A dense forest map with an ai teammate vs 2 ai opponents. Created using an edited seed of 2v2 Equal Footing. I whipped this up because I was inspired by the bug that turned black forest and wildwoods into Forest Nothing of AoE2 fame. Can make 1v1 editions or alter civs if requested. Might look at making more maps like these.
- Creator(s):
- Ardeshir
- Level:
- 1
- Civilization:
- Norse
- Difficulty:
- Medium
- Expected Playtime:
- 20-35 minutes
- Objective(s):
- Destroy enemy town centres
Don't lose your and your ally's town centre
Put it in your scenario folder and use the custom scenario option in offline mode to launch the game![]()

Forest Something 2v2 - Norse 1.3
A dense forest map with an ai teammate vs 2 ai opponents
Recent Updates
- Victory Trigger Fix Jun 2, 2020
- Loss Trigger Fix May 26, 2020
- Version 1.1 May 20, 2020