Learning a good quest beginning

Discussion in 'PvE Tips & Tutorials' started by bluesome, Oct 6, 2021.

  1. bluesome

    bluesome Champion

    Dec 16, 2020
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    I'm not noob but for me leg quests are too hard...i prefer to do elite or miniganes as Pharaons or Persian Coercion to have the chance to drop any good item.
    I realized that my problem is the beginning of the match, i play confused without a succession of moves, I would learn how to devolpe my eco with vills and caravans without make mistakes that leave me wirhout resources needed in the beginning. Is there a guide that illustrates at age 1 how to start in a few minutes production of caravans and make 100-120 villagers at rhe right resources? I usually do BEFORE this and THEN begin trading and military production, all together every time I do in a different wrong way and enemies attack me earlier than I was ready.
    I"m slow and so my best matches are those I can barricate with towers and forts and not so quick arrange to build a constant strong resources's production and military force to attack.
    I geared very well my armies, legs or best epic items and best advisors/milestone, and play with Romans or sometines Celts.
    it's frusrating to spend all the time to play and not be able to play well or try a decent coop.
    I don't know if I did explain well my difficulties. Looking for your suggestions.
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  3. rtsgamer

    rtsgamer Immortal

    Jul 9, 2018
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    try coop legendaries with experianced players to learn build order for a specific quest. greetz.
  4. Slyrevick

    Slyrevick Immortal

    May 22, 2020
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    Defense of Crete may be a good training to try to optimize your actions.
  5. bluesome

    bluesome Champion

    Dec 16, 2020
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    Thanks for suggestion, but my idea would be to have any tutorial for tipical quest beginning...is there any written or video guide?
  6. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    I don't think there is a guide that exactly matches your description, though it would be a cool thing to create, if i get time I'll see if I can pull it together. The closest I can think of is one for pvp here https://forums.projectceleste.com/t...-games-and-cheese-your-first-few-greats.4530/ which can kinda fit for quests you start in age 1.

    I'll try to give a super brief and somewhat vague overview of how i roughly start quests, but when applying to a particular quest I expect to maybe fail and tweak it a bit to fit that particular quest. You know you're getting good when you manage to get through the quest anyways on the first go.

    General Quest approaches
    - Figure out your local map space, ie what is the area you can build in, have a caravan line and what points will the enemy come in from. If the quest allows you to build walls, then build walls to keep them out, if its an elite or legendary quest then consider making double walls (ie two walls right behind each other, and a gate in the first one, so that you can repair the front wall if you get a chance)
    - If quest and optional saying 'No walls' then at first I'd ignore it, build the walls anyways, then on future runs try building a couple of towers and some counter units (ie if only cav will come through that point, make spearmen) to defend that space.

    Quests where you are not attacked too much:

    Start age 1 and low resources
    - kinda follow this guide, keep balanced amount of villagers on food, wood, build pop, get vil pop up asap, 2nd towncenter etc, defending or walling off attack point is likely to be very important to give you time to hit age 3-4 https://forums.projectceleste.com/t...-games-and-cheese-your-first-few-greats.4530/

    Start age 2 and ok amount of resources
    - generally better to immediately build 2nd TC and build villagers up, likely some defenses too, before building market and caravan route. Danger is spending on caravans early which is efficient and gives you nice gold amount, but you are under resourced in other areas and end up with a dangerous 5-7 min where you are vulnerable.

    Start Age 2 and lots of resources
    - some chance of overextending age, can be better to not age up, just build 2nd TC and market/caravans straight away, and then age up after a few min. Are often quests where you'll need some defenses early so build defenses/army too

    Age 3 and lots of resources
    - Spend and boom mainly. Build 3 TC and caravans immediately, or if you have some time before been attacked you might do just 2 TC and heavy on markets/caravans to really spring board you into age 4 and max army.

    Quests where you are attacked a lot and early:
    Don't try to skimp on army and defenses, get them right, keep good eye on them, try to counter units (spearmen against cav, and so on). Towers and walls are great, converting priests can be too. Ignore optionals until you can do quest comfortably.
    Need to keep building economy at the same time, which is hard, but try to keep it balanced.

    - try the above, and find the particular quest you are doing on youtube, skip through the video to see map layout. Watch first 2-4min to see how they start economy, make notes if you need to, like 'immediately build 1 TC and 3 markets, and know roughly where they were positioned. Watch for any walls/towers/defensive army they made early on and where they put it. Can take 5-10min to get a feel for the quest but will be very helpful. Then try to incorporate the general ideas into your next attempt, you won't remember everything and doesn't need to be exact match, but board principles will help. After doing this for a while you'll find you get better and don't need to do it as much in future.
  7. goorz

    goorz Long Swordsman

    Aug 10, 2020
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    what's your name in game???perhaps we can coop sometimes .:)
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