MAGs Defense of Crete Challenge

Discussion in 'PvE Challenges/Tournaments' started by Aryzel, Aug 20, 2020.

  1. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    Was trying to do something I thought was nice for the community, guess i was wrong
    #1 Aryzel, Aug 20, 2020 at 7:28 PM
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2020
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  3. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
    Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 21, 2017
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    If they share it, everyone will get over 4 million points on crete lol
    A video showing everyone how to do it, then hope no one does it slightly better and steal the reward.... interesting idea. Good luck :)
  4. Unknown Maniac

    Unknown Maniac Berserker

    Nov 9, 2019
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    I wonder if anyone is actually gonna make a video, I dont think this is a good competition
  5. FinishedBlock21

    FinishedBlock21 Hippikon

    Aug 16, 2018
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    Am I the only one who thinks it’s lame to offer people money so you can satisfy your curiosity and get game rewards you otherwise wouldn’t, since you’re not willing to try and figure it out on your own? And if you’ve tried and you can’t, you should just accept that. The notion that you don’t have the skills to replicate the strategy and you are doing this for the community is not convincing anyone. Of course, you will improve your score after you see the vid, that’s your intention.

    This has nothing to do with pvp cash prizes either. PVP tournaments are funded by the community to support the game and reward top players for participation. Gear and coin are not that relevant to top pvpers, hence the cash rewards. On the other hand, the Crete leaderboard already rewards players. We don’t need anyone to step in, flash their cash and reward us. In fact, you are not trying to reward or motivate anyone, just bribe them for selfish reasons.

    If it wasn’t for those who upload videos with the best strategy, so many players would struggle to complete quests. Uploading vids is a courtesy for the community not something to take for granted and pay people to upload videos on demand.

    This cash prize, if not this entire “competition” should not be allowed.
    Unknown Maniac likes this.
  6. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    I initially made a simple reward for a video, to give the community something it regularly asks for, then that expanded with more prizes and cash prize as I realised I could grow it into a proper event for a season. Make Crete exciting for players to compete in, exciting rewards for those competing and videos of it all for the community to see. For just one season Crete would be something to watch, try and excite people, instead of just something that is opaque, confusing and a bit frustrating.

    But I don't need anger at me or questioning my motivations in my life, so won't be trying it, if something like that is interesting to do, it can come from the official dev team instead.
    t31os likes this.
  7. Faluzure

    Faluzure Champion

    Oct 28, 2019
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    It's interesting to see such a divide on this subject. On the one hand you have mods wishing good luck and suggesting teaming up with the media team:


    But on the otherside you've got devs (albeit the one in the number 1 spot) saying the competition should not even be allowed.

    It would be nice for all involved if there was an official response for this. There was no problem with offering 1 mil gold for a sub 1 hour VoK.
    t31os likes this.
  8. Aaron

    Aaron Berserker

    Jul 28, 2019
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    #7 Aaron, Aug 23, 2020 at 5:11 PM
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2020
    Faluzure and t31os like this.
  9. Faluzure

    Faluzure Champion

    Oct 28, 2019
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    You know. The tone of this post makers a whole lot more sense once we've figured out that to get a score over 4 million you have to use a bug. It is no surprise anymore why nobody would share a video, and why certain people were against the competition so much.

    I'd like a dev or mod to reply on this please since Aryzel was intimidated by other players to stop the contest. It looks like these player actually had something to hide, and they also repeatedly went out of the way to give misinformation to hide what they did.
  10. FinishedBlock21

    FinishedBlock21 Hippikon

    Aug 16, 2018
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    First of all, let me clarify what the tone of this post is all about. In the case of a competition, challenge or contest, the person who is offering the rewards is doing it for the fun of it, or to motivate and challenge players. For example, the elephant tamer challenge or the VOK speedrun. Nothing to be gained for the organizers themselves; just engage the community. When the person who is offering the rewards is expecting to get something in return, we are no longer talking about a competition but a transaction. That is why the prize kept going up every other day and eventually cash was offered when the players capable of producing the required vid stated they were not interested. So, yes I have a big problem when someone is trying to buy game content and is calling it a competition with the blessings of other players who stand to gain from the transaction as well. If you want to pay players for info do it on your own time, don’t plaster it on the forums. Unless you think we should remove all vids from youtube and next time someone is struggling and asking for tips we just sell them the vid.

    Second of all, Crete leaderboard has been in place since live servers. You just figure out how points are given. To your big surprise it’s not what you expected and you automatically assume it’s a bug, just to use this againist those who figured it out before you. Even if it was a bug, why would I go out of my way to hide it when all you have to do is observe and figure it out. I don’t have access to any more info than anyone else; I use my brain to figure things out and as long as everyone else has a brain as well, we’re all equal, there’s nothing to hide. All this drama could have been avoided, if you’ve just gone through the process of trial, error and observation from the start, like I did, rather than expecting to buy the answers. I’m the first to report any bugs and exploits; I don’t need coins or ep. I’ve said it many times that the crete leaderboard does not reflect skill and it should be replaced by a proper pve leaderboard without consumables. That does not mean that I'm obliged to share with you whatever i may know. Nothing fishy going on here, it’s just that some people dislike free riders.
  11. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    Hey all, I chatted with FinishedBlock directly, we cleared the air about our actions, reactions and we'll all good. So can we leave that topic and move on please.

    On how Crete works, it is what it is, I can imagine how original devs envisioned it as a bit of a randomisation to the score or a proxy of economy. While it might be a bit gimmicky with modern player strength and strategies, this is a quirky game and we just have to play with the systems and mechanics we get.

    For anyone interested in how Crete does work, see the thread below, we don't have video of someone executing it to perfection yet, but that can come in its own time.
    FinishedBlock21 likes this.
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