Separate names with a comma.
I know part of the problem with the arena (and maybe a couple others in the list) is being tied to a questgiver or other NPC that stands out the...
Round 1 Results: 18:00 UTC Friday 12th April - Tempires vs Panagiotis - casted by PF2K VOD 03:00 UTC Sunday 14th April - Ardeshir vs Smiga -...
Round 1 Results: Smiga vs Slinx - casted by Spartan FFNEZ vs Ardeshir - Ardeshir player stream VOD Semfinal Results: EKA vs Ardeshir -...
Round 1 Results & Remaining Games Schedule: Complete: Smiga vs Slinx - casted by Spartan Upcoming: Time TBA - FFNEZ vs Ardeshir - caster TBA -...
Age of Empires Online Caesar's Challenge - A $300, Single Elimination 16 Player Open Tournament Thanks to Project Celeste Challonge Sign up:...
An AUD$140, Single Elimination Invitational (Clan Member) Tournament Sign up via contacting Ardeshir or posting in Valhalla Clan discord...
The past 9 months or so it's better than it's been for a decade, thankfully. Still have bad days and weeks from time to time, but having to lift...
Hey Ex, hope you're doing well. I think it's not really cheating because it's a game mechanic. Only going to be a cheat if you want to claim...
Having the legendary content also available in normal/elite repeatable straight out of the box is such a great system guys. Love working through...
You mean the right side! I mean the left side? :confused:
Fast Town Center Opening Now Updated
Hey folks, I've started taking advantage of youtube maximising video reach within it's recommendations when users upload twice daily (at any time...
The most recent patch should've fixed a bug with offline mode not working in the previous patch, just run game scan again
Hey everyone, Spartan is hosting more showmatches in a best of 3 league format, with very impromptu scheduling to suit everyone involved... so...
Also not bad for celts as any herdable, not just sacred deer, can be used for rite sacrifices... Can prevent situations where you need to pop a...
I don't think so Probably just xlive.txt in your c:users/username/documents/spartan/ folder... gotta scroll to the bottom to get the most recent...
Are you on cable or wifi? Has this error only just started or has it plagued you ever since you started/returned to aoeo? Do you get lag or...
Confirmed matchups: Libo vs IgoralB18 - 22:00 UTC Friday August 25 - video Ardeshir vs Varadha - 13:00 UTC Saturday August 26 Pharos vs Neenja -...