By PF2K on Oct 5, 2019 at 6:23 PM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hello there everyone! We are really excited to tell you that the Treasures of the Nile Quest Pack is finally upon us, available for everyone at Level 40!


    Aimed at Level 40 players who are looking for a challenge, this Pack brings 8 all-new Quests. Available for solo and co-op play, these Quests offer brand new maps with an all new and refreshing look!

    Help drive away the Valley Kings from the lands of Egypt. But who are these Valley Kings, you say?


    • Nebkanra, the Legendary Camel Rider: Remember General Setredet from the Summer Event? This is his cousin. Young and ambitious, he has recently joined the Valley Kings and is desperately looking for a chance to prove himself worthy of his colleagues.
    • Hamut, the Elephant Archer: Hiding in a golden-plated cabin atop his elephant, he lays waste to his opponent from far range. He sees himself as the smartest child in the family and believes conserving his well-being is more important than what others might call "courage".
    • Ahmose, the Priest of Ptah: A distant relative of the High Priest of Loder, all he wants is to convert anyone and everything to his cause. Take great care when facing this guy. Before you know it, he will have all your troops fighting against you!
    • Henku, the Legendary Elephant Rider: Hamut's younger brother. He always makes fun of Hamut for hiding in that armored cabin and believes fighting is only appropriate when done in point blank range and prefers facing his opponents head on. He is much stronger than his brother but cannot defend himself against ranged units as effectively as his brother, so keep that in mind when facing him.
    Along this quest pack comes a set of new Legendary gear! Some of them will be added to the regular legendary loot table and you can find them wherever you find other Celeste Legendary gear. Some will be available exclusively in the City of Rhakotis' General Store for large amounts of coin. These are meant to be end-game items reserved only for the players who have already reached level 40 and look for ways to spend their Coin. And last but not least, there is one other piece of gear that will be awarded to players who manage to beat every quest in this pack at least once. Take a look at them below!


    How to access the new Quests:

    Reminder that these quests are available for level 40 players ONLY
    We are very excited to be able to bring this new content to you guys. This pack has been through multiple tests by our team, but obviously there will be minor errors still left unfixed. If you find any of them, we would like you to kindly post about them in our Bug Reports section! We also want to hear your feedback on the general difficulty level of the Quests. You can give us your feedback either via our Discord Server or in the PvE General Discussion forums here.

    As is tradition with every new Quest Pack, here is a list of Credits of all the people who worked on the new content:

    What do you think about the Treasures of the Nile Quest Pack? Let us know in the comments below!

    Thanks, and see you in the game!

    Project Celeste Development Team

    Project Celeste is completely free and always will be. However, we gladly accept donations for our overhead costs, which are larger than we have budgeted. If you want to support us, you can do so HERE.

    Tell your friends! Join our Discord HERE.
    #1 PF2K, Oct 5, 2019 at 6:23 PM
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2019
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What type of content would you like to see next?

  1. More Legendary Quests

    8 vote(s)
  2. Rework on some of the current Advisors to make the less used ones more useful

    30 vote(s)
  3. More Minigame-type Quests

    12 vote(s)
  4. More PvP/Skirmish Maps

    3 vote(s)


Discussion in 'News' started by PF2K, Oct 5, 2019.

    1. Jeinx

      Jeinx Moderator
      Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 21, 2017
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      The other legs in shops may or may not be game leading stat holders. Rhakotis legs most certainly are. Delian Archon Hammer is, and so is The Delos hood :(
    2. Jeinx

      Jeinx Moderator
      Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 21, 2017
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      Again, these pieces are end game pieces for end game players looking to max out gear. Those that do not have enough coin on hand simply may not be there yet.
    3. rtsgamer

      rtsgamer Immortal

      Jul 9, 2018
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      @Jeinx hey m8,
      86.7 delian cuirass not end game leg?
      Or cyprus legs? Acteon arrow as an example with 13range / 9.8dmg

      I am speaking about to balancing the prices.

      if these endgame items cost 350k or more, that's fine by me, but then the prices for other leg items need to go up, acteon arrow, delian cuirass etc. for me are some items from the shops endgame items and what do they cost? 20-30k:confused:

      I'm sorry but no one can tell me that the prices are balanced.:eek:

      so now who has understood my request; :mad:hands up xD:D

      Btw. how's going, all right?:cool:

      Thanks for the effort, I really like the quest pack, cuz you have done a very good job again, as we are used to, ;) greetz.
    4. Jeinx

      Jeinx Moderator
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      Nov 21, 2017
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      Cyprus legendary store items were among the first legendary pieces introduced in the game. The arrows are a nice starting legendary arrow and considering so many are purchased by fresh 40 players I would not put them in the same category. As far as The Delian Cuirass, part of the cost of that item is technically being a part of the Delos Alliance. Items that are useable by all players regardless of alliance affiliation do not have this "additional cost" associated with them.
      If you have spent "millions" on level 40 epic Maxed Athena Robes as you say, your pockets should be able to handle a mere 300k.
      If raising prices of old legendaries is what you are suggesting, I'm not saying that can't be looked at. But right as new items are released may not be a proper time?
      rtsgamer and Pharos like this.
    5. Pharos

