Separate names with a comma.
So here is the fairly tight list of gear upgrades to consider while you level up. It will get you 90% of the best options for minimal use of coins...
Amazing job, super impressive!
For crafting schools, metalworking (celt only), archery etc, put them where ever you like, whats listed there is just where I have them, which was...
For first civ, lvling up, my main focus on materials was building them up for the lvl 40 Empire Points Alliance quests, to get some free EP each...
Awesome stuff guys, going to be tons of fun. I've also put together a sheet for planning quests for the event, hope its helpful to people...
Ingame name: Aryzel Discordname: Terraryzel#6983 Fun!!
Horselord Finnulfr is also much slower than Berserkers at getting through walls/buildings, largely due to the area dmg on Berserkers. Norse is...
Good idea, here is what I have and prices for them: Green, Blue, Epic Recipes: FREE Have almost all of them, I like collecting Old Legendary...
UPDATE: An additional source of points has being figured out, deer and cows, which you hit to kill also give you points. Celt Civs: A major...
Event items are meant to bring a bit of extra spice to the game, get 2-3 of the new items (axe and religious item this year) and maybe 1 of the...
Finally scored 4mil points, execution is bit rough, could definitely do better. [MEDIA]
thanks, will fix that one
Full list of quests and rewards has been updated in my sheet, see...
Sheet updated with new rewards
Quests and Rewards sheet for Halloween quests, hopefully helpful to people planning out their event, have fun everyone...
Awesome work as always, can't wait to jump in
awesome stuff all, great work, will be fun to try these all out
@rtsgamer don't think there is a civ difference, in terms of rewards, but some civs I can see being easier to execute. Greeks giving more tower...
Sheet now updated with Lodi and Library of Horus. The summer event has its own sheet...