Server Maintenance - [May 20, 2023]

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by martinmine, May 19, 2023.

  1. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Age Of Empires Online Celeste Fan Project will undergo planned server maintenance on the 20th of May 2023.
    10:00 CEST: The server will stop responding to login requests, meaning you will not be able to log on from this time.
    11:00 CEST: Start of maintenance.
    11:20 CEST: Expected end of maintenance.
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  3. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Game server is now in maintenance mode and authentication has been disabled. Server maintenance will start in 60 min.
  4. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    The server is now shutting down and starting update. Expected downtime is 20 minutes.
  5. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Server back online!
    Quezako likes this.
  6. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    • Balance Changes:
      • Sacred Deer: Now has 200 Food, from 250.
      • Several anti-Ranged Ranged units changed:
        • Greek Peltast: Attack Range increased to 20, from 12.
        • Egyptian Slinger: Attack Range increased to 20, from 18.
        • Celtic Slinger: Attack Range increased to 20, from 15.
        • Persian Takabara: Attack Range increased to 20, from 15.
        • Babylonian Slinger: Attack Range increased to 20, from 18.
        • Norse Skirmisher: Attack Range increased to 20, from 18.
      • Ram-type units' cost changed:
        • Greek Battering Ram: Cost changed to 150w/60g, from 250w/80g.
        • Egyptian Siege Tower: Cost changed to 200w/80g, from 260w/210g.
        • Celtic Ram: Cost changed to 50f/120w, from 150w/20g.
        • Persian Battering Ram: Cost changed to 150w/60g, from 250w/80g.
        • Roman Battering Ram: Cost changed to 150w/60g, from 250w/80g.
        • Babylonian Siege Tower: Cost changed to 240w/80g, from 300w/100g.
      • Babylonian War Chariot: DPS increased to 32, from 20. Bonus vs Ranged increased to 5.0x, from 4,0x. Maximum Range increased to 20, from 18. Line-of-sight increased to 22, from 20. Hitpoints reduced to 575, from 800. Pierce Armor increased to 0.50, from 0.
      • Babylonian Royal Guard Champion: Bonus vs Buildings debuff reduced to -25%, from -50%.
      • Persian Cataphract: Melee-Infantry Armor increased to 0.40, from 0.30. Bonus vs Siege increased to 2.5x, from 2.0x.
    • Sparta PvP Updates:
      • -
    • Map Updates:
      • -
    • Advisor Updates:
      • Added over 45 Advisor reworks and changes. These changes will be highlighted in a dedicated blog momentarily.
    • Bugfixes:
      • Fixed an issue where the quests from the "Aiding Socrates" Legendary quest pack were not included in the Legendary quest rotation for the Athens region.
      • Fixed mail read panel being writeable
      • Fixed mail receiver name when composing a new message while visiting a city
      • Fixed an issue with the Norse Port where it didn't rotate as intended while placing it in Capital Cities.
        • (NOTE: Users might need to move their existing Ports to another location and move it back in order to fix potential visual issues.)
    • Quest Updates:
      • Several Elite quests' Empire Points rewards have been adjusted to be consistent with other Elite quests (30 Empire Points, from 15):
        • Elite: Recapturing Midgard
        • Elite: Resistance in Sistan
        • Elite: Just Deserts
        • Elite: Invasion of Verona
        • Elite: Invasion of Dunum
        • Elite: Liberating Thebes
        • Elite: Liberating Fayum
        • Elite: Liberating Giza
        • Elite: Liberating Dahshur
    • Art Updates:
      • -
    • Champion Mode Changes:
      • Greeks:
        • -
      • Egyptians:
        • Elephant Archer: Train Time reduced to 21s, from 22s.
        • Ptolemy's Might: Cost reduced to 250w/250g. Research Time reduced to 60s, from 80s.
      • Celts:
        • Bowman: DPS reduced to 11, from 12.
        • Sacred Deer: Now has 200 Food, from 250.
        • Gift of Sequana: Now grants +30% Healing, from +40%
        • Gift of Morrigan: Now grants +25% Damage Boost, from +30%.
      • Persians:
        • -
      • Romans:
        • -
      • Babylonians:
        • -
      • Norse:
        • -
    • Global:
      • Silver Age: Cost reduced to 300f/300w/300g, from 350f/350w/350g. No change to research time.
        • Egyptian Temple of Set: Cost reduced to 300f/300w/300g, from 350f/350w/350g. Build time reduced to 100s, from 110s.
        • Celtic Silver Age: Cost reduced to 400f/400g.
      • Golden Age: Cost reduced to 1000f/1000w/1000g/800s, from 1200f/1200w/1200g/800s. No change to research time.
        • Egyptian Temple of Ptah: 1000f/1000w/1000g/800s, from 1200f/1200w/1200g/800s. No change to build time.
        • Celtic Golden Age: Cost reduced to 1200f/1200g/800s, from 1500f/1500g/800s.
      • Fortress: Cost reduced to 350w/450s, from 450w/550s. Hitpoints reduced to 7000, from 7250. (Except Norse and Egyptian Forts. See below)
        • Egyptian/Norse Fortress: Cost reduced to 450w/300s, from 550w/450s. Hitpoints reduced to 5750, from 7000.

    • UI Updates:
      • Fixed several inconsistencies between the Quest Rotation UI's displayed values and the actual rewards handed out by the server.
      • "Display Trade Preview" now also works on Docks (default Hotkey: Shift + Z)

    • Other Updates:
      • Tarsos has been temporarily removed from the Quest Rotation system's possible regions.
      • Bahram's Bulk Bundles: Material stack size and price adjusted to match the new maximum stack size for materials.
      • Grand Architect Master's Masterpiece and Grand Architect's Masterpiece (Capital City decoration): Can now be built by all civilizations.
      • Several Bahram's Lottery gear stats updated:
        • Bahram's Branded Arm Guard: Cost increase reduced to +13.8%, from +15.8%. Now also grants +52.7% Line-of-sight.
        • Bahram's Best Battle Armor: Movement Speed increased to +5.9%, from +2.1%.
        • Bahram's Beloved Bow: Cost reduction increased to -10.1%. Now also increases Train/Research Rate by +2.9%
      • Two new Epic Reinforced Constructions have been added to the loot tables:
        • Walls of Severus
          • Cost: -3.1%
          • Health: +61.6%
        • Royal Babylonian Fortifications
          • Build Time: -5.1%
          • Health: +61.6%
        • These two items are available at levels 36 through 40.

    • XLive Changes:
      • -

    • Backend Changes:
      • Fixed an issue preventing users from entering their email addresses using non-lowercase characters.
    #5 PF2K, May 20, 2023 at 10:40 AM
    Last edited: May 20, 2023
    Slyrevick, Hawkster and Gerkiki like this.
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