    Bicio Long Swordsman

    Aug 15, 2021
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  13. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    On gearing, you can get gear to give 90% of max power cheaply and easily, a week of casual play roughly. 95-97% can be reached fairly easily say 2-6 weeks (to do essential-all units). Then the last 5% all depends on what units you care about most and how much you care, its really just for show with almost no impact in how you do in quests but can be long and slow, which is decent game design approach.
  14. Bicio

    Bicio Long Swordsman

    Aug 15, 2021
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    I wanted to unlock the Crete councilor who heals units for 1.2 life per second. I was looking at the mission which requires 250 different materials x3. The defense of Crete mission gives 2 materials each time. To do the math, then you have to do it again 375 times to unlock a counselor out of 3. Is it something very exaggerated or does it seem to me? :joycat: also increasing the difficulty, the materials that are always the same ..
  15. Slyrevick

    Slyrevick Immortal

    May 22, 2020
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    you'll have x10 materials by setting thirty waves,

    Not counting you can obtain crete's advisor by crete chest, by store and global market.
  16. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    At lvl 40 you get a quest called "Elite Meet in Crete", a somewhat difficult legendary quest that gives a significantly higher amount of materials. As ppl farm this quest for a few very highly valued pieces of gear, the amount of Crete materials built up, but didn't have any in-game use. The Advisors were put in as a way to dump those materials.
  17. Bicio

    Bicio Long Swordsman

    Aug 15, 2021
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    what a pity, it would have been a nice help as an advisor to level towards 40.. :(

    The recipes of the materials "blue, purple etc" where are they found? (those of the buildings that make them over time..). At the moment I only found a shop that sells the "green" ones for now..
  18. Wololoo

    Wololoo Champion

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Epic (purple) and Rare (blue) material recipes aren't available in any of the game shops. You might get lucky and get some from quest chests or alternatively you can buy them from another player using trade channel or the global market.
  19. Bicio

    Bicio Long Swordsman

    Aug 15, 2021
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    I understand..thanks, very kind :)
  20. Bicio

    Bicio Long Swordsman

    Aug 15, 2021
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    After another hundred hours of play and having brought the Romans to level 40, I still believe that we need a boost to the experience. I reached 40 using the 24h boost that gave me the final impetus and farming the daily missions of the summer event (at least the 4/5 ones I could do, the others were too difficult or took too long..).

    Raising all civilizations, even just to try and play them, requires a very considerable investment of time.

    Then personally I am one who plays very slowly, making his base calmly and almost all the missions I manage to complete by hiding behind several turrets since the AI, as I remembered, spams units to no end submerging you, which I hate since I don't like playing with haste and this constant pressure. So the only way to be able to overcome some of them is to play them at a higher level with better equipment, to try to have a minimum advantage, since I don't know how to play otherwise than in my way ... and my way it is not what is required in this game which is often too hectic and fast..

    Now, to give some advice, I saw that there are in-game boosts that are 750 empire points. Which is an absurdly high figure, considering you get an empire point or two per mission, perhaps, sometimes. Already I'm sweating to get to the first thousand to buy a shared storage expansion and it will still take me quite a while..
    I was saying, since the boosts are there, my advice is if it is possible to decrease the price to a symbolic value of some empire point, so as to allow you to level up easily, without affecting the experience of those who are already at a high level or wants to level with the times dictated by the game..

  21. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    With how AoEO is designed, if you want to just "sit in base and turret up" you are going to have a hard time with essentially all quests - quests are significantly easier the faster you do them, mainly because every AI will always start in Age 1, unlike in other AoE games in which the AI can start in higher ages.

    If you want a more traditional AoE experience, I would suggest doing Skirmish - Have 2 unstoppable allies and 4 unstoppable opponents, your allies can give you enough breathing room for you to turret up and then sorte out, and you can use Champion Mode to remove any gear disparities.

    As for Empire Points, while they are hard to come by at lower lvls, once you hit 40 and start doing elite/alliance quests, you quickly get significant amounts of empire points. Though I do agree that the XP bonus, at least, should be made significantly cheaper, especially considering it's uselessness for high-end players, unlike the coin boost.
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