Separate names with a comma.
Sussem. Nice selection of PvP guides as well as some stuff covering connectivity, the old launcher and PvE! Pls no bully for the cheese guides
CC2020 week 4, times in UTC: Saturday 1/2/20 10:00-11:00 Striker Vs Eery 11:00-12:00 TheSpaniard vs UR_Kaspar 12:00-13:00 CrimsonCantab vs...
Time in UTC Saturday 25/1/20 -13:00 CrimsonCantab Vs Chenla - THE REMATCH SERIES BEST OF 5 Maps: Coastal Savannah Ghost Lake Tundra Equal...
Age of Empires Online/Project Celeste Community Challenge Week 2 showmatch maps: Ghost Lake, Equal Footing, Watering Hole Showmatches 2020 week...
See other thread - draw has since changed
Jumped ship from UR to DREAM, sorry Optimal :D All 3 clans (UR, ANT, DREAM) are recruiting, so send the leader (OptimalAcorn, Warlock, me) a...
SHOWMATCHES 2020 WEEK 1: ALL TIMES IN UTC Saturday 4/1/20 11:00-12:00 Chen'la Vs Verhuver 12:00-13:00 Kaspar Vs CrimsonCantab 13:00-14:00...
SHOWMATCHES WEEK 10: CHRISTMAS EDITION (I'll try hold onto me santa hat!) ALL TIMES IN UTC Saturday 28/12/19 12:00-13:00 Kaspar Vs TheSpaniard...
Saturday 21/12/19 (UTC): 13:00-14:00 - Carnage Vs CrimsonCantab (Cocasting with TheSpaniard!) Sunday 22/12/19 (UTC) 05:00-06:00 - TheSpaniard vs...
Today, we're gonna talk about aid tents! If you want to pick up aggressive age 1 Persian play, then you have to learn how to play around your aid...
Many thanks to Lakaoum for organising and funding this tournament for us! December 14 - All times in UTC 15:00 - 16:30 - Losers Round 4 16:30 -...
Sunday 15/12/19 (All times UTC): 5-6am Chen'la v Dak28 6-7am Chen'la v Ryzor All games played on the official Project Celeste stream, and...
Week 7/Saturday 7/12/19 (all times GMT+2) 1-2pm Kaspar V Coolblade 2-3pm Kaspar V Kaban 3-4pm Kaban v Madlib 4-5pm Dak28 v Ryzor All games...
On my stream - 2pm GMT+2 6/12/19 for giveaway. No ingame entry fee, and I'm not gonna push you to follow the stream ;) but jump in PvP sometime...
On my stream - 2pm GMT+2 29/11th for giveaway. No ingame entry fee, and I'm not gonna push you to follow the stream ;) but jump in PvP sometime...
Sorry bout the longer break than expected lol Draw for Saturday 23/11/19, all times in GMT+2, series bo3 unless otherwise requested TBA 12-1pm...
Just some recent games this past fortnight on my personal channel. Not a part of the CC or GG, but still worth watching to learn something! 2v2:...
Updated 25/01/20 version: Hey guys, just wanted to share with you a really fun build order for ending you opponents if they don't open with...
Forgive title. Am tired, no week 6 just yet... however... (check the bottom) Week 5: Series 1 (Bo3) : Coolblade23 2 Def IamFlavio 0 Series 2...
[MEDIA] Series 1 (Bo3): Verhuver Vs Kaspar G1: Sheltered Pass - Verhuver G2: Equal Footing - Verhuver Series 2 (bo1): Dak28 Vs Alzerus G1:...