Empire points: why?

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by Felippin200, Mar 13, 2019.

  1. Felippin200

    Felippin200 Villager

    Mar 13, 2019
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    Microsoft and the original dev team introduced Empire Points (EP) as a way of monetizing even more the game. An early sign of the microtransaction era that was about to come, EP were implemented in order to boost profits with the sales of cosmetic items, game features (civilizations, game modes) and even gameplay advantages in the form of gear and items you could only or more easily get through spending real money in EP. Even the cursed lootboxes were present. But that years ago when Microsoft was still ruining and killing that game, milking it until the last drops of cash before they killed it.

    Now, it is our time - players and the Project Celeste dev team - to discuss and decide how things are going to be. From the start it is obvious that no monetization is wanted or even possible from Project Celeste, since Microsoft wouldn't allow others to gain money from the carcass of a previous prey. Nobody wants content blocked behind a paywall, which is why all civilizations and booster packs are unlocked from the beggining for all players and we can expect from the Celeste dev team that other decisions and developments will follow this principle.

    So, consider Empire Points (EP) in the context of the current game and project. What role do EP play in Age of Empires Online? What role do we want it to have? PvP is easily the thing absolutely nobody wants to be affected by EP, so lets discuss PvE.

    If EP's original purpose - monetization - isn't even possible, why bother? Think about it: every function that EP currently have could easily be executed by Gold Coins. Buying gear, blueprints, advisors, consumables and vanity items are all things that could be bought with Gold Coins instead of EP (as many of them already are). Gold Coins and EP have essentially the same function, which evokes the obvious idea of replacing EP with Gold Coins.

    The best argument against replacing EP with Gold Coins would be the rebalancing and remaking of quests rewards and the many game systems that use it. I agree with this notion and I don't think that would be feasible or worth it. Nevertheless, it is still unreasonable to effectively keep game content locked behind EP: even if EP are rewarded by quests and daily login on a regular basis, it is obvious that the ammount that can be obtained is very little compared to the prices of items. Just go to Vanity Island and see what would cost to have some of your units equiped with a full set of vanity gear or to have a decently decorated capital city with those items. Therefore, these contents are effectively locked behind a door whose forbidden key is long lost and meaningless.

    I don't pretend to know the best measure to solve this and even if people do agree with me or bother at all with EP, but I will list some ideas that could be done to solve this issue:
    - Have a way to freely convert coins into EP and vice-versa. The convertion rate should obviously be well thought because of many balancing reasons, but I still think it would be worth it.
    - Heavily lower the price of vanity items (like by a factor of 10) or change their prices to Gold Coins. Before EP were introduced, vanity items costed Gold Coins and you could buy some nice decorations for your city for prices in the order of 25-200 Gold Coins. This is the most easily and necessary implementation in this list and would bring vanity items back to life.
    - Globally increase the EP rewards of quests (again by a considerable factor).
    - Considerably increase the EP reward for daily login or even add some other rewards, like a random vanity item
    - Create other ways for players to aquire EP (examples: by playing PvP, by participating in the forums, by inviting new players, by streaming or watching Age of Empires Online on Twitch or YouTube)

    Finally, I would also like to point out that I'm not the first to see the need for change in how EP works in Project Celeste. Here is a similar thread.

    I would love to know what do you guys think about Empire Points and if you have any other ideas on how to adress this issue.
    Sleyver likes this.
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  3. rtsgamer

    rtsgamer Immortal

    Jul 9, 2018
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    hi m8,

    well m8, i cant agree with increasing of ep rewards for most of the part.
    as long as we have ep rewarded for war effords,

    cuz. look:

    6x level40 civs: 2x war efford each day makes: 1080ep daily.
    and thats only war efford, i dont even talk about quests.

    that means, u have a way here to change ur coin into ep, if u want so.

    and when u have too much ep, u have also the ability to change it into coins.
    ep store weekly rotation makes it possible, by buying leg items and sell for coins.
    also dont forget about riches of the empire, available to buy @epstore, if u need more coin.

    and when i look at it, how much ep/coin possible to earn, i cant agree with decreasing vanity cost etc. for me personally 40ep for each vanity is not expensive.
    change the cost from ep into coin, is another point/discussion, might be better, idk. not my decision :)

    that was for pve. and yh looks like, that i am not a friend of increasements, nothing to do, thats my serious opinion about it.

    dont let me talk about pvp xD - here we need really any kind of motivation to be active. just yesterday with totombo we didnt found one player to start a game, let it be an example, the situation on pvp looks really not good :(

    and at least; improvements welcome; when i am wrong somewhere, teach me a better one. thx

    greetz / hf & gl m8
  4. Pipinghot

    Pipinghot Woad Raider

    Aug 1, 2019
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    I think you're really missing the spirit, and the point, of the OP initiating this discussion.

