Separate names with a comma.
We haven't discussed a feature like that, and I am not sure it is technically feasible. But it would be really cool.
Yes, we will launch the Indians with a booster pack. That will be closest to the quests that came with the Babylonians (the Fertile Crescent...
Good eye! Towers are always subject to balancing. But for now, yes, the Indians are slotted to be light there.
That may be the case. For what it is worth, we wouldn’t want to disturb the unit rosters of any existing civs.
To be fair, the Persians appear to have gotten their elephants from the Indians. As a matter of fact, the origin of Carthage’s elephants is a bit...
Yes. They have exactly two units in each of those buildings.
We could do that!
yeah I wrote that part. my bad
We could eventually make our way east I suppose.
honestly, that’s the best compliment we can receive. We know any non-Roman civ will miss the mark for many people (there are no majority favorites...
We will start showing the elephants soon. There’s going to be a bunch of them.
Yes, I believe so.
We put a lot of thought into this issue, studied Mauryan diet historically, and discussed it with several Indians. We arrived at allowing the...
Yeah, off hand I have no reason why we *would* do this, but it sounds like we at least *could* create a unit that, I don't know, prioritizes...
Could we plausibly change this stuff on a unit-by-unit basis? Like create a unit that prioritizes differently?
PF2K's images are obviously better, but here's what I had mocked up when we were arriving on what size to make these Plantations. First, here is...
It’s awesome to have you!
Certainly. Right now the Plantation acts just like a large farm. We were able to quickly figure out how to convince the game to allow multiple...
I’d love if we made the Carthaginians. There’s lots of great civs we could make. It takes us about 1-2 years to make a civ, so we need to be...
The Ottomans are an amazing civ, and their cannons were nuts. Unfortunately, they don't fit into the era of our game, so we haven't considered them.