Separate names with a comma.
For any other antivirus, you could just add an exclusion. But for some reason, this does not solve the issue with Kaspersky. I've tried contacting...
Hi! So they are stored in \Documents\Spartan\Users2\NewProfile2.xml but unfortunately, not as you may think. Any keybind that is the default value...
Hello. If you use any kind of antivirus/antimalware then add an exclusion for the game's folder that contains the game and the launcher.
Dont sweat it!
Hi. There are a max number of storages and production buildings. For the production buildings, you can have 8 normal and 2 advanced. (The advanced...
I marked it as solved as I havent heard from him in a while. It'd be best to start a new thread for your issue, or for you to join the discord and...
Firstly, have you tried the video tutorial? Second, you aren't meant to make a copy of the launcher, but intstead a shortcut for your ease of access.
Hi. Check your antivirus/antimalware programs and be sure to add exclusions for the game's folder. The program wont always tell you if it's...
Issues like this with the trade window have been present for a long time now. Im not sure of any fixes, unfortunately. Not alot of information is...
Oh, the steam file verification tool would cause issues. You should use the launcher's Game Scan instead. You'll have to run a game scan to make...
Have you tried again recently? Also, if you have any antiviruses/antimalware programs be sure to add an exclusion for the launcher/game. (If you...
"Your copy of the game is out of sync" - This is caused by network issues that temporarily disrupted the connection between you and your coop...
For the record, he showed me the issue and I can confirm that his chat tab settings were correct and that he was typing in the correct channel.
This could be an antivirus or antimwalware program scanning the file. Perhaps try disabling/exiting any of those programs.
Oh! Also ist jetzt alles gut? :)
We'll get this working one way or another! ^^ See if everything works while in "Safe Mode with Networking". To get into that mode, google how to...
Hm. Sorry for all of the trouble. Have you tried checking the event viewer for errors regarding Spartan.exe? You can open the event viewer by...
OK. Kannst du dem Discord Server beitreten und mir eine Nachricht senden, damit wir TeamViewer verwenden können?
Now that mcafee is gone, try running a game scan then see if it works.