Buyable Legendary's in shops: Legendary Armaments etc. dropable

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by Equilibrium, Aug 15, 2019.

  1. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Champion

    Nov 11, 2018
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    would it be possible to make the items of "Legendary Armaments" in Cyprus dropable? At least the Gladius of Bellerophone. Right now the "Vorpal Blade" buffed is better then the legendary version. Some items containing +critical hit ratio were nerfed with the critical hit nerf aswell. So now they should get more attack power at least.

    Gladius of Bellerophone: +54,6% attack / +3,3% critial hit should give either +3,3% attack or critial hit ration more now. But anyways it should be dropable to at least get the opportunity to be better then buffed vorpal blade.

    The same for Delian Archon's Curiass, It is just slithly better then the Heavy Anubite Armor.

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  3. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    There are plenty of instances of rarity and level not typically dictating what is "best". I understand exactly what you are saying. While Celeste has implemented several pieces of gear that provides players a great legendary option where it did not exist before, many examples still exist. For example Delos wheels are are rare item purchased in the delos store, and has the highest Damage for any item in that slot. Delos also boasts a rare hat that offers the highest speed ect. Many of these examples one could argue are by design.
    It could also be up to debate on which is better, the gladius, or a max Vorpal. Vorpal is 59.9 max I believe? And even though its probably not statistically correct 100% math, if you add the Gladius damage and crit together, it comes out to 61.7.
    These legendary pieces are meant to give players an edge not relying on RNG to gear up for some of the hardest quests. Being able to grab one up as soon as they have the coin to buy them. If they dropped, no one would purchase them from the store, the owner of the store would have to shut his doors, and close up shop... lol. As far as wanting a shiny legendary sword to put on your units, Gladius is certainly great. Or maybe you could keep your eyes peeled. I hear a Trader From Tarsos sometimes looks to unload rare items he finds to people here on the forums :)
    Felipe likes this.
  4. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Champion

    Nov 11, 2018
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    Yea, im totally fine with this. I like that the wheel is actually better. You need to farm coins for it and there is a point to buy it.

    But who buys this sword so expansive and other items? The shop owner must be already bankrupt because vorpal is better xD!

    Hmm i will have to keep my eyes peeled i guess^^

    Anyway make gladius of bellerophone dropable plz xD
  5. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    I bought a Gladius of Bellephron :p
    Felipe likes this.
  6. fabsroman

    fabsroman Spearman

    Aug 16, 2019
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    Yeah, I have bought a Gladius or two, and lots of Actaeon Arrows. Pretty sure I am keeping the shop in business.
    Felipe likes this.
  7. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Champion

    Nov 11, 2018
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    Just testet a Vorpal Blade (+59.6% Damage) on a Champ with same conditions to a Sword of Bellerophone (+54.6% Damage and +3.3% Crit).

    I used maxed out Champ at a full health wall on Marion. And with Vorpal Blade the wall was finished 3-4 hit earlier.

    There is no point in buying this sword. I also have the critial hit milestone from celts. This sword was meant to give a +3.3% critial hit chance on a critial hit that gives x3.

    It was meant to be: So statstically the total damagebonus would be 54.6% + 2 * (3.3%) = 61,2 % what makes it better then the maxed out Vorpal Blade (59.9%).

    Please change this sword to give 3-4% more damage: Sword of Bellerophone: 59,6% + 3,3% critial hit chance.

    Many sword units doesn't have such an high attack stats. The axe gives a lot more damage, like what are Champs compared to Berserks? (in PvE)

    In PvP there is a natural balance between these units due to the cost. But in PvE on a certain point of the game, which is really early, resources doesn't matter anymore.

  8. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Champion

    Nov 11, 2018
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    Sesostris' Curved Khopesh is a nice answer to this, love the new items :)
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