Server Maintenance - [May 25, 2021]

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by martinmine, May 24, 2021.

  1. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Age Of Empires Online Celeste Fan Project will undergo planned server maintenance on the 25th of May 2021.
    17:00 CEST: The server will stop responding to login requests, meaning you will not be able to log on from this time.
    18:00 CEST: Start of maintenance.
    18:30 CEST: Expected end of maintenance.
    #1 martinmine, May 24, 2021 at 5:16 PM
    Last edited: May 24, 2021
    RekiemOne likes this.
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  3. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
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    Oct 24, 2017
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    Game server is now in maintenance mode and authentication has been disabled. Server maintenance will start in 60 min.
  4. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
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    Aug 6, 2019
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    The server is now shutting down and starting update. Expected downtime is 30 minutes.
    Mikey242 and Rodick like this.
  5. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Server is back online!
    We had a hiccup during deployment where the server deadlocked during shutdown. This was planned to be fixed for the previous maintenance window but unfortunately we missed merging in this code and had it left out.
    Mikey242 likes this.
  6. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    • Balance Changes:
      • Roman Cretan Bowman: Bonus vs Infantry reduced to 2.25x, from 2.50x.
      • Celtic Stone Thrower: Pack/Unpack animation speed increased by +33%.
      • Norse Log Thrower: Pack/Unpack animation speed increased by +33%.

    • Sparta PvP Updates:
      • -

    • Bugfixes:
      • Fixed an issue where Norse War Dogs weren't in their intended formation position in the army. (Big thanks to Mandos for helping with this fix!)
      • Fixed an issue where the Egyptian Chariot Archer was dealing 35 DPS, instead of the intended 33. (Champion Mode Only)
      • Fixed an issue where the Norse Ulfhedinn Champion upgrade wasn't increasing Ulfhedinns' Snare as intended (Champion Mode Only)
      • Fixed an exploit where the Persian Aid Tent could be used to heal nearby units without having it fully built.

    • Roman Campaign:
      • -

    • Quest Updates:
      • -

    • Art Updates:
      • Updated the 3D model of Perseus' Lightning-Struck Makhaira to match its icon.

