almost quitting

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by Prodigy, Oct 5, 2021.

  1. Prodigy

    Prodigy Spearman

    May 30, 2021
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    I am at a complete loss how to improve in this game? i cant find coop partners because im not skilled so most of the legendary quests are not accessible for me , i still have every leg quest in game not attainable,. i have watched countless videos but when i play i get waves of enemies relentlessly with no break in between and get crushed, i even tried the new zabol quests normal not elite not leg and it was like incursion on steroids, the persian ai i counted had almost sent 100 archers and immortal at me within 5 mins of starting ( the quest where you can send resources to friendly ai on other side of gate) i tried walls/towers, tried spamming hypas but just couldnt stem the tide lol ..please someone tell me this quest is harder than usual . i love this game and played it a long time and im so demoralized i just cant see how to enjoy this any more. all the content is aimed at high skill players , because even the normal quests in zabol are ridicilous. the enemy comes at you with huge forces so early its insane, obviously balanced around all the top players getting a full economy within 5 mins. that will never be me as im too slow and i try to get faster but i just cant click multiple things at once, i suck at that. does it get easier coop?? no idea ..all the videos i see dont seem to get the same early wave hordes like i get, no idea what i do wrong. a few people have added as fiends but never really available to coop, i even have all the lower level quests that are coop only in my q log and cant get them done, i need help.

    please dont take this as criticism at devs they have done a great job , and its great they still add content , i loved the norse quest line that was added, i just cant work out how to improve :(
    aceloki, bbgambini and MainMan B like this.
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  3. purpleganja

    purpleganja Berserker

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Don't worry, i think it's normal to have trouble getting into legs.
    It took me months after leveling 6 civs to 40 to start to be at ease doing my small selection of well known leg quests.
    To improve, you have to play more games, more games and more games and add some more games to that. l hope you like to play games, because it is the mean and the end of this game.
    After years of playing I still see many mistakes and bad habits into my plays each games and I still learn new things.
    Don't give up. Don't be afraid to lose games. Just start over and learn something to add to your arsenal of strategies each times.
    Drag0nstarz and Slyrevick like this.
  4. Slyrevick

    Slyrevick Immortal

    May 22, 2020
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    have you seen the tutorial of sais ? this one is really doable

    also, my little advices :

    - do massive use of hotkeys

    - pay attention to the configuration of milestones as it gives a big boost.

    since the game is repeatable
    you just have to remember your mistakes and correct them. you certainly capable of that :)
  5. RekiemOne

    RekiemOne Champion

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Learning how to be faster and efficient as nothing to do with the quests in the og game. Most of us played a bunch to improve mecanicaly and strategicaly It's hard to improve with old content even if campains help a bit. Best way is coop to have a security bag skirmish and pvp i guess + sparta training quests.

    As far as your issue to find coop you can ask in the game chat for help or join someone looking for some, also ask for help or coop on discord in talk pve but also in your language channel if you are not english.
    Kire likes this.
  6. bbgambini

    bbgambini Hippikon

    Nov 25, 2017
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    There are plenty of "skilled" players who are constantly looking for coop partners for legendary quests. Some of them just need a player to hold their own while they pretty much solo the quest. Try messaging players who are looking for partners in the LFG tab, simply tell them if they dont mind you joining in. Most players are ok with "carrying" others =)

  7. Bicio

    Bicio Long Swordsman

    Aug 15, 2021
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    I know how you feel, I'm feeling the same things too. After maxing out each civilization, I started doing the new missions in Zabol. The legendaries I don't even try remotely, so I thought I'd do the ones in the "Champion Mode" version, thinking that I wouldn't be at a disadvantage compared to the AI ... Obviously I thought badly, a lot ... I took down all the saints in heaven, but they managed to complete them, except the one "My Brother's Keeper" that I have been trying for days but nothing, even if I manage to take out an opponent the first few minutes of the game, I am completely submerged in the last 10 minutes of the game by the other 3 opponents .. The level of frustration reached is quite high and in fact I have started to play less and less, I would like to get this mission out of the way so as to complete the global mission and give it a break with this mode.