    Having 6xLvl 40 civ's should not be the baseline for the average player, that is not what the typical/casual player looks like. You're basically as hardcore as someone can get in this game, but hardcore players are not Celeste's core audience. Or, if they are today, then can't remain the core audience over the long run or donations will dry up.

    One of the main benefits of resurrecting this game is that now it can be (much) more friendly to casual players, people should not have to play every day or have multiple Lvl 40 civs in order to enjoy decorating their city. Having easier access to vanity items is just the sort of thing that (lots of) casual players enjoy, and if it's easier for them to decorate their units and cities then they're more likely to stick around.

    One of the main problems under the original game was that casual players had to pay money or they had to live with boring looking, cookie cutter, cities and that is a problem that can be fixed in this new version of the game.

    Having "too much EP" is only a "problem" for a hardcore player. I suggest as food for thought that you need to think about what the player experience is like for people who are not you, those are the people that the OP is thinking and talking about.

    But for casual players it is expensive, which was one of the big problems with the game under Microsoft. There was a large group of people who resented the way that M$ tried to suck every nickel out of their pockets with abusive and excessive micro transactions. If one of the goals of this new version is to make the game more friendly and more fun for a wider audience, not just for the hardcore players, then making it easier to get decorations and vanity items is good for the whole community.

    The only time that hardcore players can support a game by themselves is when the game is pay2win, and the hardcore whales keep spending to keep the money flowing. But in a free2play game that is not pay2win, it's important to work hard at making casual players feel welcome and give them a good experience, and that's especially true when the game lives on donations. This is not a commercial game, there is no premium content, and therefore there is no way to monetize giving players premium access, the life of the game depends on people donating because the game gives them the experience they want.
  5. rtsgamer

    rtsgamer Immortal

    Jul 9, 2018
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    Hi m8,

    You know about; Decoration blueprints from empire bazar?

    Having 6x lvl40 civs makes me hardcore player?

    I argue to not decrease in general, i dont argue for the advantage of any "hardcore players" or anything in that direction.

    If u look closer, u will see that this game is very casual player friendly, as u say too.

    And as an example when a casual player wants to play solo rather than in coop for 60ep, thats hes choice.

    At the end of day, someone who plays more, time effective will earn more, thats fact.

    Last thing, the devs doing very nice work at any direction of this game. Only advertising fail, but ok, i understand why and dont saying anything.

    My last post 20 weeks ago xD

    Ohh wait i remember where i would argue to increase ep:
    Norse line / well of urd, large map bonus; 60ep up to 100ep :)

    hf & gl / greetz.
  6. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    @Pipinghot You do raise good points, though I do think the devs have already taken some steps to alleviate the issue you mention, and there is always the problem of hyperinflating the currencies. Ideally, having a few more gold-purchaseable or either-currency-purchaseable cosmetics (the devs have already addressed this to an extent, and creating new textures is a shit-ton of work), having some more repeatable quests targetted at lower level and lower skill level players, and having a conversion system that does also take a reasonable cut-working as a currency sink for both currencies, can help the game appeal to a casual audience. The only ways to make 6civ-production not "the standard" would be to only allow it on one/two/x civ/s or make crafting that useless nobody bothers.

    Perhaps better promotion of how the end of season rewards for 1v1/2v2/Solo Crete/Co-op Crete work could help too. (And maybe looking at adding more leaderboards for certain repeatables, or new events). Every 6 weeks you can get a MINIMUM of 450EP+25000G for getting a ranking on all 4 leaderboards. (Imagine what someone like LzeuzL gets when they get multiple 1sts and other top10s. If it's an economically savvy and active player getting that much at once it can really impact the economy)
  7. Kenji03

    Kenji03 Berserker

    Jul 17, 2018
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    Empire Points are no longer acting as a premium currency, they are now acting as a "login reward" as well as a secondary currency for advanced/difficult quests.

    That is their purpose for the Project Celeste team at this point in time.
    Couldn'tCareLess and Ardeshir like this.
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