Norse Questpack Feedback

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by MsMuffins, May 5, 2019.

  1. MsMuffins

    MsMuffins Champion

    May 3, 2019
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    Hi, just giving some feedback and all bugs I found, some may have already been mentioned in discord though.

    I played on my 40 Norse and well geared, but no way near optimum gear. So my opinion for these might be Bias from this view.

    1st quest somewhat easy& fun, GT strat, only repaired one wall on south.

    2nd quest second map ok, although north and northwest base base abit compact, stuck AI units(1 screenshot). Early attacks damaged friends Eco, but managed to shield me as I boomed, but he was 40, and more geared than me (byfstugan).
    But If it was a lower level new player, would very much struggle, or be wiped out. Think this is the most challenging of the early 4 quests especially if solo.

    Screenshot (574).jpg
    3rd quest was pretty straight forward, no issues.

    4th quest, seems to be a co-op spawn? unless I'm blind but didn't see co-op option, otherwise no real issues, was fine.

    5th quest midgard, fun, abit buggy with the towers on cliffs, and 1 stone thrower(2), couldn't be attacked by melee. screenshot
    Screenshot (575).jpg
    6th quest vanaheim, mostly fine apart from 1 chest spawn was bugged. screenshot (3)
    Screenshot (576).jpg
    7th quest jotunheim, fun somewhat difficult, ships top left spammed for no reason, and buggy chest spawn middle top (4) screenshot
    Screenshot (577).jpg
    8th quest muspelheim, no issues really

    9th quest nilheim, no problems

    next quests no problems. (alfheim & svartalfheim)

    asgard, tough, no bugs though.

    helheim, tough, and well bug with co-op. Already mentioned.

    Legendary helheim and asgard, seemed fine, did take awhile though.
    #1 MsMuffins, May 5, 2019 at 10:52 PM
    Last edited: May 5, 2019
    Kenji03, Exclusive0r, Geese and 2 others like this.
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  3. rtsgamer

    rtsgamer Immortal

    Jul 9, 2018
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    i have done helheim leg in coop, it was nice.

    and asgard leg done solo but without optional "kill dogs in time"
    solo maybe a bit too hard - i was able to finish the quest in 1h15mins lol
    i have played the quest with good geared priests (babylone) - converted everything on my way, dunno if there is a faster way to finish it, i need to find out :) greetz.
  4. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
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    Oct 24, 2017
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    This is excellent feedback, thank you very much! We will look into the things you mentioned. :)
    Kenji03 likes this.
  5. MsMuffins

    MsMuffins Champion

    May 3, 2019
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    Your very welcome PF2K, hope it helps you guys. ^^

    And RTSgamer, when I did it in co-op, zerker and some priests as norse, and byfstugan, mixed army with mostly ranged. We did manage to get all optionals too, but one thing I definitely learned, some ranged would help alot, pure melee units makes it very hard and sooo slow. I won't attempt solo, but if I did, a mixture of ranged dps and tanks would work I think. But whether its faster than monks not sure.

    But nice soloing it! :), I wouldn't dare.
    PF2K and rtsgamer like this.
  6. Geese

    Geese Berserker

    Mar 27, 2018
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    There's another bug too to do with elevations. On some maps there's dogs at the base or top of an elevation and ranged don't seem to auto target them.

    Also not sure if this is a bug but on Helheim if you play as Norse the enemies spawn units with gear that mirrors your gear. I know that when the priest converts your units they have the same gear however I found it odd that they were training units with my gear, albeit it was cool to see.
  7. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    There are some other quests in other regions that do have gear mirroring for the AI. Haven't played the questpack yet so I can't say whether or not this looks intentional.
  8. MainMan B

    MainMan B Berserker

    Feb 23, 2018
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    I couldn't finish the intro quests, since I got overrun by invinicible Berserks at the 3rd intro quest...They killed ally my units (30+!!!) in 5 seconds...I don't know if it's a bug in my version of the pack, but I tried severeal tilmes with the same result, so I can't even start the "real" map pack.
  9. MatrixSoft

    MatrixSoft Champion

    Jul 29, 2018
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    I went through the same problem and discovered that it was my strategy, I managed to pass as follows, at first I built walls and towers around the neighboring city that should be protected, and I was sending soldiers with ranged and melee attack, with I played with the Egyptians I did this until I could form elephants. really the attack comes very early and is very powerful, but I assure you that you can achieve your strategy, and it is a training for the new missions, their attack is very strong compared to the old missions of the game, launching a bigger challenge of strategy. then you'll really enjoy learning a lot from these new missions. I finished all the missions yesterday. and I released the legendary ones, but I have not yet played.
  10. MainMan B

    MainMan B Berserker

    Feb 23, 2018
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    I have not even build a proper army up, before that happens. But I still do think, that you should not get attacked by SO overpowerfull units, this early. It was after around 8 or so minuttes in The Hideout quest. The only way for to survive that, would be using Priests Of The Empires from the Empire shop.
  11. MsMuffins

    MsMuffins Champion

    May 3, 2019
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    Hmmmmm honestly the quest was designed in this way, a early push of heavy infantry berserkers is quite unique within quests atm and I believe Celeste team are aiming to make new and more interesting quests rather than same old turtle, eco push gg. Anyways these quests are generally quite challenging and I wouldn't attempt them unless your level 40 and have some experience with getting a really fast economy going. Since this does sort of prepare you for the later quests and if your struggling with this already then be struggling more later on.

    But quite simply I managed to beat the quest with simply walls, a reasonable amount of GT's and some Anti infantry units, best bet be ranged since, even anti infantry melee units will likely get wiped out quite quickly by the cleave of multiple zerkers. Additionally build a double lair of walls, but spread them out slightly to buy you more time to deal ranged damage. If you build walls too close, zerker cleave will hit both.

    This quest is definitely a good way to test your early economy skills, but quick market and lots of villagers/caravans should give you economy to get a reasonable ranged army and GT's down before they attack. (Recommend Irene and dumnorix for this one to help with early eco)
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