Aristocrat Apollonius buff?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ABC, Aug 4, 2020.


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  1. ABC

    ABC Spearman

    Jul 30, 2018
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    I've been thinking....out of all the ways I play my Greek civ, I never use Apollonius and he's a legendary advisor.
    I believe he's deserving of having his stats tweaked.
    Maybe add bonus damage/attacks speed/ bonus vs buildings(that will be neat!) / conversion resistance/ or some sort of augmentation to cavalry units on top of his current bonuses?
    He really is lackluster at best IMO.
    What do you guys think?
    Hawkster and DynasticPlanet like this.
  2. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
    Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 21, 2017
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    Going in to advisor rework v2 here soon, id say he could use a little love. Hippikons and Prodromos FTW
    Andy P XIII likes this.
  3. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    I feel that rebalancing Aristocrat Apollonius, and other legendary advisors (And more besides) needs to be done with utmost consideration. For instance, if you want to go Greek Calv, you currently have 2 options available to you - Aristocrat, as mentioned, but also Solon, who gives Hippokons +15% crit chance. Thus, if you want to build Hippokons, you go with Solon. Aristocrat is thus only the second option for Greeks when building Hippokons. However, as Prodromos don't have any Age 4 advisor that buffs them, you can go Aristocrat for Prodromos, making them slightly more beefy, perhaps able to survive 1 additional hit from some mobs, but also giving them yet another speed buff, allowing them to vroom along at 14 movement speed, essentially becoming the fastest unit in the game.

    So, buffing Aristocrat to, say, +25% extra health and speed doesn't really change it's value in a Prodromos build, but it would push out Solon with a Hippokon build. As I see it, that's fairly undesirable, as it narrows the variety of builds you see in the game.

    On the other hand, buffing Aristocrat to, instead, provide +15% health and speed to Prodomos, AND causing movement speed multipliers on a Prodomos to also affect their attack would not only make Aristocrat more desirable, but even change up the gear used on Prodromos - Instead of slapping some Gauntlets on him, you would instead want to use movement-speed boots in the soldier gear slot. You could even pick up Commander Cassivellaunous and Tribe Leader Andrasta in a Prodromos-focused build, which, in this situation, would increase Prodomos' movement speed to an amazing 17.9 movement speed, along with a combined 85% damage increase to Prodromos. You could even sacrifice some survival to go full movement speed, which would lead to 20.3 movement speed and an incredible 110% damage boost!

    Probably too OP now that I think about it. Still, I feel this is the direction that Legendary advisors should go - They shouldn't completely smash already existing advisors for a particular build, but instead be for a new build, or an incredibly good alternative, like Bolt Carrier and Grand Engineer, or Coin Curator vs Tusk Sharpener
    #3 frogs.poison, Aug 15, 2020 at 7:18 AM
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
  4. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    Some other Legendary advisors that need a look at..

    King Brennos - Is essentially Warlord Vercingtorix, except with 15% extra movement speed (And a more unnoticeable snare immunity). This essentially makes King Brennos just outright better then Warlord Vercingtorix, BUT .8 extra movement speed is not worth the legendary status (Not to mention it's King Brennos!) Perhaps move Warlord Vercingtorix to buff Long Swordsman by 13/15/17/20% damage, and give King Brennos -1 pop on Champions in addition to his current effects?

    King Nebuchadnezzer - Chariot Rider Sargon is better if you are building Chariots, which leaves Nebuchadnezzer for if you are building Lancers or Mounted Archers. Perhaps have Nebuchadnezzer no longer affect the 2 chariots, and instead buff Lancers and Mounted Archers in a more special way?

    Rostam, Guardian of the Land - The intention behind Rostam is to have a mixed army. However, the buffs that Rostam gives to the Bara's is quite mediocre - Takabara already have incredible range, the Sparabara movement speed buff simply cancels out their debuff from taking their special upgrade, and when using all 3 together you want Sparabara to be the ones taking the hit rather then Asabaras. Instead, what I would change is..

    When you have a Sparabara, Takabara, and Asabara close together, Sparabara gains 20% health, Takabara gains 20% attack speed, and Asabara gains 2 area damage. So you can have a mix with the Sparabara tanking the frontline, the Takabara focusing on the ranged backline, and the Asabara cleaning up whatever the Sparabara have on them.
    Equilibrium and Hawkster like this.
  5. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Champion

    Nov 11, 2018
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    +1 to the Changes. King Brennos too weak compared to the Woad Raiders gameplay. I almost don't use Champs anymore
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