By Maavax on Jun 20, 2024 at 2:41 PM
  1. Maavax

    Maavax Long Swordsman

    Jul 8, 2020
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    Hello there Celeste players!

    Some of you were waiting for it, this is the Capital City Decoration Contest #2 !

    After Crassus for the first contest, Bahram will be the main sponsor of this second edition and will offer some wonderful prizes.

    As you can see in the attached graphic, we will be accepting entries until 2024/07/04, after which the best submissions will be selected for the community to vote here on the forums.

    When the final winners are determined, we will be sending you your prize directly in your in-game mail. The first and second winners will be contacted here on the forums first so they can select their gear prizes.

    How to Participate in the Contest

    To enter the contest, simply take up to three screenshots of your favorite capital city and post them here in this thread. (or if you can't post them directly here, upload them to imgur and share the link here.)

    Don't forget to include
    • your in-game username so we can send you your prize, should you win any of the prizes!
    • the in-game name of your city so that other players can find it easily for a tour.

    Contest Rules
    1. Only post pictures of one capital city. If you have more than one capital city that you would like to share with us, save it for the next contest! This one won't be the last. Participants who post pictures of more than one capital city will be automatically disqualified.
    2. Only post up to three screenshots of your capital city. This is so that going through the screenshots is manageable for us and so that everyone has a fair chance of competing with the others. Participants who post more than three screenshots will only have their first three screenshots considered when choosing the final contestants for the community to vote for.
    3. Any participant trying to buy or influence votes will be disqualified.
    Prize Rules
    1. First Place
      You may choose any piece of gear in the game! That's right! Any piece of gear, including Bahram's, event gear, questline completion gear, you name it.
    2. Second Place
      You can choose any piece of gear except Bahram's item.
    • Personal favorite
      I will choose a capital city among the finalists and offer a prize even if I am not as rich as Bahram. You will be able to choose between one gear (except Bahram’s) or 500k.
    We will be keeping you updated on the contest's voting over at our Discord server, so make sure to join so you don't miss an update!

    For reference, Capital City Decoration Contest #1 can be found here.
    #1 Maavax, Jun 20, 2024 at 2:41 PM
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2024
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Discussion in 'PvE Challenges/Tournaments' started by Maavax, Jun 20, 2024.

    1. Andres0306

      Andres0306 Villager

      Nov 19, 2023
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      Hello, there, folks!

      Here's my entry: the city of Artemopolis. It's meant to be the central hub of my 7 nation army, so it has buildings and citizens from the 7 civs. It has a capitol secion, mostly inhabited by Greeks and Romans; the Summer District, home to the Egyptian, Babylonian and Persian immigrants, and the Northern district, home to Nordic and Celtic immigrants.

      Maybe visit if you want to see the rest! In game name is Andres

      Capitol / agora

      Summer district

      Northern district
      #21 Andres0306, Jun 28, 2024 at 5:01 PM
      Last edited: Jun 28, 2024 at 5:17 PM
      Maavax and NeoXist like this.
    2. R. Jongeneel

      R. Jongeneel Villager

      Apr 15, 2022
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      IGN: Rokus
      City: PerseRokus

      Do visit my city! Welcome, welcome!

      #22 R. Jongeneel, Jun 28, 2024 at 7:40 PM
      Last edited: Jun 29, 2024 at 12:37 PM
      Maavax and NeoXist like this.
    3. LifeReloaded

      LifeReloaded Villager

      Aug 14, 2022
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      Hi there! My idea was to make city with logical streets and blocks, there dwellers can live.

      1. City center with the home of the pharaoh.

      2. Western part with library and natural oasis (some romans trade here also)

      3. Eastern part where greek can have some rest

      Visit city to see other blocks. There are also northern part with pyramids and cave where celts and norse have some fight ;)

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