    • Champion Mode Changes:
      • Greeks:
        • Hoplite: Now has 1.5x Bonus vs Siege and 0.20 Splash Damage Armor.
      • Egyptians:
        • Spearman: Hitpoints increased to 175, from 160.
        • Spearman Champion: Now increases Hitpoints by +20%, from +25%. (Resulting in 210 Hitpoints after the upgrade, from 200.)
        • Camel Rider Champion: Now grants +25% Pierce Armor, from +20%.
        • Chariot Archer: Cost reduced to 80w/80g, from 85w/85g.
        • Touch of Ra: Now also grants +40% Empower Rate.
      • Celts:
        • Stone Thrower: Population Count reduced to 3, from 4. Spread Factor reduced to 0.02, from 0.08. Max Spread reduced to 2.0, from 2.5. (Meaning that it is less likely to miss its shots). Line-of-Sight increased to 48, from 43.
        • Stone Thrower Champion: No longer grants -1 Population, but instead grants +20% Maximum Range.
      • Persians:
        • Sparabara: Pierce Armor reduced to 0.20, from 0.30.
        • Sparabara Champion: Now grants +60% Pierce Armor, from +40%. Upgrade cost increased to 250g, from 200g.
        • Mounted Archer: Hitpoints reduced to 270, from 300. Movement Speed reduced to 8, from 9. Multiplier vs Cavalry reduced to 5.0x, from 6.0x
        • Mounted Archer Champion: Now grants +20% Bonus vs Cavalry, from 15%.
        • Paid Labor: Now reduces Villagers' Training Time by 30%, from 45%. Now changes Villagers' cost to 15f/35g, from 10f/40g.
      • Romans:
        • -
      • Babylonians:
        • Lancer: DPS increased to 15.5, from 15.
        • Mounted Archer: Hitpoints reduced to 290, from 320. Movement Speed reduced to 8, from 9. DPS reduced to 7, from 7.5 Multiplier vs Cavalry reduced to 6.0x, from 6.5x
      • Norse:
        • Throwing Axeman Champion: Now grants +10% Maximum Range and Attack Rate, from 20%.
        • Berserker: Movement Speed increased to 7, from 6. Cost changed to 80f/100g, from 75f/105g. Pierce Armor increased to 0.50, from 0.40. Melee-Infantry Armor reduced to 0.20, from 0.30
        • Berserker Champion: Now grants +5 Health Regen. Per Second, from +4.
        • Bowman Champion: Now grants +25% Bonus vs Infantry, from +20%.
        • Log Thrower: Population Count reduced to 3, from 4. Movement Speed increased to 5, from 4.5. (to match the Celtic Stone Thrower) Spread Factor reduced to 0.02, from 0.08. Max Spread reduced to 2.0, from 2.5. (Meaning that it is less likely to miss its shots). Line-of-Sight increased to 48, from 43.
        • Log Thrower Champion: No longer grants -1 Population, but instead grants +20% Maximum Range.
        • Hammer of Thor: Now increases Infantry Building Construction Speed by +50%, from +30%.
        • Melee Scout: Now builds Barracks at the same rate as Villagers, from 50%.
        • War Dog: Now has a new upgrade: Dog Mastery: Available in Age III. Cost 200f/300w. Research Time 40s. Effect: +12 Build Limit, +30% Pierce Armor.
      • Global:
        • Aggressive Gaia Animals: (Wolf, Lynx, Rhino, Crocodile, Lion, Tiger, Bear): Now have a Bonus Multiplier of 0.1x vs Villagers and Priests (and Ox Carts and Engineers).
        • Wall Changes:
          • Wall: Hitpoints increased to 2000, from 1500
            • Connector Piece: Build Time increased to 5 seconds, from 3. Cost increased to 4s, from 3s.
            • 1x2 Piece: Build Time increased to 8 seconds, from 5. Cost increased to 8s, from 6s.
            • 1x5 Piece: Build Time increased to 12 seconds, from 10. Cost increased to 18s, from 15s.
          • Clay Wall (Babylon): Hitpoints increased to 1250, from 1000.
            • Connector Piece: Build Time increased to 5 seconds, from 3. Cost increased to 4w, from 3w.
            • 1x2 Piece: Build Time increased to 8 seconds, from 5. Cost increased to 8w, from 6w.
            • 1x5 Piece: Build Time increased to 12 seconds, from 10. Cost increased to 18w, from 15w.
          • Stone Wall (First Wall Upgrade for all civs but Babylon - Age II): Now grants +25% Hitpoints, from +50%
          • Stone Wall (First Wall Upgrade for Babylon Only - Age II): Now grants +100% Hitpoints, from +125%
          • Reinforced Wall (Second Wall Upgrade for all civs but Celts - Age III): Now grants +50% Hitpoints, from +70%
          • Reinforced Wall (Second Wall Upgrade for Celts Only - Age III): Now grants +20% Hitpoints, from +30%
          • Rampart Wall (Third Wall Upgrade - Age IV): Now grants +20% Hitpoints, from +70%
        • Firepot Projectile: Movement Speed reduced to 20, from 25.
    Remember that these changes are for CHAMPION MODE only.
    • UI Updates:
      • Updated the tooltip of Ram Ships to properly indicate that they are effective against both Ships and Buildings.
      • Updated the "Main Ways to earn Empire Points" interface to show Daily Login Rewards instead of the old Mail Reward.
      • Updated the tooltip of "Milita of the Empire" consumable to properly indicate its effects.

    • Other Updates:
      • Fixed several typos in quest texts.
      • Increased the Server idle timeout threshold to 1 hour, from 30 minutes.
      • Added Hotkey support for all upgrades. These Hotkeys are unassigned by default and you will need to assign them to a button yourself. You can find them in the Hotkeys section of the Options menu.
        • Note: "Convert Wall to Gate" has been moved to the "Wall Hotkeys" section and you will have to rebind it in order to use it again.
      • Removed the "Scout of the Empire" consumable from the Empire Store. You can now purchase each civilization's own Scout consumable in its General Store.

    • Music Updates:
      • Added the 2nd track for Roman Capital Cities and the 5th track for in-quest songs for the Romans.

    • XLive Changes:
      • Added extra details to the Debug Log file.

    • Backend Changes:
      • -
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