End-Game Content - New Global Quests for Level 40 Civs

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by DariusTheGreat, Apr 20, 2018.


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  1. DariusTheGreat

    DariusTheGreat Woad Raider

    Mar 22, 2018
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    Hey i have a great idea that could be added for Level 40 Civilization for end-game content. These can be achieved even by helping someone co-op and doesn't require you to have the quests if you have not gained it yet.

    New Repeatable Global Quests:

    <Every 6 Days>

    Complete 20 Quests
    50 Empire Points
    10000 Gold
    6 x Lv40 Chest

    Complete 5 Elite Quests
    15 Empire Points
    2500 Gold
    4x lv40 chests

    Complete 5 Legendary Quests
    100 Empire Points
    10000 Gold
    6x lv40 chests

    Complete 5 Alliance Quests
    15 Empire Points
    2500 Gold
    3x lv40 chests

    Complete 5 Defence of the Crete Quests
    150 Empire Points
    10000 Gold
    6 x Lv40 Chests

    Defeat 25 Enemy Advisors in Skirmish Hall
    50 Empire Points
    5000 Gold

    <Every 3 Days>

    - Kill 100 Enemies
    15 Empire Points
    1000 Gold
    2x Lv40 Chests

    - Destroy 100 Enemy Buildings
    15 Empire Points
    1000 Gold
    3x Lv40 Chests

    - Convert 100 Enemies
    15 Empire Points
    1000 Gold
    3xLv40 Chests

    - Kill 100 Animals
    15 Empire Points
    1000 Gold
    3xLv40 Chests

    - Complete 3 Quests in co-op
    15 Empire Points
    1000 Gold
    3x Lv40 chests

    - Complete 5 Quests
    25 Empire Points
    5000 Gold
    6 x Lv40 Chest

    <Every 24 Hours>

    - Complete 3 Quests
    15 Empire Points
    1000 Gold
    2 x lv40 chests

    Edit 1: Balance Changes

    and more you can think you can add more :)
    #1 DariusTheGreat, Apr 20, 2018 at 12:24 AM
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2018
    Exclusive0r likes this.
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