New Profile Posts

  1. Greeky
    How ya doing
  2. StriKeR
    #Norse #Terran
  3. Kenji03
  4. Kenji03
    Kenji03 UberJumper
    So, wanted to thank you for donating so much. I cannot afford to donate, so your donations have really helped keep this server alive for me to enjoy
  5. karkos11
    Hallo! Wie geth's??
  6. HolySkillzZ
    finallly 900 gear score :p
  7. Ashley Lum
    Ashley Lum
    Be nice to my sister (Juliette Lum)
  8. Kenji03
    Kenji03 GiveUAnxiety
    Query: Can you tell me how long each PVP season is on the server?
  9. Kenji03
    Kenji03 MatrixSoft
    Welcome (back) to AOEO MatrixSoft!

    Be sure to check out the Fandom Wiki for your quest/item needs
    1. MatrixSoft likes this.
    2. MatrixSoft
      Many thanks Kenji03, despite being a veteran of age of empires online I always consult the wiki
      Aug 5, 2018
      Kenji03 likes this.
    3. Kenji03
      I'm admin of it now, so if you find something out of wack -- let me know (or, ya know, update it :P)

      I'm working on updating the Celts quest line presently.
      Aug 5, 2018
      MatrixSoft likes this.
  10. Kenji03
    Kenji03 SZer0r1g1nal
    Welcome (back) to AOEO SZer0r1g1nal!

    Be sure to check out the Fandom Wiki for your quest/item needs
  11. Kenji03
    Kenji03 HolySkillzZ
    Welcome (back) to AOEO HolySkillzZ!

    Be sure to check out the Fandom Wiki for your quest/item needs
  12. NanoPilo
  13. Kenji03
    Kenji03 Ryddag
  14. Kenji03
    Kenji03 Luciano
  15. Kenji03
    Actively updating the Fandom Wikia with information based on this fan project (7.2018)
    1. NCSGeek likes this.
  16. Luis Mun
    Luis Mun Ryddag
    Hi I'm so excited that my favorite game is back however i install the patch but when i try to login using my account here it would not work out can you please help me where do I have to register to be able to login
  17. GiveUAnxiety
    whats ur online acc name?
  18. BoolBee
    BoolBee GiveUAnxiety
    Hi, I would like to participate to this tournament :)
  19. Mex
    Hello Bonjour à Tous
  20. iRuan0
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