Wholesomely Best Age 1 Advisor Guide!

Discussion in 'PvE Tips & Tutorials' started by Tim619, Oct 26, 2023.

  1. Tim619

    Tim619 Woad Raider

    Aug 1, 2020
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    Min-Max Your Age 1 Advisor Usage with this subjective table!
    Advisors Effect Thoughts Civilization Interaction
    [​IMG] Buildings build 8%/12%/16%/20% faster. Generalist use. I want my villagers to build faster! Equivalent to a work tool giving you +8.6/13.6%/19.0%/25.0% Construction Speed.
    • Egyptian can age up faster.
    • Celtic Houses can be built somewhat faster to reach the age requirements. See Woodsman Weylin though.
    • Babylonian can age up faster to the Bronze Age and build Gardens faster (their important economic building).
    • Roman Engineers build buildings 35% faster that is better than Villagers on Philon already!
    [​IMG] Storehouse upgrades cost 45%/55%/65%/75% less. Generalist use. I want my villagers to have economic buffs everywhere! This is the advisor for you.
    • Egyptians get the most mileage given they have the most storehouse upgrades (11) out of every Civilization!
    • Persians and Norse are 2nd place with 10 storehouse upgrades for Irene to deduct.
    • The Greeks, Celts, and Romans can still use this however because they still have 9 storehouse upgrades for Irene to deduct.
    • Babylonian only have a shockingly 7 storehouse upgrade and gets the least mileage out of this advisor.
    [​IMG] Fishing Boats cost 20%/30%/40%/50% less, gather 8%/12%/16%/20% faster, and have 10%/15%/20%/25% conservation. Hello, does this quest have 5/5/4/4+ fishing spots? Yes, please. I'd like this advisor, that's all you need for Fisherman Finnbar to carry you through the rest of the game. Keep in mind gearless Fishing Boats have the highest food-gathering rate compared to the best-geared and fully upgraded farmer/hunter. Do not be concerned with the limited fish, Finnbar will ensure you will swim in so much food you won't need a Villager to hunt or gather berries before you need to worry about that! His uncommon rarity can be picked up in the City of Rome or Lodi for cheap prices! He is just that good by his uncommon self.
    • Egyptian have one of the strongest fishing boats synergies given their Priestess can reduce their training time and empower their food drop-off immensely.
    • Greeks and Norse have access to 3 Fishing Boat upgrades which can make the 2nd best use of this advisor as well.
    • Celtic and Babylonian have access to 2 Fishing Boat upgrades, however, do keep in mind Babylonian Dock costs 50 more Wood!
    • Roman and Persian have access to 1 Fishing Boat upgrade, but keep in mind that Fisherman Finnbar is still good on these 2 Civilization regardless especially to help their weaker water economy!
    [​IMG] Spearmen deal 6%/9%/12%/15% more damage. That extra squeeze to make your spearmen perform more in damage. Whereas Age 1 slots are usually reserved to provide an economic benefits, in quests where you don't need one or it isn't desired due to a spearman-only optional,use this!
    • If you're feeling bored, Greeks and Babylonian Spearmen work very well with this advisor due to their well-rounded base stats as well as having the most base damage with their champion upgrade.
    • Celtic Spearmen have a very high damage modifier to buildings and cavalry, so this advisor can amplify their effectiveness immensely
    • Persians will find their spearmen are in Age 2, preventing them from using this guy early at Age 1!
    [​IMG] Town Centers spawn a free sheep once every 30/25/20/15 seconds, up to 12, Villagers gather Food 10%/15%/20%/25% faster from herdable animals. Not interested in knowing where your next food will come from? This advisor does it great. Lets you survive off permanent infinite food. Sheep have 100 Food, so EACH Town Center will give you approximately 3.3/4/5/6.7 food per second to be gathered (meaning you'll need roughly 3/3/4/4 Villagers keeping a lookout which is enough of what you start with in almost every quest!) Keep in mind if a map has a lot of herdables this advisor helps with gathering as he buffs herdable gathering! The increased herding gathering allows shepherds to compete well with berry gathers and farmers but will lose to hunters. Disclaimer: The main reason he is not used a lot is because of the annoyance with sheep following the rally point, this is not a fixable issue but it's why the advisor is so strong as-is.
    • If you've been keeping track with India, you will know Indian Villagers are unable to gather food from herdables, so what do they do with the free Sheep? They can garrison inside Sacred Shrine for free wood/second! They don't need to train Sacred Cows at that point!
    [​IMG] Scouts move 20%/27%/34%/40% faster, are 110%/140%/170%/200% more resistant to pierce damage and have 20%/30%/40%/50% more health, Watch Posts and Outposts cost 45%/50%/65%/75% less. Use this advisor to scout out a quest, then head back to your Capital City and switch for another advisor. Cheaper Watch Posts and a tankier scout to enemy base defenses can help tell you a lot about what is going on. He can be used in a certain Tarsos quest where you have to lead a Scout... oh and Northern Hold (City Defense/City Conquest) Quests? Chief Vemundr and Chief Beorix are technically scouts. It'll make those types of quests easier.
    [​IMG] Villagers gather Wood 6%/8%/10%/12% faster from Trees, carry 6%/8%/10%/12% more and have 10%/15%/20%/25% conservation Basically a free Hand Saw upgrade that is available at Age 1. You're also given some conservation so your villagers spend less time delivering wood as they can stay on the same tree more often. Great value when your army needs more wood.
    • Babylonian Villagers get access to Resourcefulness upgrade, letting them conserve more wood and this advisor can definitely let them conserve more wood to help with less ox cart moving around.
    [​IMG] Villagers gather Gold 8%/12%/16%/20% faster from Gold Deposits, carry 6%/12%/16%/20% more and have 20%/27%/34%/40% conservation Useful when the map has no-caravan optional. Need to squeeze as much as gold possible from those gold deposits.
    • Does stack greatly with Celtic's Gold Mine building to conserve more and mine more
    [​IMG] Villagers gather Food 6%/9%/12%/15% faster from fish, berry bushes, and huntable animals and have 20%/27%/34%/40% conservation This pretty much translates to your villagers will be better food-gatherers than the maxed-upgraded farmers. If you can keep actively look for the map's natural food source, you will never have to rely on farms.
    • Babylonian Villagers have Resourcefulness to let them conserve more berries to gather from while the Ox Cart pretty much gives a lot of leeway to allow your Babylonian Villagers to go across the map for food sources without putting much thoughts into it.
    [​IMG] Barracks, Castellums, and their units cost 10% less Often not seen as a good advisor used by some, this can be useful as a mid/late-game economy buff as some of the more expensive units can take a toll on your caravan economy especially if your desire is to train the least amount of villagers/caravans to maximize total population into army.
    • Celts, Norse, and Romans have very expensive units especially when the Eques is there to be cost-reduced on as well.
    • Egyptians have very cheap units and doesn't have much use for this advisor.
    [​IMG] Storehouses and Ox Carts cost 45%/55%/65%/75% less, build/train in 20%/30%/40%/50% less time and research upgrades 45%/55%/65%/75% faster. It's an interesting advisor, you get cheaper storehouse so you can make more efficient use of your villagers to move less. It's more effective than the "generalist" advisors but you need to increase your action input to make it work. Of course, the faster storehouse upgrade research makes it useful to jumpstart your resource generation buffs as soon as possible.
    • Persians do love their healing tent upgrade, making a cheaper storehouse can allow 4 storehouses for the price of 1 effectively giving you 40 HP Regen effectively to your early defenders.
    • Babylonian Ox-Cart are designed to reduce the need to spam Storehouses... while Niall encourages you to spam storehouses. Just an interesting thought. They also have the least upgrades for you to effectively research as soon as possible.
    [​IMG] Villagers gather Stone 10%/15%/20%/25% faster from Stone Mines, carry 20%/30%/40%/50% more, and have 55%/70%/85%/100% Conservation. You have access to basically two stone-gathering upgrades with this advisor. Effective when you need to mine stone early and turtle with Guard Towers.
    [​IMG] Villagers move 10%/15%/20%/25% faster, and carry 10%/15%/20%/25% more resources. Generalist advisor that buffs everything in terms of resource-gathering and construction by reducing the time to travel a distance as well as survival by outrunning their attackers!
    • With Egyptian Villagers unable to distinguish an empowered drop-point and an unempowered one, one might use this advisor to whip those Egyptian villagers to travel the extra miles to make the extra resource drop-point more effective.
    • Babylonian Villagers lack the Wheelbarrow and Hand Cart upgrade preventing you from stacking effectively to make those Villagers carry much more and move fast.
    [​IMG] Villagers cost 10%/15%/20%/25% less Food and have 20%/30%/40%/50% more health. Let you queue up Villagers more to lessen your early mental burden while reducing food cost to let you train early defenders much earlier. Also, give your Villagers extra HP to let them take aggressive resources or forward build before needing to retreat.
    [​IMG] Houses cost 45%/55%/65%/75% less wood and build in 20%/30%/40%/50% less time. Surely why would there be an early need to build houses early...? it is nice on the wood economy to build a bunch of houses earlier b-

