Separate names with a comma.
Does Beorix's poison stack?
If you would like I can help with some of the coding but I'm best at DB management. Assuming some sort of .NET language is used for aoeo......
Hi All, I meant to send someone I know a few minutes ago a mail item while they are out of the game. However, I accidentally clicked on Report...
Hi All, The Title says it all. Roma Invicta from the Roman Praetorium seems to provide 100% more dmg vs Priests and not 25%. The Bonus vs...
I doubt that the mythic stuff is real considering that they also made a Club...I mean no unit uses a Club... But it is shockingly convincing...
The Gear Dismantler is the best thing ever! It finally gives a purpose to some older legendaries that you no longer use or want to use! I really...
My honest recommendation is as many towers as possible and if possible get better arrows and bow for the towers, there are shops that sell to lol...
Then since damage would be best, would you please make a Legendary version of Scathach's Immortal Reaper. Especially since critical is only double...
Thanks to both of you... I guess I prefer somewhat tanks front line and glass cannon ranged. So I still want to get the Recipe of Sword of...
I do not per se want to nerf it... but at least if something so Overpowered comes out, at least there should be realistic alternatives. If you do...
Sword of Tiberius has average DMG of 46.3% and Average life of 26.6%. Compared to the Epic of Osiris DMG of 37% and life 14.4% Compared to the...
Hi All, Comparing the Sword of Tiberius with other Swords and other bows, light spears or javelins, shows clearly that the sword of Tiberius...
Very nice, thanks a lot for keeping this game up to date and interesting to play. Also the new advisors make a lot of different fun ideas.
Uninstalling the game from steam, deleting everything from the common steam library related to celeste and redownloading and reinstalling...
I will try that tomorrow, but at the moment, I think my error is caused by the new celestial v3.4.1.0 because ever since I upgraded to that I have...
i seem to be able to use the old version of celelste launcher that i have and it does see to work. but i am no longer on steam...
I press on start game, then the games asks me to scan, I press yes, Game scan does not work it then starts the pop up again of do you want to...
Hi, I have Celeste V3.4.1.0 and I tried to open the game, but the game is stuck in a loop to scan and cannot scan. I have the game with Steam....
Tip 1 "Buy and use the items that suit your play style and this may not be the most expensive or even the highest level items. For the beginning...
It is English, This is at the quest giver level not at the top. [ATTACH]