    Watching the videos online, there are some really good people capable of doing multiple actions at once, or for the legendary level they are equipped so well that the enemies are not even a problem. I will never reach those levels, also because I do not like this way of playing, I am someone who wants to do things calmly and deeply hates the fact that "high difficulty level = AI that spills endless units on you". It feels like playing Total Annihilation, where it all comes down to who makes the most mass of units on the other. I don't find it funny, I don't even find it challenging as gameplay the fact that it all boils down to who can field more troops than the opponent. Even less amusing I find the fact that the AI doesn't let you breathe and attacks you en masse after the first few minutes of play.

    The example I had with the mission "Turanian Trouble", where after an hour of play I was completely stalled on the defensive and I could not move, with the opponents that gave me no respite. Then I remembered the videos I had seen, where players only trained the first basic warrior, en masse. I am someone who likes to make a mixed army, then go on the attack .. Instead the only strategy in these missions is just this. So I also started making barracks to produce the first base soldier and in the end I managed to finish it, where everything was reduced to one simple thing: making more units per minute than the opponent. POINT. It was neither fun nor satisfying. But if that's what it's like to play at a high level, then thank you but no thank you. I liked the experience on this game so far, but it will end here I'm afraid ..
    Hothn, Comecudemod and aceloki like this.
  8. Slyrevick

    Slyrevick Immortal

    May 22, 2020
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    On some quests, i build 20 military buildings, assign them to a group key and produce the units in continue.

    I'm afraid this is the mechanic of the game.

    i don't have problem with that . but that certainly can be unentertaining for some.

    Again, using the hotkeys make the game easier as it spares a LOT of time
  9. goorz

    goorz Long Swordsman

    Aug 10, 2020
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    I send you a friend request :)
    RekiemOne likes this.
  10. Prodigy

    Prodigy Spearman

    May 30, 2021
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    my username is Mindsmog btw not Prodigy , friends are good ;) would love to play some coop tbh if people can bear in mind im not a pro
  11. goorz

    goorz Long Swordsman

    Aug 10, 2020
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    Oki I send you a friend request,I'm not a pro either.I can solo some of the legendary quest,some of them are not so hard if you concentrate on the main quest and forget the side quest. see ja in game later :)
  12. Geekette

    Geekette Spearman

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I know this is a old thread, but I feel like I just wasted my day trying to play leg quests during the summer event. How am I suppose to win if ally ai is not moving/growing, or when they keep sending group of 6-8 elite elephants (they just annihilated my greeks)?

    Also, I get that I need leg gear to do leg quest, but where can I find leg gears without doing leg quests and without spending 300k for one item?

    Yes, I'm using hotkeys, my economy is hot enough I never run out of ressources.

    Can I play casual and solo leg quests? Or do I have to spend my entire life on this game to grind gears I might be able to use?
    bbgambini likes this.
  13. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    Ok, soo...

    1: Most Legendary gear pieces have an equivalent Epic item, of which their stats are generally within 5% of. Thus, a full set of these epic pieces means that your units are only 5% weaker then a unit with a full set of equivalent legendaries. Epic Items generally cost anywhere from <1k to 5k

    Timing - The only Summer quests with War Elephants is General Setredet's Demise and Egyptian Eviction. If you get hit with War Elephants on General Setredet's Demise, this means you were incredibly, amazing, terrifyingly slow - Only the 2nd AI makes War Elephants, they only make it A3, and they are inactive until you destroy either of the walls leading to 1st AI's base.

    As for Egyptian Eviction, which you seem to have trouble with - If you want the friendly AI to do something, you'll need to tribute them resources. These resources are far, far better spent on your own army. Also, 6-8 War Elephants means, again, you spent far too long "building up".

