Installation Guide

Discussion in 'Installation' started by PF2K, Oct 31, 2017.

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  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    1: Install The Original Game
    [OPTION 1] Install the original game using Steam
    • 1: You need to install STEAM and create an account if you haven't already.
    • 2: Press Ctrl+R to bring up the "Run" menu, and then copy and paste this into the box: steam://install/105430
    [OPTION 2] Install the original game without using Steam
    • 1: You need to download the game using this link
    • 2: Once the download is complete you can install the game (You can install in the default installation directory, or you can install the game in a custom location).
    2: Install Celeste Fan Project Patch
    • 1: You need to download
    • 2: Once the download is complete you need to extract all the content of the zip archive in a folder and copy it in the same folder has the game was installed, overwrite all existing file if system ask you (If you have used Steam to install the game the good folder will be "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Age Of Empires Online" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Age Of Empires Online", and if you have used non-steam installer game will be located here (by default) "C:\Program Files\Age Of Empires Online" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Age Of Empires Online")
    • 3: Now search in game folder the executable "Celeste_Launcher_Gui" you just copied, right click on it then "Copy To > Desktop (Shortcut)".
    Note: If you have used Steam to install the game we recommend you to remove "steam_api.dll" from the game folder.

    3: Play AOEO Celeste Fan Project
    [OPTION 1] Play AOEO Celeste Fan Project Using Celeste Launcher
    • 1: Launch "Celeste Launcher Gui" by using the shorcut on your desktop created during previous step (Install Celeste Fan Project Patch).
    • 2: Click on register if don't have already an account, if not go to step 4.
    • 3: Register your account (you need to use an valid email).
    • 4: Login using your credetentials.
    • 5: Set the game language in celeste launcher if incorrect.
    • 6: Click "PLAY" and enjoy the game :).
    [OPTION 2 (ADVANCED)] Play AOEO Celeste Fan Project Without Using Celeste Launcher
    • 1: You need to be already registered, if not use "Celeste Launcher Gui" to do it.
    • 2: Navigate to your game folder and create an shortcut for "Spartan.exe".
    • 3: Right click on the new shortcut, then press "Propriety" and edit "Target" field like in this example (you need to change credential with yours): "C:\Program Files (x86)\Age Of Empires Online\Spartan.exe" --email "[email protected]" --password "mypassword1234"
    4: Troubleshooting
    Follow these steps if you have any issue to run the game and/or "Celeste Launcher Gui".

    Additional step (Windows 8 and up only):

    • 5.1: Right click on "Start" button.
    • 5.2: Click on "Programs and Features".
    • 5.3: Click on the label "Programs and Features" (Top Right of the opened windows in previous step).
    • 5.4: Click "Turn Windows features on or off".
    • 5.5: Search for "Legacy Components" and expand it.
    • 5.6: Check the box for DirectPlay if not already checked.
    • 5.7: Confirm new settings by clicking "OK".
    If you have any issue to connect to server with the game and/or "Celeste Launcher Gui" you need to allow "Spartan.exe" and "Celeste_Launcher_Gui.exe" in your firewall. If you use the default Windows firewall follow this guide (By, and if you use another one refer to his documentation.

    #1 PF2K, Oct 31, 2017 at 3:40 PM
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2020
    Robcore likes this.
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