Separate names with a comma.
If Wartai's suggestion doesn't work then try comparing the settings file before and after it gets changed. There are more intermediate things we...
Kaspersky, for whatever reason, does not stop interfering even after disabling it. You will need to fully exit Kaspersky while using the...
Ah, Wartai beat me to it. But yeah, welcome! At least you can play from scratch ^^
I'll add that returns that no proxy is in use.
That is correct. For now, I'd do that until it is fixed.
Hi there. I believe this is a bug. I am getting the same error on my end. I brought up the bug and will see where it goes. For now, you should...
Hi there! Installing DirectX will fix that issue.
Oh, okay! Was about to get a screenshot the you. But glad to hear. Welcome aboard if this is your first time installing! ^^
Sounds like you downloaded the source code instead of the compiled release. Make sure to download "Celeste" from the release page of...
Thanks for confirming guys. I'll mention this to the others and see what can be done.
Try again in like, 2 minutes or so. The server just went back online from a maintenence.
Oh. I read your correction after typing that entire reply. Lol. If that's the case, then you cannot use steam to download the game, unfortunately....
Hi there. It does not appear in the store itself. To install using steam, you must use the following link: steam://install/105430 Keep in mind...
I may pitch in. I've been pretty busy last few months, but I'll see. If I do I'll try and let you know so I dont mess with your edits.
Hey there Kenji, there is the celeste item search (Which is having some issues at the moment, but still works somewhat). Here's a start. It shows...
The Centurion has to be one of the coolest looking units in the game now!
If it's the walter that's on the discord that's been asking for help, then he probably went there. Yeah. I havent been able to help out on the...
Always puts a smile on my face seeing these!
Hi there. Try again after the patch happening shortly. It's to fix the empire vault issue that has been reported.
Hi, on the launcher you can find the language options. Welcome to Celeste! ^^