    Overall, here are some timestamps for you to aim for in Egyptian Eviction.

    Fully A4 - 10-11 minutes. I'm hitting A4 on this map at roughly 8-9 minutes.
    Have all Armory Upgrades - 12-13 minutes. Armory Upgrades are essential.
    Pushing into Green AI's base - Shortly before all Armory upgrades are complete.

    Full 200/200 population - 15 minutes.

    Again, for myself, these are all 2-3 minutes behind what I'm normally at. In Age of Empires online, the longer you take on a quest, the harder the quest becomes. If your normal style in other Age of Empires gameplay is to turret up, makes lots o walls, sit in the base, and only start attacking around 30 minutes, you are going to struggle no matter how good you are. Get used to getting out early and aggressively, as that's when the AI is at it's weakest.
    Comecudemod and bbgambini like this.
  14. Geekette

    Geekette Spearman

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Thanks for your reply.

    I was able to complete Egyptian Eviction after multiple tries, but Liberating the lower Nile gave me trouble. I was able to move forward a bit, but at some point, they kept sending elephants and eventually I was unable to clear them.

    Technically, I was also able to complete Lair of the Crocodile King, but way after the time was up.

    As for Egyptian Eviction, even when granted ressources, the ally was not sending more villagers/units. Same with the ally in the Lair of the Crocodile King.

    I guess, I'm just overall too slow, I admit that I prefer having all armory upgrades possible before trying to attack. Don't they just lack ressources at some point? lol

    And you are right, at AOE3, I used to play 40 minutes treaty games. I'm not used to rush.
    ConradIII likes this.
  15. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    In Lair of the Crocodile King, the AI is completely inactive.

    In terms of resources...
    Stone: The AI runs out of stone first. However, the AI barely uses any of it's stone, so that doesn't matter.
    Gold: The AI runs out of gold after 1-2 hours. However, the AI almost always has Markets and Caravans, so they'll always have a trickle of gold to maintain some amount of army.
    Wood: You will run out of wood before the AI does.
    Food: The AI will never, ever run out of food.

    Armory Upgrades: Again, you should be fully upgraded by 12-13 minutes. Make multiple Armory to research multiple techs at the same time.

    Additionally - For Eco, you should aim to have at least 80-100 Economic units during the "Early Eco" phase. For a quick, good balance, aim for ~30 villagers on wood, ~30 villagers on food, and ~30 caravans by the 8 minute mark, with 10 villagers on stone. Advanced players tend to use various advisors to get out 100 caravans within the first 5 minutes of the game in addition to plenty of villagers, which greatly boosts their eco power.
  16. Geekette

    Geekette Spearman

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Thanks a lot for your tips, I will try again tonight.
  17. ConradIII

