By PF2K on Feb 19, 2020 at 8:48 PM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hey there Celeste players! We are bringing you another community contest. This time, you will be helping us redesign Chieftain Combutis - an Age II Advisor. Why does this Advisor need a redesign, you ask? It is because he has the exact same effect as Odysseus, an Age I Advisor, awarded to all players when they defeat him in the Skirmish Hall.

    Since the previous reworks for the Advisors have been very well received, we are open to more reworks for remaining not-so-useful Advisors such as this one.

    If you have any suggestions for how this Advisor should be changed, let us know in the comments section below!

    If you need some examples, you can see how the other Advisors have been reworked HERE

    You can also find a list of all current Advisors HERE (Remember to change the text in the search field as you see fit.)


    Remember, the contest will end on March 1st, 2020. So make sure to submit your entry before then! Don't forget to include your in-game name in your entry post!

    We're excited to see what ideas you guys come up with!

    PF2K's personal note: I'd much prefer to keep this guy in Age II so ideally you shouldn't move him across the Ages. This doesn't mean he can't work on other ages, though! However, I'd say Age IV is a definite no.
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Discussion in 'News' started by PF2K, Feb 19, 2020.

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    1. 8anashs

      8anashs Spearman

      Apr 12, 2018
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      In game name :8anashs

      Suggested change 1: All Infantry units deal 10/15/20/25% bonus damage vs cavalary
      Suggested change 2: All Infantry units have 5/10/15/20% pierce armor

      the percentage is random just to take an idea
      thank you
    2. FFNEZ

      FFNEZ Woad Raider

      Jul 14, 2019
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      IGN: FFNEZ

      change suggested: military buildings (rax.arch,cav,towers,fortress) cost less 10/15/20/25% wood and "regen" (or autorepair) 8/16/32/40 hp per secend
      why? crete meta. basically it sums build a early spam of towers but civ like celt and persa lacks of gud towers because only have acces to lv2 towers. some regen would help them to resist until age 3 when they get the quality tower or frotress if you want to call them properly. beacuse of that these civs defend themself with army not towers
      #22 FFNEZ, Feb 20, 2020 at 12:36 AM
      Last edited: Feb 21, 2020
    3. SHIFENG

      SHIFENG Long Swordsman

      Feb 13, 2020
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      In Game Name:SFR
      Maybe I think that this advisor could be change as : All Buildings cost 20/15/10/5% wood less,and build in 15/12/9/6% less time.
      Reason for this change:PvE need a RUSH Tactic,when the wood use less on buildings,and build more faster,the more lovely villagers can throw themselves into gather more other resources,age 2 also be suitable for this,the saved wood is in his hand,and is good for protect the environment,protect our eyes,isn't it?^_^
    4. Andy P XIII

      Andy P XIII Moderator

      Nov 14, 2017
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      my heart soars seeing you guys researching the history of this dude.
      ...ReignOfRagnarok likes this.
    5. Daanowntje

      Daanowntje Villager

      Nov 12, 2019
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      "every man with a new function should have a new face to show the world"
      -me, drawing this at 2:00 am

      As the story goes, Combutis and Orestorius were given an army to invade Ætolia. But these two commanders were barbaric and slaughtered men, women and children of all ages. It is even said that they ate the infants.
      Eventually the people of the land rose up against them and managed to take down a lot of their army with gurellia attacks.
      Thanks to the peasants not being weighted down by equipment they could always outrun Combutis' men. (The Description of Greece, Volume 3, Pausanias)

      I'd guess good ol'Combutis learned something from this and will from now have faster men with lighter equipment.

      Suggested Change: all light equipped infantry (Spearman, Shieldbearer, Long Swordsman, Axeman, Hypaspist, Sparabara, Harjar) +10%/15%/20%/25% movement speed. and -20% inf/cav/pierce armor.

