Ice King Gear's Stats

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by PF2K, Dec 23, 2018.

  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    I hear you guys' complaints about the stats for the new event's craftable gear!

    I want you to propose your suggested stats here!


    These are the current stats.

    Let me know, guys!

    Remember, no power creep!
    #1 PF2K, Dec 23, 2018 at 5:54 PM
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2018
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  3. mkj13

    mkj13 Spearman

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Arrows of the Ice King - maybe the range closer to 15.0 if there is no damage boost.
    Axe of the ice King - Unique, like it.
    Sling of the Ice King - Health Switched to damage.
    Staff of the Ice King - Good

    Just my opinion.

    Thanks guys!!!
    PF2K likes this.
  4. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    Arrow - I dunno how good the snare is, but I know that almost none ever use advisor "Blacksmith Kosmas" that give 20% snare. It really should have another useful stat (damage) to at all be attractive.

    Axe - So, a slightly boosted "Golden Winged Axe of Ra", that as far as I know is useless except for the Norse Chief. Also here on such a unique item there should be another stat, preferly some armor type of stat.

    Sling - Noone wants health on ranged unit, hence we all use pure damage tunics on archers and all health items is impossible to sell. But even with Damage bonus instead - who uses slingers like ever? I'd prefere a bow with some juicy stats.

    Staff - I don't know if I'd ever use it, but perhaps it's good... for something?
    Dealwithit69 likes this.
  5. DariusTheGreat

    DariusTheGreat Woad Raider

    Mar 22, 2018
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    Arrows of The Ice King -
    • Maximum Range +12%
    • Snare +15%
    • Critical Hit Chance +7%
    Axe of the Ice King
    • Damage +68.8%
    • Health +15%
    • Snare +12.5%
    Sling of the Ice King
    • Health +35%
    • Snare +60%
    • Critical Hit Chance +15%
    Staff of the Ice King
    • Convert Siege Rate +60%
    • Maximum Range +25%
    • Health +25%

    Also maybe add another Legendary:

    Bow of the Ice King
    • Damage +38.8%
    • Health + 40%
    • Movement Speed +5%
  6. ZeZo

    ZeZo Long Swordsman

    Apr 16, 2018
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    Arrow: 12% range.
    10% health.

    : 20-25% range.
    10% conversion rate.

    and Sling: I don't know.
  7. PedroAlmeida72

    PedroAlmeida72 Woad Raider

    Nov 28, 2017
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    i like the proposal from Darius the Great (an AOEO celeste player) about the Staff of the King. That would be nice, since it has Maximum Range and Health stats, but i would increase a little that bonus health, otherwise players would still prefer the epic Inscribed Engineer's Staff,
    since in my opinion Range and Health are a lot worthy than Convert Siege Rate (we need range convertion so we can convert from distance (behind the walls and so), plus health so that some priests can still survive when they are raided by big enemy groups on legendary quests.

    I do agree with ByFstugan critics about the Arrow and the Sling too. On arrows you could add at least some damage or LOS and on ranged units i think the majority of the PVE players would prefer damage instead of health too.

    About the Axe, if you guys could increase a little on the health (for instance 25%), and decrease the damage, we could use it on the norse chief, instead of the usual Tarnished Executioner's Axe.

    Anyway, this is one more very good initiative with the signature of PF2K. I have to congratulate him, since he has been doing a very good job in terms of graphics design and innovation on this game.
    We have to thank him a lot...
    I ask for a big applause to his dedication!
    rtsgamer and Dealwithit69 like this.
  8. West_In_Pieces

    West_In_Pieces Spearman

    Aug 25, 2018
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    Make the arrows LOS. That would actually ma ke them rare ;).
  9. lftrindade

    lftrindade Villager

    Oct 31, 2018
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    You should make the arrows more flexible since a lot of units can make use of it
    This way the snare effect is the same but you can use them on ships which have no decent legendary arrows
  10. Christusvincit

    Christusvincit Spearman

    Apr 15, 2018
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    First I like what you are doing.Things like this keep the interest alive.Keep the stats as they are,but add damage to arrows and axe(10-12%)
    Add 25% range to staff.the sling would have to be something that would make people want to use slingers and I'm not sure what that would be,it would probably have to be the power creep that you mention,so keep it as is.
    Thank you again for all your work.And don' t worry you are not going to keep everyone happy all the time,so just keep plugging away.
    I'm fine with what you did if you decide to keep it as is.Besides,if nothing else certain mats. are worth selling again.My only question is
    does snare really do anything for ranged units? I used epic Kosmas in one legendary quest and didn't seem to do anything.maybe combining
    the two would give some noticeable help.
    Andy P XIII likes this.
  11. ZeZo

    ZeZo Long Swordsman

    Apr 16, 2018
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    is it possible to make the staff enable heal in combat?

    healing range +30%
    healing +20%
    enable heal in combat
    Kulcsos12 likes this.
  12. Zeeki

    Zeeki Spearman

    Nov 9, 2018
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    Maybe some extra range for the arrows since it has no dmg?
    maybe add to an item a passive ability or add a new item with a passive ability?
  13. loonypath

    loonypath Spearman

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Axe is good as is.

