Server Maintenance - [May 29, 2021]

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by martinmine, May 28, 2021.

  1. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Age Of Empires Online Celeste Fan Project will undergo planned server maintenance on the 29th of May 2021.
    09:00 CEST: The server will stop responding to login requests, meaning you will not be able to log on from this time.
    10:00 CEST: Start of maintenance.
    10:15 CEST: Expected end of maintenance.
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  3. Kevsoft

    Kevsoft XLiveless Dev
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Game server is now in maintenance mode and authentication has been disabled. Server maintenance will start in 60 min.
  4. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    The server is now shutting down and starting update. Expected downtime is 15 minutes.
  5. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Server is back online!
  6. Kevsoft

    Kevsoft XLiveless Dev
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    • Balance Changes:
      • Roman Praetorium: Cost increased to 200w, from 150w.
      • Roman Gallic Horseman Champion: Upgrade cost increased to 1200g, from 1000g.

    • Sparta PvP Updates:
      • - Ranked Map Pool: Savannah has been removed from the Ranked Map Pool. Ghost Lake will take its place.
        • Current Map Pool:
          • Treasure Island
          • Swamp Pass
          • Sheltered Pass
          • Coastal
          • Oasis
          • Mountain Crossing
          • Lowland Groves
          • Ghost Lake
          • Watering Hole
          • Equal Footing

    • Bugfixes:
      • Fixed an issue where the "Research Spearman Champion" hotkey for the Egyptians was listed on the hotkey menu twice.
      • Fixed an issue where the "Research Greek Stable Factory Techs" hotkey wasn't working properly.
      • Fixed an issue where the Elephant Archer Champion upgrade wasn't displaying its effects properly (Champion Mode Only)
      • Fixed various issues in the statistics in some gears.
      • Added missing overrides for Alpine Wolves in Champion Mode.
      • Added missing sell cost override for Albion's Rune-Forged Hull.

    • Roman Campaign:
      • -

    • Quest Updates:
      • -

    • Art Updates:
      • -

    • Champion Mode Changes:
      • Greeks:
        • -
      • Egyptians:
        • -
      • Celts:
        • Woad Raider: Cost reduced to 35f/45g, from 35f/50g.
        • Bowman: Now has a Bonus Multiplier of 1.25x vs Infantry.
        • Bowman Champion: Now grants +20% Bonus vs Infantry, from +30%.
        • Horseman: Hitpoints increased to 525, from 500.
        • Gold Mine: Gold conservation amount increased to 30%, from 25%.
        • Gold Rush Upgrade: Now also grants +20% Conservation.
      • Persians:
        • Mounted Archer: Movement Speed increased to 8.5, from 8.
      • Romans:
        • Balearic Slinger: Cost changed to 35w/15g, from 30w/20g.
        • Legionary: Melee-Infantry Armor reduced to 0.40, from 0.50. Cost changed to 30f/40g, from 35f/30g.
        • Legionary Champion: Now grants +20% DPS, from +25%. Upgrade cost reduced to 400g, from 450g.
        • Centurion: Hitpoints reduced to 520, from 650. Melee-Infantry Armor increased to 0.50, from 0.40. Pierce Armor reduced to 0.30, from 0.40.
        • Aquilifer: Cost increased to 45f/90g, from 45f/65g. Training time increased to 22, from 20.
        • Decurion: Pierce Armor reduced to 0.30, from 0.50. Training Time increased to 21 seconds, from 20. Build Limit reduced to 8, from 10. DPS reduced to 23, from 24. Hitpoints reduced to 750, from 800. Snare removed, from 0.80. Health Regen. Rate reduced to 1.5, from 2.0. Cost reduced to 75f/95g, from 80f/100g.
        • Decurion Champion: Now grants +35% Snare Resistance and Bonus Damage Protection, from +50%.
        • Cretan Bowman: DPS increased to 12.5, from 11. Maximum Range reduced to 15, from 18. Hitpoints increased to 145, from 130. Bonus vs Infantry reduced to 1.75x, from 2.25x. Cost increased to 40w/30g, from 35w/30g.
        • Onager: Hitpoints reduced to 225, from 250. DPS reduced to 17, from 24. Cost reduced to 225w/120g, from 260w/140g.
        • Scorpio: DPS reduced to 15, from 18. Bonus vs Infantry increased to 2.50x, from 2.0x. Projectile Speed reduced to 40, from 50. Attack Rate reduced by 20%, Attack Damage increased by 25% (no change in DPS, but Scorpios will now hit harder with each shot, while taking more time to reload.). Maximum Range reduced to 21, from 23. Minimum range reduced to 5.5, from 7.
        • Scorpio Champion: Now grants +20% Bonus vs Infantry, from +50%. Still grants all other effects. Upgrade cost reduced to 600g, from 1000g.
        • Herbal Medicine: Now reduces Clinicus' Healing Rate by 40%. Still grants Area Heal.
        • Gallic Horseman: Hitpoints reduced to 810, from 850. Melee-Cavalry Armor reduced to 0.30, from 0.40. Cost increased to 125f/100g, from 120f/100g.
      • Babylonians:
        • Mounted Archer: Movement Speed increased to 8.5, from 8.
      • Norse:
        • -
      • Global:
        • Town Centers: Maximum Range reduced to 32, from 34. Line-of-Sight remains unchanged.
    • Updated the Champion Mode Website to the latest build.

    • UI Updates:
      • Switched the "Splash Damage Armor" and "Snare" effect text lines on the Celtic Horseman Champion upgrade tooltip to be more consistent with other tooltips. (Champion Mode Only)
      • Added Clubs and Banners to the Infantry Crafting School UI.
      • Added separators for Global Marketplace price numbers.
      • Updated the preview thumbnail for the Swamp Pass map in Champion Mode.

    • Other Updates:
      • Addressed various translation mistakes and inconsistencies in the Italian version of the game.

    • Music Updates:
      • -

    • XLive Changes:
      • -

    • Backend Changes:
      • -
    #5 Kevsoft, May 29, 2021 at 9:15 AM
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2021
    InnerpeacE, RekiemOne, t31os and 3 others like this.
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