      Reason: This will allow you to strike out faster when rushing your early game attack but wont have as much use in late game. Sacrificing armor for speed will help you close in on ranged units faster but leaves you vulnerable to melee counter attack.

      in game name: superwortel
      ...ReignOfRagnarok likes this.
    6. Geese

      Geese Berserker

      Mar 27, 2018
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      IGN - Geese

      Change 1 - Infantry do 25% more damage

      Change 2 - Remove infantry gold cost (or reduce).

      Reason - Damage % could be tweaked for the first change as balance team see's fit, but it would have to be something outrageous to be an age 2 advisor and be able to compete with Dumnorix.
    7. Bourne

      Bourne Villager

      Oct 12, 2019
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      In-game name: BOURNE99

      Suggested change: All building have 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5% more health

      Reason for this change: There is not an advisor giving health for all buildings, and since is an age 2 advisor i thing is a good alternative to Engineer Cythus for early defence, while useful in general.
      Kulcsos12 likes this.
    8. bbgambini

      bbgambini Hippikon

      Nov 25, 2017
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      *In-game name: BBGAMBINI

      *Suggested advisor name: Tower Builder Pisano

      *Suggested change: Towers build in 25% less time

      *Reason for this change: Towers are needed early in many quests/strategies/crete/etc. Forts have Sostrate in Age 3 to build in less time, why not towers. You can now opt for a quicker build or more damage with Panhsj. Similar in contrast to Cyric/Bes wall advisors. Reduce cost is already covered in Age 3 with Bolgios and Stephanos. Obviously the % would depend on balance testing to increase or decrease or to even add 10% LOS depending.
    9. aceloki

      aceloki Long Swordsman

      May 5, 2019
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      IGN: aceloki
      Combutis has a hammer; lets use it to create a serious rival to Dumniorx, as the quick Silver Age adviser; balance tested of course but possibly : advance to the Silver Age being 20% less; the Councilman's apprentice.
    10. Aryzel

      Aryzel Immortal

      Feb 14, 2018
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      Ign: Aryzel (on discord as Terraryzel)

      #1 boring option
      Stables and archery ranges cost 25% less.

      Reason: fits in style of ages 1 and 2 advisors, as age 1 we have barracks discount as that is what you build in age 1 and with this you also have discount on what you'll start building in age 2, bigger discount as youve already put some resources into bsrracks so need steeper discount to catch up with new building type. Downside is that aside from some niche quests it won't be used much.

      #2 exciting option
      All military units have 50% bonus dmg protection (yes 50% and yes all military units)

      Reason: Broadly speaking two major concerns about that game that regularly get raised are that Caravans are too dominant (partially due to dummonix) and that newer players get overwhelmed in legedaries, due to gear, experience, and how enemies have a huge jump in dmg due to their large bonus damage, and enemies push harder and earlier than people expect. The intention with this advisor is that a player can give up some speed (dummonix) in exchange for their units being much tanker against enemies, allowing them to hold their own against early attacks and have a better feel to the game as they push through the map later on in the game. Top players will still use dummonix to boom quickly and so complete quests faster, and this would be the slow and steady option.
      Concerns would be if top players can then push earlier and more pop/eco efficiently to be even faster than dummonix (I don't think so but would need testing), also need to test with units that add lots more bonus dmg protection like royal guards advisor and new roman advisor, to see what that ends up like.
      Aman and aceloki like this.
    11. mkj13

      mkj13 Spearman

      Jan 8, 2018
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      IGN: Mkj13

      Suggested change: Units trained out of a Barracks have 1.5%, 3%, 4.5%, 6% chance for the unit to be Elite. or 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% chance for the unit to be Elite.

      Reason for this change: Who doesn't want the chance to make elite units? Nothing else like it in any of the current advisors.

      Thanks for everything you do Devs! <3
      Aman likes this.
    12. Aaron

      Aaron Berserker

      Jul 28, 2019
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      I think the suggestions in this thread (including my own) reinforces the fact that Dumnorix is just so meta-warping that simply buffing other advisers aren't enough.
    13. smileyguyx

      smileyguyx Moderator
      Staff Member Moderator

      Dec 25, 2017
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      In-game name: smileyguyx

      Suggested change: Infantry can build and repair structures, albeit at a slower rate. Norse units would build faster.

