Separate names with a comma.
Give our best to your friends! I always feel bad that we aren't communicating directly with the folks from other languages, so please extend to...
Vick is somewhere. He pops in from time to time.
I am thrilled to see this post and have thought of you many times hoping we'd see you again this day! Can't wait!
Roma Invicta!
Yes, I expect the amount of complaints about storage to drop off quickly in a couple of weeks.
What's April 16?
The festivities begin today. Roma Invicta!
As much as we all selfishly would enjoy having more storage space, the constraints on storage play an important role in getting players to sell...
I think they are hard coded. Sadly, I’m not sure it makes sense for us to prioritize 8 storage spaces in three civs.
Here is an updated chart that adds those units. Note: I am not adding the four common units and one scout that each civ has because every single...
So @gamevideo113's observation that the civ seems too complicated got me to thinking, and I ended up using it as an opportunity to dissect civs in...
I skipped your winter event, too. But you didn’t even do one so it was easy to miss. greetz mafa
we decided the reference to mythril was too off brand. I think it came down to a miscommunication. iirc, those who knew mythril was from Tolkien...
Hi there. I believe that the Babylonian Ox Cart was a throwback to the Ox Cart of the Norse in Age of Mythology....
I just looked right now. Looks right to me. [ATTACH]
I wanted to jump in here just to point out why a civ like the one you are proposing wouldn’t fit into AoEO. Essentially, it would make too many...
Yeah for sure. We are hoping for early 2021 sometime after January.
@Fraxure022We likely won’t announce a firm Romans release date until a few days before. I know that’s super weird in gaming to not have announced...
@TuranianGhazi, I think you may enjoy plowing through the other 37 Roman blogs. It’d be fairly long reading, but we cover some similar ground with...
P.S. Here are links to the design blogs: