Capital city additional building options and utility

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Freddy Barbera, May 12, 2022.

  1. Freddy Barbera

    Freddy Barbera Long Swordsman

    Feb 23, 2018
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    First and foremost, I am glad and proud to be back seeing that this project has come a long way.
    I praise both the team and the fans for the undying commitment.
    Thank you all for everything you've done for this awesome game.

    Now, before I get too emotional, let's get to the point :tearsofjoy:.

    I would like suggest a couple of things that would be useful or just plain nice to have in our capital cities:

    1) Combine/stack buildings of the same type
    - the idea is to save space and improve the efficiency of some buildings. It would be nice for those people who like to focus on a single production to be able to combine multiple factories into one with improved performance.
    For example: if I would like to focus my production on bronze ingots, instead of having 8 buildings of the same type (Smelter's Workshop) I would place all the blueprints on the first one, then the message "Are you sure you want to combine these two buildings?" appears, I click yes and it gets upgraded to Advanced, Master Smelter'S Workshop and so on. The combined building would produce more, but at an additional cost. The upgraded building would shine/change palette in order to have distinguishable graphics.

    2) Mirror swap buildings/statues
    - I noticed that there are two free slots on the move/pack building section: maybe one of them could be filled by an option that allows to reverse the position/graphics. It is a simple thing that would greatly improve the decorative aspect.

    3) Troops patrol/training
    - in several npc cities you can see a number of troops patrolling a portion of the map or having an animation of fighting. I would like to have some of those in my home cities too. (Off topic: the patrol command would be useful in-game too)

    Let me know what else could be useful, either for aesthetics or utilities.
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  3. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    For the "mirror" thing, you can rotate buildings by using the mouse wheel while holding a building.

    On the topics of Workshops - They do take up a lot of space, but what you are suggesting would, I assume, require a ton of background coding. Perhaps making Workshops significantly smaller? Right now they seem to be pretty big, like 12x12 "units" of space or something. Perhaps halving their size?

    For Patrolling/Fighting, it would be a cool thing, but I do know that on other maps you have to set it up in the map itself (Along with numerous other idle animations). Perhaps that could be the 2 extra buttons - 1 for patrolling which will make a unit patrol, and another for attacking which will make a unit attack?
  4. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    Adding in some vanity I want..

    We recently got vanity Wells, Towers, and Wonders added - it would be nice if we could continue to get buildings like that added.

    Warehouses - Specifically additional copies for pure vanity purposes. A number of the smaller warehouses actually look great, but there's no way I can afford to lose the inventory slots for mere decoration.

    Schools/Workshops - Would it even be possible to get civ-specific varieties of these? Crafting Halls are all civ-specific, but not the Schools and Workshops.

    Civ-specific buildings - Wickerboar, Great Pyramids, ect - It looks like a few of the Roman items are available, just expensive. Could we also get a number of the Greek/Egypt/Celt quest vanity buildings available somewhere?
    Kulcsos12 likes this.
  5. Freddy Barbera

    Freddy Barbera Long Swordsman

    Feb 23, 2018
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    I'm afraid that's not what I meant. For example: if a house has two windows and some pottery on the left and one window and a fence on the right, I want to be able to swap the way it faces, in order to have the side with the two windows and the pottery on the right and the side with the one window and the fence on the left. Rotating doesn't change that.

    I assume that too. Perhaps it could be done in an easier way, like stacking the blueprints or something similar in order to bypass possible graphics/coding complications?
    About the space: some buildings take a ridiculous amount of space for apparently no reason, this alone should be an entrirely different topic on its own.
  6. Archdruid

    Archdruid Spearman

    Jul 27, 2022
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    Press "T" in game to start a patrol sequence for units. Hold shit+left click to queue up patrol objective points.
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