By martinmine on Dec 29, 2019 at 11:59 PM
  1. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    What's new?
    For a while now we have been working on redesigning the launcher from top to bottom. Together with an entirely new and fresh looking user-interface, bits and pieces of what is under the hood have been tweaked, improved, and updated.

    For those who are interested in the technical details, feel free to check out the pull request that highlights the changes in this version:

    This is a pretty big change to the launcher, and we are taking things slowly in order not to break too many things at the same time. Therefore, some of the old user-interface is still hanging around at some parts.

    In this first wave of changes, we have focused on redesigning the most essential elements of the launcher and getting the foundation ready for the next changes we have planned ahead.

    We want to highlight that this is a beta release which can contain a few bugs. If you encounter any bugs, please let us know in this forum thread so we can fix them.

    Feature highlights:
    - Redesign of the following components:
    • Main menu
    • Account Overview
    • Game Scanner
    • Launcher Updater
    • Game Language Selection Screen,
    • Login Screen
    • Register Screen
    - A game scanner that is more responsive, that also shows the download status on the task bar.
    - Many small improvements from a technical and security point of view

    You can find the new launcher here.




    We want your feedback!
    We would love to hear your thoughts on the changes, especially if some things should be done differently, or if you have any feature requests yourself (we might not be able to deliver anything like Skynet, so please try and stay realistic :).

    What lies ahead
    Our top priority will be to fix new bugs that are introduced in this redesign process. After this we will migrate the old elements of the launcher to the new, fancy design. There are also other changes in our backlog such as avoiding having to start the launcher as administrator every single time, and having the launcher translated to different languages.

    Who am I?
    Some may not recognize my username, but I started working on this redesign together with @PF2K some months ago. I am a full-time software engineer that work on writing corporate software during my day-time. To get some more fun out of writing software I wanted to start contributing to some game, and I noticed that the launcher was quite ready for an overhaul when @PF2K introduced me to project Celeste a while ago. This does also go some into the roots of where I started programming, as I started working on private Habbo servers as a kid.
    Mikey242, Rataheavy, BOSAIF and 14 others like this.
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Discussion in 'News' started by martinmine, Dec 29, 2019.

    1. martinmine

      martinmine Server Engineer
      Staff Member Administrator

      Aug 6, 2019
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      I just want to make it clear this is not how the roadmap for the launcher is laid out. First priority after this beta is to migrate the rest of the UI components from WinForms to XAML (this work has already started). I do not want the launcher to end up the same way Windows 10 has ended up.
      SlyCooperFan1 likes this.
    2. SlyCooperFan1

      SlyCooperFan1 Spearman

      Nov 16, 2019
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    3. MainMan B

      MainMan B Berserker

      Feb 23, 2018
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      Works perfectly. It's actually quicker than the old one. And the overview is spot on. Very good job. Haven't encountered any problem, thus far.
    4. Abo

      Abo Villager

      Oct 2, 2019
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      Nice job !! Thanks
      Could you change the color of the copy-paste- cut functions these are so small and dark (usefull to paste password)

      Thanks in advance
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