Separate names with a comma.
Thank you for including non-pvp methods of earning this. I am one of those players that 100% does NOT enjoy PVP at all and appreciate a the...
When playing quests in offline mode, many players will notice that their civ starts off with no gear at worst, or generic gear at best. This can...
This is more or less my mindset, but I will do as Andy requests and not drum up buzz. Since I too believe it is either they won't really care, or...
I've looked into r/RealTimeStrategy. People post about ProjectCeleste every few months. That community doesn't like to be spammed, but they tend...
It wasn't made that way because that was the best way to handle it, it was made that way because of how programming language works. If you want...
A few places have already posted news articles about Project Celeste within the last year. At the bottom of their AOE3 community news...
Now that's a good suggestion. Modify the Khepri's Coin Curator card to make it include the Elephant Archer.
While I too want that, I understand why we cannot have it. I think the problem there is that the "flag" that allows or disallows things to be...
The Elephant Archer is already a fairly strong unit, if not OP unit as it stands. HP: It has more than double the HP of any other high HP...
This is a slightly different tutorial, as everything you need to know is written in the .quest file as a <!--Comment-->. The .quest file and a...
If anyone is willing, I'm starting to make the Roman pages for the wiki. The link to each page can be found here:...
If that is the case, can we talk with Marcus Plox about changing that ;). As it would cost him the same either way -- but would likely increase...
While they do not make sense, keeping those reward items exclusive to the Egyptians and Greeks (the only civs that would reasonably have access to...
What happens is you make a submission, and the current dev team decides weather or not to APPROVE those submissions. You would have to ask for...
I think I found the code for the Nubian war elephants. They are the rewards for the...
While I like this idea, it does present some interesting balance questions. However, the ability to create more scouts via either consumables or...
I don't recall seeing those terms of service in the contract above ;)
I think adding the chests would work too, but the primary reason for adding these items as quest rewards is that they would be far easier to do it...
While it would, why remove a functional, balanced, and working quest just because the rewards are shit?
Kinda bummed that there could be only one winner, instead of like... 10 or 100. I get it, that implementing that would be difficult, but still.