Separate names with a comma.
In-game name: Kulcsos12 Suggested change: Move Chieftain Combutis to Age 3 All Rams (Battering Rams, Sieger Towers, Ram and Farbjoðr) cost...
Can I gather Food from the dead lions?
Finally!!! A Celtic City with Celtic Quests! But most importantly: multiple difficuty settings! I love you guys!
Zahhak's Arrow of the Mortality - Green arrow with poison effect Would be a nice gear in the next Halloween Event :rolleyes:
Good idea with this unit and he got a nice 3D model. Nice to see the new Banner gears too. However, I don't like his gear slots. This is the 2nd...
All I want to see after Rome is the Neanderthals in an April's Fool event. Best Cavalry ever! :D
"Type: Infantry" line is missing from the Stat Card of the Norse Chief. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Without this info, I bet his type is a priest because...
Hmm.... If I convert an enemy Engineer, can I build my own Millariums with him to buff my own non-roman units? [ATTACH]
Nice idea! Question: Millarium will have any kind of limitation? Build limit or increasing cost?
The new design is awesome! I love it. However, the "Logged out" and "Logged in" screens are too different. The options in the "Logged out"...
These changes are more interesting than I expected! One Greek, Egyptian and Celt advisor moved to Age 2 from Age 3. We will get a Norse, Persian...
Great work on those decorations! Last year I made a small Gingerbread village in my Norse City.[ATTACH] Now, its time to make a new village...
It is enough if the Devs rework the UI of the Crafting Hall. Put all the recipes into the right side of the window. Instead of the gear slots we...
Pompey died in battle... Who will chose him to lead army into battle? :D
Excuse me, sir, but you can't choose Alliance in Celeste. The whole Alliance War feature is switched off. No Alliance restricted gears, no passive...
In Persian, Babylonian and Norse Cities one 20-slot warehouse also locked.
So, Age 3 Enneris stats are (roughly): 10 attack range x2 bonus damage vs ships And the Age 4 Champion upgrade give: +400% attack range x4...
Of course I'm not want to overdo it. However, getting 3 uncommon and 2 rare gears as a legendary quest reward is a little bit sad. Knowing that it...
Rare or epic gears, rare Capital decorations (like flower garden) rare or epic materials or something else. At level 40 nobody care about uncommon...