Separate names with a comma.
is that before or after the Nuclear Physics upgrade?
It is with great regret that I must inform you guys that weekly challenges will no longer be continued, due to a request from Microsoft. While not...
Thanks for the great entries everyone! The judges will begin their voting as of this post. You can continue to participate until the winners are...
for clarification, an entry must have Age of Empires Online, Celeste Project or something similar (like AoEO). keep up the good work everyone!
So if anyone's confused, something like this [ATTACH]
Hello friends! We're just starting out so we won't do anything too dramatic. Fabricate a picture, including the words "This is Age of Empires...
Hi everyone, that was a great first competition. I hope you have formed a general idea of what is expected. So regarding future competitions, I'll...
Yes! If you select your unit and press alt+ click you'll "garrison" your units inside!
actually originally it was one for each, but i felt that may be too much effort so i changed it to at least one (so one, two, three up to six!)....
Just started Age of Empires Online, or returning after its unfortunate shut down? This one stop guide will help you enjoy the AoEO PvE experience!...
It will be easier i think to just give a lump sum of coin and if you're looking for particular items, I'll see what i can do. Participation gold...
Hello friend! You know, just the other day a new player asked where on the forums he could find some information about the different...
You should be able to play at any level. If you play Standard, you might be at a disadvantage because of items and levels but Champion Mode will...
My understanding of matchmaking was that it looks for people with the same skill level, but if it can't, extends the range. So if you've waited a...
Well i believe the most recent path lets you rename your Capital for 100 EP so there's that! If you want to cancel the movement of a building,...
A few things i'm unclear on - when the Celeste Project came out, items had LOS as well, but now they no longer do? So a couple of people might...
Quick guide for doing spearman rushes What is a Spearman Rush, and why do it? There are three quests unlocked in Cyprus after completing the some...