By PF2K on Feb 19, 2020 at 8:48 PM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hey there Celeste players! We are bringing you another community contest. This time, you will be helping us redesign Chieftain Combutis - an Age II Advisor. Why does this Advisor need a redesign, you ask? It is because he has the exact same effect as Odysseus, an Age I Advisor, awarded to all players when they defeat him in the Skirmish Hall.

    Since the previous reworks for the Advisors have been very well received, we are open to more reworks for remaining not-so-useful Advisors such as this one.

    If you have any suggestions for how this Advisor should be changed, let us know in the comments section below!

    If you need some examples, you can see how the other Advisors have been reworked HERE

    You can also find a list of all current Advisors HERE (Remember to change the text in the search field as you see fit.)


    Remember, the contest will end on March 1st, 2020. So make sure to submit your entry before then! Don't forget to include your in-game name in your entry post!

    We're excited to see what ideas you guys come up with!

    PF2K's personal note: I'd much prefer to keep this guy in Age II so ideally you shouldn't move him across the Ages. This doesn't mean he can't work on other ages, though! However, I'd say Age IV is a definite no.
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Discussion in 'News' started by PF2K, Feb 19, 2020.

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    1. foquitaman

      foquitaman Villager

      Aug 19, 2019
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      Ingame name: FOQUITAMAN

      Suggested change: barracks are build and train 25% faster

      Reason: attack at early age would be more interesting if you can Work faster and train faster.
    2. CrimsonCantab

      CrimsonCantab Berserker

      Sep 14, 2018
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      In-game name: CrimsonCantab

      Suggested change: Factory buildings are 50% Cheaper and build 50% faster

      Reason for this change: Ignoring Philon, we have advisors that affect the build time of houses, wonders, fortresses, TCs, walls, & storehouses, but no factory buildings (rax, range, stables, workshops). This would open up strategies where players could quickly & cheaply construct forward bases, which is particularly useful on large/long leg quests.
    3. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
      Staff Member Administrator

      Oct 24, 2017
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      Thanks for participating everyone!

      We will announce the winner (and send out the rewards) later this week.
      ...ReignOfRagnarok and bbgambini like this.
    4. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
      Staff Member Administrator

      Oct 24, 2017
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      I have decided on the final stats for this Advisor. It's going to be:

      Buildings cost 12%/10%/8%/6% less Wood and have 10%/8%/6%/4% more health.

      Since nobody had this exact suggestion, I will pick the closest suggestions to these stats and call them winners. The winners are:

      • xTheSpaniardx
      • Firaa
      • UnknownManiac (I need your in-game name!)
      • FFNEZ
      • BOURNE99
      • SFR
      List of participants:

      • Taz
      • Zay36
      • Honz
      • achan1337
      • Aman
      • bmsk
      • darkblad3
      • Darkrage
      • Faluzure
      • DynasticPlanet
      • CmK
      • Mandy
      • KazMx
      • 8anashs
      • superwortel
      • Geese
      • Aryzel
      • Mkj13
      • smileyguyx
      • Kyogo
      • Kulcsos12
      • Baller38
      • Suomak
      • weisi
      • leow193
      • Árd-Rí (There's a mistake in this username, please pm me your exact username.)
      • RekiemOne
      • PedroAlmeida72
      • Maximillian
      • Xelior
      • JoshTheAspi
      • NemesisQ
      • AttackSheep
      • Hawkster
      • Thorin
      • ReignOfRagnarok
      • GaraV
      • CrimsonCantab
      Thanks for participating everyone!

      I will send you your rewards shortly.

      (The change to the Advisor will happen with the release of the Adventures of Brennos and Comontorios Quest Pack)
      Suomak, bbgambini, kyogo and 6 others like this.
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