      Reason for this change: Popular Age 2 advisors i'm aware of are Gaina for extra range and Dumnorix for caravans. Legendary quests are often done by powering to Age 4, and ploughing through the enemy. Something powerful or quirky should be done, so that players will consider this advisor as an option. This suggested change is hopefully something that can be considered competitive, or quirky enough to try.

      It is fantastic to see such a great effort by everyone!
      Aman likes this.
    14. kyogo

      kyogo Long Swordsman

      Jun 29, 2019
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      In-game name: Kyogo

      Suggested change: increase 2/4/6/8/10% speed of Caravans and increase 2/4/6/8/10% of the trade.

      Reason for this change: i know that the most used adv is dumnorix so this could be a good alternative. Also i know that in the most leg quest in coop the increase trade is useless but when u play solo, or in small maps when build a long caravanway its impossible to make, u can put your market closer to the tc and trade good gold anyway. Also with a speed boost this could induce player to buy other laborers gear like cost o training time and open a new trade for this gear.
    15. elassi

      elassi Long Swordsman

      Oct 1, 2019
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      In-game name:beastelassi

      -All units Combust on death killing all enemies around them.
      -Units now cost stone and have no pop limit.
      -Units now act as caravans and generate gold as they walk.
      -Units now assume the role of priests and heal nearby units.
      -All units now get a ranged attack equivalent of their HP.
      -Units can now walk through walls or cliffs as they have knowledge on how to stack.
      -Units can now walk through trees as they have knowledge on how to walk around a tree.
      -Units can now walk over water as they gain knowledge on how to place pebbles in a deep ocean to make the water walkable.
      -Unlocks age V where you can train the man himself.
      -Unlocks level 80 civilisation level limit.
      -Removes Chieftain Combutis from advisor hall.

      JoshTheAspi, Aaron and bbgambini like this.
    16. Pharos

      Pharos Champion

      Sep 21, 2019
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      I also would like to suggest to make legendary version of King Theode Untitled3.png
      since Celts have King Brennos which is much better version of Warlord Vercingetorix... Untitled1.png Untitled2.png
    17. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
      Staff Member Administrator

      Oct 24, 2017
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      Multiple entries are fine.

      Please remain on topic. This is your third post in this thread which is either completely unrelated to the topic or does nothing that can count as a submission entry. If you have suggestions for other aspects of the game, please use the proper place for it. Thanks!


      Really liking some of the suggestions so far, keep it up! ;)
      DynasticPlanet likes this.
    18. Kulcsos12

      Kulcsos12 Hippikon

      Nov 15, 2017
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      In-game name: Kulcsos12

      Suggested change:
      Move Chieftain Combutis to Age 3
      All Rams (Battering Rams, Sieger Towers, Ram and Farbjoðr) cost 20%/15%/10%/5% less Wood and move 10%/8%/6%/4% faster

      Reason for this change: Most of the units have multiple good Advisors to buff except the Rams. At this moment we can buff them with Engineer Ligeia at Age 3. And thats all. Rams are really slow and require a strong frontline army to protect. While the Palintonons can destroy everything from the middel of the map without any risk. This buff will give some love to the Rams. Less Wood will make the Rams lighter and this is why they will be faster.
      (Plus this change will fit very well to his portrait!)
    19. Baller38

      Baller38 Spearman

      Aug 23, 2019
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      In-game name: Baller38

      Suggested change: Houses build 50% quicker

      Reason for this change: He looks like a Celtic type advisor and related to building/wood bonuses.
      Celts have a reliance on housing.

      Seems a bit boring I know but it cant be too strong at age 2.
    20. Suomak

      Suomak Long Swordsman

      Dec 31, 2018
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      In-game name: Suomak

      Suggested change: Reduces market exchange rates. -40%/-15%/-10%/-5% buy/sell Penalty

      Reason for this change: We haven't any boost to market without cost. This boost will improve the economy at early play.
      DynasticPlanet and Kire like this.
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