    Seems something I missed? Feel free to post me or contact me on Discord to update it!
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  3. Donar

    Donar Berserker

    Dec 5, 2021
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    Very nice written and structured! I didn't knew, how the Philion bonus translates into building construction speed. I was wonderin why he is so good. That usually the advisor i use in most situations but may have a look into the others aswell.
    Ardeshir and Tim619 like this.
  4. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    Tim, you missed Shepherds synergy with Babylon - Gardens makes sheep produce faster, and Babylon has the weakest farm economy. So Shepherd is very strong for Babylon
    Ardeshir likes this.
  5. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Also not bad for celts as any herdable, not just sacred deer, can be used for rite sacrifices... Can prevent situations where you need to pop a rite but have to wait on a deer to train

    Thanks for this writeup though Tim. Especially helpful with the civ synergies. I feel vindicated for using Irene on Norse and not bothering with Philon on Romans now :D
  6. Donar

    Donar Berserker

    Dec 5, 2021
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    Great guide, maybe add the name of the advisors and Leonorris is good in Skirmish rush, for dedicated people who wants to get the 1000 opponents statue xD or maybe Skirmish gets a rework in the future. Skirmish = basically Spearrush

    Maybe like this, there is space in the 2. split:

    Slave Driver Zephyros' Effect:
    Villagers move 10%/15%/20%/25% faster, and carry 10%/15%/20%/25% more resources.
  7. Tim619

    Tim619 Woad Raider

    Aug 1, 2020
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    Not desirable but will add synergy to note in case you can't hunt

    because Babylonians have an ox cart to hunt for faster food generation much faster than waiting for sheep.
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