Hello there Celeste players!![]()
We had a pretty big patch yesterday, and we are going over what's been added with it in this Blog. We would also like to show you some updates on some of the Roman Units.
Quick Play MenuOne of the most complex things in Age of Empires Online (particularly for new players) is all the various game modes in the game being spread out in different regions.
For most of us veterans knowing which game mode is located where isn't all that difficult, but for newer players, this can become really confusing really fast. The main purpose of this new interface is unifying all of those game modes into one, easily accessible menu so that you can access any game mode at any time, from any region.
We are glad to announce that the Official PvP Combat Guide is now available for all players to read, inside the game itself! You can read about this guide in full detail HERE.![]()
PvP Combat Guide
New Sparta Exclusive Vanity SetsPvE players aren't the only ones getting new goodies to play with in the upcoming patch! Soon you will be able to purchase two all new Vanity gear sets in Sparta (you can earn Sparta Points by playing PvP matches in Sparta - Winning or losing does not matter! You will still get Sparta Points regardless of winning or losing, so long as you play a normal game of PvP on the Ranked ladder). you can find these two new sets in the Spartan Special Store, in the same place that you can currently buy the Heroic Spartan Vanity set.
Remember, playing PvP games in Sparta does not require you to be leveled up or to have any kind of gear! All Ranked matches in Sparta are played in Champion Mode, where your level does not matter and Gear is only for visuals.
(PF2K's personal note: Big thanks to @Chaos for helping me turn these gears into in-game models. I wouldn't have been able to make it all happen without his help!)
The Hades Set is aimed mostly for players who have Legendary gear on their units, while the Heroic Gallic Set is most suitable for all of you golden gear lovers who have Epic gear on their units.
Capital City Vanity Item Currency ChangeAs one of the most requested changes by our players, we have decided to change the currency in which Capital City Vanity Decorations are sold in Vanity Island.
The stores shown in the graphic above have had their items' pricing change from Empire Points to Coin.
(PF2K's Personal Note: Maybe it's time to hold a "Prettiest Capital City" contest?)
Complete Brazilian Portuguese Language SupportThanks to @MatrixSoft 's outstanding efforts, we are very excited to tell you that starting from next patch, the entire game is going to be available in the Brazilian Portuguese language!
Changing the game's language to pt-BR is now available.
Legacy Launcher
Beta Launcher
Skip Quest ButtonHave you reached level 40 on most (or all) of your civilizations? Are you tired of playing through the 12 Kingdoms questline for the 6th (and soon, 7th!) time in a row just to be able to play the Legendary Quests? Are you sitting on a huge bank of Empire Points and don't know what to do with it? We've got you covered!
Read the graphic below for complete details on how this mechanic is going to work.
Here at the Project Celeste team, one of our strongest beliefs is that whatever content gets added to the game has to be (at the very least) on par with existing content in the game. This includes going back and fixing previously released content that may have slipped through our fingers in the past and making sure that they are all up to our standards.![]()
(Remember that this only works on Level 40 civilizations. This does not mean that if you have one Level 40 civilization, you can skip quests on your other non-level-40 civilizations.)
Quest Finetuning and Adjustments
You can find the full Patch Notes HERE.
What's next?As you already know, the Adventures of Brennos and Comontorios Quest Pack is the next big thing that's coming up. But apart from that, we are also working on:
- Standardizing the Reward System across the board, particularly for Legendary Quests
- Creating sub-categories for Legendary Quests based on their difficulty, so players don't get the impression that every Legendary Quest is equally difficult (or equally easy!). This is mostly aimed to ease the process of going from a "Fresh Level 40" player to a "Seasoned Veteran Level 40".
- Improving in-game tooltips and loading screens to ease the process of learning the game for new players (some adjustments have been made already, but the bulk is still in the works
- Enhancing players' experience when playing PvP
- Bahram's Lottery
- Full Simplified Chinese Language support! (This one may take quite some time)
- ... and more!
As a quick update on the Roman civilization's progress:
We are pleased to show you the full Gear Sets of the Roman Decurion, Eques, and also the Legendary Gear Set of the Roman Scout. Check them out below!
(PF2K's Personal Note: I'm going to be a bit busy with some real life obligations in the coming week, so next week's Blog may be delayed to by a couple of days, or maybe I'll skip one week. We'll see. Thank you for understanding.)![]()
You can also catch a quick overview of some of the patch's most notable changes here:
Thank you so much for reading, and we will see you all next time!
Project Celeste Development Team
What do you think about this week's blog? What would you like to see next? Let us know in the comments below!
Missed the Roman Civilization's announcement? Find out about it HERE.
Project Celeste is completely free and always will be. However, we gladly accept donations for our overhead costs, which are larger than we have budgeted. If you want to support us, you can do so HERE.
Read every Romans related blog HERE.
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