      Pharos Champion

      Sep 21, 2019
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      Old items being "cheap" is a status quo, which devs are not willing to change.
      I agree cuirass and robes are comparable and logically prices should be analogous, however we (old players) already have an advatige, so making leg items which we bought cheaper, more expansive for the new 40s would be unfair imo.
      all i'm saying is: if paying about 350k for max stat athenas tunic is ok then its ok for new leg robes.
    6. rtsgamer

      rtsgamer Immortal

      Jul 9, 2018
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      Okay, now I can at least understand why, I do not know the times of ms or aliances, so I may have a different perspective.

      but still I am behind my suggestion :p:D:oops:

      I just wanted to point out something, after all, I'm not a decision-maker, when, where and what needs to be changed, that's what you do, there is no doubt.

      ps: I've never used or bought Athena Robes, you're thinking of someone else :confused::rolleyes: greetz
    7. Pharos

      Pharos Champion

      Sep 21, 2019
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      Well, think suggestions is always welcomed here... and decision-makers need some info from the players like us
      rtsgamer likes this.
    8. Jeinx

      Jeinx Moderator
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      Nov 21, 2017
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      Talking about these things does not hurt. It helps bring perspective to the team (sometimes) and helps players better understand why some decisions are made. Much thought has to go in to anything new that we add, sometimes things we wouldn't normally really even think about. The 4 pieces of gear that are in the Rhakotis leg for a straight purchase price are 4 items that I have really wanted to see in game, but because of the already best in slot game leading stats of their epic counterparts was a hard thing to make happen because new versions would be a power creep :(. But this way, we were able to get them in without causing much issue. The 4 pieces epic counterparts were all level 40 (easy grind pieces) and got vendored in droves, unless they were max or near, and even then, still got vendored.
      So much to keep in mind, how new gear will effect current gear, coin sinks, alliance leads, crafting, ect. Good news is the team is very knowledgeable about this and working hard to make sure we keep/restore balance as much as possible to ensure we all have a solid, fun, working version of our beloved AOEO. :)
      MatrixSoft, rtsgamer and Pharos like this.
    9. indianempire

      indianempire Woad Raider

      Apr 20, 2018
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      I was looking around the advisors and all I was wondering if we would get any missions from Alexander the Great. Like attack on Persia and moving in to conquest the country’s Alexander did. Then they turn into legendary after finishing the missions or start as legendary. Would be really cool but loving the work guys !! Can’t wait for the ROMANS !!!!
      Exclusive0r likes this.
    10. rtsgamer

      rtsgamer Immortal

      Jul 9, 2018
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      I have played valley of the kings several times now and I have to mention the following: I'm afraid that after most players get the arrow (Setredet's Sacrificial Arrows) they will not play this quest any more.
      Reason for this is the difficulty, rewards are, well almost comparable to other weeklies but to complete the quest you need at least for the moment much longer. I would suggest raising the start resources to balance the quest. unless there is a trick that I have not figured out yet, who knows more than me, get out of it :) hf & gl all /greetz.
    11. Exclusive0r

      Exclusive0r Immortal

      Nov 5, 2018
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      Wow absolutely stunning .... big thumbs up:):)
      But unfortunately I am back in Hospital , so I will have to wait until Nov....
      All the same fantastic
      Anyone made vids on Youtube or anywhere?? at least I could look at a few strats :p:p
      Pharos likes this.
    12. mandakafa

      mandakafa Long Swordsman

      Jan 20, 2018
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      anybody can give me some clue for defeat the valley kings.. all enemy unites are elites and they all defeat me in few seconds..
      ...ReignOfRagnarok likes this.
    13. FinishedBlock21

      FinishedBlock21 Hippikon

      Aug 16, 2018
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      Valley is meant to be a coop quest. Not sure if you've been trying to solo it. Enemies are elite in all legendary quests, so that's not an issue. The challenge is defending versus an early and strong rush while taking a hit to your eco by having to get fast spearmen for the wonder. So basically, you need to manage your resources very well in the first minutes of the quest and communicate with your partner. Get fast spearmen, wall left side completely. Right side stays open with half wall, so build the majority of your towers there as it will get attacked more. Get units in place and be ready for catapults at min 9. Some spearmen will do but can get cav too depending on civ. After managing to defend in the first 10 mins, it's just the usual booming and attacking
      ...ReignOfRagnarok and mandakafa like this.
    14. mandakafa

      mandakafa Long Swordsman

      Jan 20, 2018
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      i will try
    15. Pharos

      Pharos Champion

      Sep 21, 2019
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    16. mandakafa

      mandakafa Long Swordsman

      Jan 20, 2018
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