Villagers clipping into resources and idle caravans

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by RatherWatch, May 21, 2020.

  1. RatherWatch

    RatherWatch Long Swordsman

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Its frustrating when a villager gets stuck in forest or berries, I occasionally find myself setting 6 vills to chop down trees to free the trapped unit.

    Would making it easier for villagers to walk straight through resources hurt the gameplay experience?

    Also I think idle caravans could auto-path to the nearest/farthest TC, at least for PvE where most idle caravans are just due to pathing errors / building-interference and not an actual market snipe by the AI.

    P.S. I love the game and all the new content and features <3
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  3. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Champion

    Nov 11, 2018
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    I rarely saw vills stucked into resources but the AI of caravans would be better like in AoM. If you delete a market there the caravans automaticly uses next market. Here they get idle. With better AI it would be easier to redirect them after +20% trade upgrade. Also sometimes caravans get 0 or very low gold count on first track if destination tc was in building state while walking, even when its finished while on the way. I think gold cap should be eliminated and the general gold amount nerfed, so longer tracks really matters, bigger risk bigger reward. So the biggest distance give always more gold imo
  4. RatherWatch

    RatherWatch Long Swordsman

    Apr 8, 2018
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    I seem to be getting a lot of units stuck in resources and buildings lately, like at least once a day.
    Even had a berserker clip into a TC and get stuck last night.
    Elephant stuck between trees and a lake the day before.

    Its happening more often since switching from a 'new gaming-laptop' to an 11 year old laptop with no GPU and a chugging CPU on its last legs.

    Its possible this is one of those games where CPU limitations and overheating produce weird path-finding or physics effects.
    Or its just a string of bad luck.
    bbgambini likes this.
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