Coupla Unboxings from Sparta Points - Another Reason To Join in on the Fun!

Discussion in 'PvP General Discussion' started by Ardeshir, Sep 14, 2019.

  1. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Hey folks,
    Worked my way up to 11,000 Sparta points, so I thought I'd spend up!

    A haul of 150 large chests unboxed, in 3 50 chest buys. Video 1 is the first 50, and some really nice construction accessories. Video 2 is the last 100. And yes, the vault limit is 240 :D

    It's always a gamble, but I ended up with half a dozen legendaries in the 150. The very first gave me a legendary construction accessory. Never know your luck!
    Alzerus and rtsgamer like this.
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