Separate names with a comma.
It brings me great joy to see so many nominations! Of course, I have the utmost faith that every player strives to be a rule abiding player. Don't...
Our mother’s play a large part in our lives, from carrying us for 9 months to tidying our rooms because we were too busy playing Age of Empires...
After ages of politics, I've been cleared to give DOUBLE the EP! You can vote for last week's winner's here. This week's task: post a screenshot...
Was the picture enough to get the editor installed? If not, the discord #help is very helpful. This week our challenge is "Capital Catwalk". Show...
Did you read over everyone's ideas for a new quest? Vote for your favorite entry here. Have you downloaded the editor? It might come in handy!...
How lucky or right do you think you were last week? Hopefully the task was clear. Certainly had lots of participants! The hints and their...
Hello again! Was the last contest fun? Maybe "Easter Eggs' is a bit too vague? The challenges will be done on Fridays so that EP can be given over...
Judges have gotten back and I've tallied their votes. 1. bbgambini 2. Darius the Great 3. simple and the Sack of Coins goes to Jeinx!...
Happy Easter friends! I hope you all read through my earlier "notice" - some people were very convinced! To celebrate Easter, the theme is...
It is with great regret that I must inform you guys that weekly challenges will no longer be continued, due to a request from Microsoft. While not...
Hello friends! We're just starting out so we won't do anything too dramatic. Fabricate a picture, including the words "This is Age of Empires...
Hi everyone, that was a great first competition. I hope you have formed a general idea of what is expected. So regarding future competitions, I'll...
Just started Age of Empires Online, or returning after its unfortunate shut down? This one stop guide will help you enjoy the AoEO PvE experience!...
Hello friend! You know, just the other day a new player asked where on the forums he could find some information about the different...
Quick guide for doing spearman rushes What is a Spearman Rush, and why do it? There are three quests unlocked in Cyprus after completing the some...