Separate names with a comma.
How to calculate armor armor = 1 - A / B A = 1 - base armor B = 1 + armor value from upgrade Example: Unit with 0.2 base pierce armor receives...
There might be some changes in the exact details of the rewards and how it's going to work out - I will update the post once I have the changes...
[IMG] Hello there Celeste players! We are back with another blog, and this time, we are showing you a quick sneak peek at the upcoming quest pack,...
Changelog: Balance Changes: - Sparta PvP Updates: - Map Updates: - Bugfixes: - Quest Updates: - Art Updates: - Champion...
Changelog: Balance Changes: Roman Aqueducts Upgrade: Now only affects Roman Villagers and Engineers. (Specifically Roman Villagers and no other...
Thank you for pointing this out! It has been brought to my attention that there is also another upgrade similar to this that specifically affects...
[IMG] Hello there Celeste players! We are finally back with another development blog. It's going to be one of the biggest ones yet so get ready...
At least another month.
[IMG] Hello there Celeste players! We are back with another Dev Blog. We've been busy with lots of new content recently and we're going to...
Yes it is still available!
You still have some time :)
[IMG] Hello there everyone! March 15th marks the first anniversary of the Roman civilization's release. It's been an awesome experience for us in...
Changelog: Balance Changes: Deathmatch Mode: Games now start with the map revealed (fog-of-war is still in effect). Markets now take twice as...
Changelog: Deathmatch and Lightning game modes now available in the Arena. Details about these two game modes will be made available in a...
1 - Not at all 5 - Very much
[IMG] Hey there everyone! A few weeks ago, we asked you to help us by participating in a survey. The number of responses we got from the survey...
It's like the other civilizations. I'm not sure why the animations are different between those three civilizations and the rest, but the reason...
Certainly It does not. It looks just like the Epic version, except that it's black.
[IMG] Today we are continuing to reveal various Indian units and buildings as they roll off the conveyor belt. Civilizations in Age of Empires...
Changelog: New PvP/Skirmish Maps now available. Balance Changes:- - Sparta PvP Updates: Big Island, Bandit Canyon, Mountain Crossing,...