    ConradIII Champion

    May 8, 2022
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    That is how I play ... ;););) A habit difficult to break .........
    #16 ConradIII, Aug 2, 2022 at 11:07 PM
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2022
  18. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    I'd add to advice given:
    • Pause (In the Hotkeys Menu, under General Game Hotkeys there is a Pause option, rebind it to spacebar or something simple for you to hit, it really great to catch your breath and get more things done in key moments of game)
    • Market cost estimate (In the hotkeys menu, under Building Construction Hotkeys, last option is Display Market Preview, I've change the binding for that to M, so when you are placing your market you can see roughly how much gold it will get.)
    • Optionals - Don't try to do optional goals and actually use them for ideas of how to make quest easier.
    • Earn EP to afford consumables, do Defense of Crete, pick last map but do on easiest difficulty. Have look at to how maps and difficulty give different points. All you really need to do is get in the top 33% of scores, usually 600k points roughly, to get 500 EP. Doing same in coop will get you another 500 EP.
    • Consumables for quests you have trouble with: (note look at the 'Class' of consumable to see what shares cooldowns
      • Summon Units: Berserker Wolves if you need units to defend early attacks, then wolves are pretty much best option, to get most health and dmg onto the field. It won't turn a big fight, but can help you cope with a few enemy units if you just need a little help. Can be used in Age 2, cooldown is only 2min and costs 100 EP for 3, so 33 EP for each use.
      • Summon Units: Priest of the Empire - 66 EP per use, but you get 7 converting priests that have very fast conversion rate.
      • Summon Units: Pirate Fire Ships - crafted for 150coin each, aren't crazy strong but if you need to take down a small number of enemy ships then can help.
      • Summon Units: Armada of the Empire - 58 EP per use, aren't super powerful, think of them as 10 mobile guard towers, just need water to drop them on, best use is taking out enemy army units or towns, don't have bonus vs ships so won't be great in naval fight.
      • Bosses: If you find a boss npc in a quest is causing problems then look at Subdual of the Empire which reduces health by 75% for 90sec. Costs 50 EP per use, so its expensive but having a few in your bags for the odd time you need it can be good.
      • Dmg Buildings: Really nice is Pillage, bring your army up a wall, cast Pillage on them and they gain 60% bonus building dmg for 30s, its crafted so costs around 150coin per use, so very affordable.
      • Dmg Boost: If you need a general dmg boost for your army on defense or against a large enemy army then look at Elixir of Power for 35% dmg increase for 30sec, its crafted so around 150coin per use, its not crazy powerful but it help.
      • Eco - Quick Storehouse - crafted for 150coin, has 10sec cooldown (but use them before other consumables or the other consumable will apply the longer cooldown first), is quick way to save 50wood a use, can be very helpful if you just want a little help.
      • Eco - Wood Gathering Elephants - can be used in age 2, cost 25 EP per use, the 3 elephants can only gather wood, but get all the upgrades you villagers get during game, they are basically equivalent to 6 villagers, but can only gather wood. Very helpful in quests where you need some help but not toon of help.
      • Eco - Labor of the Empire - can be used age 1, summons 12 villagers, they are just like your villagers, same gear and everything. If you are doing a serious attempt at a quest you have a lot trouble with then use these.
      • Eco - Resources of the Empire - can be used in age 3, gives you 5000 of each resource, really powerful if you need large boost on difficult quest, drop this the moment you reach age 3, start aging to age 4, learn all your tech upgrades or build pile of unit buildings and get a quick army. Costs 83 EP per use, so its not cheap, but don't be afraid to use it if you are trying to overcome a quest. Note: while its possible this can help you forward on a quest that is going bad, its best use is for quests where you intend to use it before you start, giving you ability to get stronger faster and attack earlier.
    Slyrevick and ConradIII like this.
  19. ConradIII

    ConradIII Champion

    May 8, 2022
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    What a great list and links
    I have tried some of those ideas , I changed the colours , Labor of the Empire is great , gives slow plays just that little boost to get the econ going. (wood think wood :)) markets ....
    Qwik Storehouse - I make in celts always have 20 or so in every Civ , Wolves and Priest are just fun - the Priests are so good so much fun especially when you convert leg balista LoL

    The consumables are basically the only use for EP for me oh and storage inventory - the other stuff I let drop, also you craft many useful consumables I tend for epic as the other stuff is eith too long wait time or useless

    1 thing I would add is the Alliance quests, some are so easy and quick you can farm all 3 in Celeste , kind of my warm up is an allaince quest just to get into it.

    Many thanks Aryzel
  20. Geekette

    Geekette Spearman

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Thanks a lot! I actually used your guide to gear my units. I was finally able to win Lair the of Crocodile King with wood raiders. Sometimes, everything seems to go so fast, I don't even think about consumables. Also, I wasn't aware of the market cost estimate, will definitely try it out!

    I think I have about 5k EP points right now, should be able to get some consumables lol
  21. tooponn

    tooponn Villager

    Dec 16, 2022
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    i don't have problem with that . but that certainly can be unentertaining for some.
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