Separate names with a comma.
Could be two things. Either you are not setup for multiplayer in general, or you are not using the Beta. Here is a tutorial on how to setup...
Good news. The capital renaming is now available in the latest update!
Changing passwords is currently not working.
New to the conversation on this one, but im not sure that this would do alot of good. Either that, or the ratio of how much effort it'd take (not...
This would be nice. There have been a few people with >1920x1080 monitors recently, though I am not sure how easy that would be to implement.
Nope, it is not availble for new members at this time.
No problem, and yeah the other 2 lines are extra, just in case. Glad it is working though!
Np, In this, I said to exclude the game's folder, so that should have fixed it? Just trying to narrow it down some for myself.
I like this idea. Would be nice to have a Champ mode for skirmish.
Ah, so you use steam? In the game's folder, delete "steam_api.dll"
Hello! Someone posted this in the discord too. (It might of been you, I cannot remember) Here are some things I suggest you try: Manual update...
The "unusual termination" error was found to be part of a bug with the Beta. Try disabling Beta update from the Game Scan settings and see if it...
Celeste Moderation & GameDev team. Best way to contact me is on discord for quick replies.
Direct your thanks to the Lead Devs, I dont deserve the credit! :)
Definetly a false positive. The temp folder is used during scans/updates. Bitdefender must have some kind of issue with it. You can look a the...
I just got back from vacation, but lets see. Did you try reinstalling the C++ redist fully? Making sure that there are not any leftovers? Because...
Just enough ;)
The installer installs all of the visual C stuff. I dont know why it would have broken things.
Hello. Try installing the games requirements. 4 links from the description of my video here (troubleshooting links)
:p I think it should be looked into one day.