cyprus skirmish ban

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by malevvv, Jan 20, 2023.

  1. malevvv

    malevvv Spearman

    Jan 20, 2023
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    Hi everyone, I need communities help and input on this issue.

    Yesterday my account got banned. I didn’t do anything illegal. I’ll tell you what I was doing while it got banned and I don’t see how it warrants banning me.

    I was in Cyprus playing skirmish against AI (not PvP) and I chose small map, weak opponent (random king) and once loaded I activated 30 mercenaries consumable (that I have purchased with my winter points in ice king map for the past few weeks). I sent everyone to the opposite map and killed the enemies and won.

    I came back to Cyprus town, and repeated the same play. Start random king - weak opponent - map Small. Activate consumable, sent them all and defeated the enemies. I kept on repeating it BECAUSE I have acquired that special consumables by purchasing before and having it in my inventory and BECAUASE Cyprus has a goal -> defeat 100 opponents and get a trophy decoration. I had done 50 already for the past week, but always did 10 a day. Today I played this skirmish on easy with my consumables maybe about 18 times cos I was at 69/100 when the next thing I know is I get kicked out. When tried to log in, it says “this account is banned”.

    I didn’t do anything against the rules or illegal.

    Where does it say I cannot play re-peat quests when the game allows it, where does it say I can’t use consumables (1 consumable per quest). Where does it says I can only play 10 skirmish Vs PC and not more. I don’t understand how this was against the rules or am I missing something? I didn’t even open any chests from those 19 skirmish games and now it’s all gone.

    I want to hear what others say about this and if my account could be reinstated then please do so cos I didn’t go against games rules.

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  3. malevvv

    malevvv Spearman

    Jan 20, 2023
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    OK, I woke up today morning and AM able to log in now. it seems like its unblocked.
    THANK YOU :)
    Donar and PF2K like this.
  4. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Prob just a false alarm over concerns of botting skirmish. It's not common enough (nor is the Celeste team really equipped enough.... they're not lookin to spy on ya) to have perfectly accurate tracking of players. The good thing is there's rarely if ever bot accounts online and I've never played another MMO that has completely driven ingame currency sellers out.
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