Spartan's $150 2V2 Showmatches! Eery Returns to AoEO!

Discussion in 'PvP Challenges/Tournaments' started by Ardeshir, Jun 25, 2022.

  1. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Hey all,
    @SpartanXElite just ran the first of his $150 2v2 Best of 5 Series for this weekend!

    Pharos and Panagiotis v controlPriest and Ardeshir

    Well played guys, a rough one but a good one!

    Check his stream tomorrow at 12:00 EST // 16:00 UTC for the next installment...

    Eery and Verhuver v Eshwar and EKA!

    Thats right! Portugal's OG champion player returns alongside Latvia's OG and Celeste top8 player up against the British prodigy brothers!

    See you there, and check the new SPARTA discord for more details about impromptu events!

    Official AoEO PvP Discord
    bbgambini likes this.
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