Separate names with a comma.
Equillibrium, if unit's leashing if you don't properly micro them bothers you, imagine this scenario. You are on a defensive quest, and you got a...
I get huge amounts of use from Stand Ground, especially in scenarios with ranged units, in most of the mini-game quests in which I can't afford...
It comes pretty quick - Just keep doing the quests and you'll unlock the Crafting School.
Cataphracts already have a Age 4 advisor thats solid. I do not want a repeat of King Brennos and Warlord Vercingetorix, where King Brennos is...
When turning multiple pieces of Wall into Gates, you can select normally non-gateable pieces of the Wall (The short "walls" as well as the square...
As mentioned, the Light Spear is extremely good on the Shield Bearer - In fact, out of all the Zahhak weapons and units, the Shield Bearer...
Epic Fence Builder Bes does not properly reduce the cost of Babylonian Walls by 66% on both the Clay Wall's Wood Cost and the upgraded Wall's...
For Berserker, you don't go completely full damage, no - Amun's Axe for weapon, Tunic of Actaeon for defense. As I see it on Berserker, you lose...
While there isn't much time left... The axe is best on Chieftain, as it basically allows the Chieftain to stay up forever as long as you don't...
For a bit more detail, Babylon's Lancer spam can easily do most easy-mid lvl legendaries, and if your lancers are good you can do even the harder...
While the PvE portion of the Halloween event doesn't have anywhere near the yield as the PvE portion of the summer event, the PvP portion is far...
Sheesh. The micro involved from having to control 2 seperate civs at once though would be intense.
For Celt and Norse Horsemen, keep in mind that if you are going Horseman Build, you do want to maximize overall damage compared to health....
First, keep in mind that you no longer have 30 days - There are only 11 days left of the Halloween event. The absolute fastest way to get points...
Peepaw isn't quite worth it - With the revamp, there are many, many other reg repeatables that yield higher chest/coin ratio for time invested....
The splash damage portion cannot crit.
With On Your Gourd, I just wall. And wall. And wall some more. On the West, South, and East corridors, I make 4 walls each. With the North...
Oh wow, this is already live? I was expecting all this to happen after the event was over.
Excited for the Minotaur's Golden Hide, as the naming indicated it's the legendary upgrade to Chimera's Leather Hide! I won't need to farm a very...
There are a large number of Age 4 advisors that were made redundant due to legendary advisors. However, Battlemaster Theolkes shouldn't be moved...