    Sling is nice but move speed would be sweet addition

    Arrows need to add move speed and / or crit (maybe a little of both) since no raw damage on them and we give up ~14% already

    Staff add move speed for sure
  14. rtsgamer

    rtsgamer Immortal

    Jul 9, 2018
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    hi mates,

    - i do agree completely mate

    Staff only usefull for marion atm and even there i dont use priest to convert siege, i rather to kill siege to make my way free, its faster for me. lol

    Arrow is a bit complicated, anyway the stats nothing special atm. 39.5 snare (with kosmas) has not that effect, that makes it usefull. And now its a question which addition u will give to the arrow, if u give speed (like @lftrindade write before), so we can replace hades flaming arrows. Otherwise i would also add damage or critical hit on the arrow, cuz 12% range looks to me a bit less. (example: acteon has 9.8dmg + 13% range)

    Axe looks to me okay how it is right now, i am using it on my norse chief, if you want to boost, maybe more hp and also adding a bit critical hit can be a choice.

    Sling like all others wrote before, i think no one using health on a Slinger, i would like to see damage aswell there. But i need to ask here; anyone tested that sling with advisor Kosmas ?! I dont really see a use by 39.5% (arrow) but here we have 60.1% snare in total. Maybe here is the use of the item. I will test it for sure.

    thx 4 attention / improvements welcome

    ...and again and again THX a lot 4 everything / hf & gl all
  15. rtsgamer

    rtsgamer Immortal

    Jul 9, 2018
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    i have just tested the Sling with Kosmas (advisor) and i saw the use of the snare when i have pulled back the units on front. Slingers re not toptier units at all so maybe to add addition like buildings bonus dmg or critical hit or any number of dmg makes the item more interesting and special.

    i have also tested the Arrow on Norse Bowman:
    19.5% (arrow) + 20% (kosmas) + 20% (champion upgrade) total = 59.5% snare/slowing

    i can definitely say that arrow makes most use at norse bows. And also here, i think to add one more "any" addition (example critical hit) would make the arrow more interesting and special. its just an idea ;) btw. i am not trying to power creep xD

    hf & gl all / greetz
  16. Kulcsos12

    Kulcsos12 Hippikon

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Well, I'm not 100% satisfied with the new gears. I don't want them to OP but now they aren't better than some Epics.

    Arrow of the Ice King:
    This is the best gear for the Snare ability. Fortress can snare a whole army from a long distance thanks to their AOE and the new "Snarrow". It will be usefull on the Warships too, I think. Depend on your micro. BTW, compared to the other legendary arrows, this should get some DMG buff too.

    Axe of the Ice King:
    Sadly its don't has Snare. It would be nice to see some Berserkers or Egyptian Axemen to swing their axes and snare a whole army. Without snare this is good for the Norse Chief and maybe for the Harjar to make them more tanky.

    Sling of the Ice King:
    Without DMG buff the slinger turn into a support unit in Age II. If you fight against cavalry or infantry your Slingers can't make to much DMG but can help your army with the snare ability. With this strategy you don't need that +50% Health. +60% DMG or +5% Crit chance would be better.

    Staff of the Ice King:
    I hate the conversion in this game in general. If you convert an enemy unit from a different civ, it is lose its gears and fight for you as a naked cannon fodder. It is worth it if you play with Greeks (because in the most quests enemy is also Greek and the converted units get your gears) or Egypt (because they can convert multipe unit at the same time). Priests of other civs are useless in this way. But back to the event staff... Enemy siege units has a lot of ranges and offen stands behind the enemy army. Without range buff the priests must go closer to the enemy and they will be killed easier. But if they success you get a gearless siege unit behind the lines. I don't think it will survive to much without support.
    In my opinion, it will be really unique with a "Snare multiple units" effect. Just imagine it when the Persian Magus lift his staff and snare 3-5 enemy units instead of convert them. This would make the priests a really good support unit. And it will be fit more into this Icy event.

    BTW, thanks for this event and all of your works.
  17. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    I've been thinkin a bit more now and it might be a good idea (as Kulcsos12 says in the end above) to have all "...of the Ice King" items to have snare-bonus as a theme, similar to how some RPG-games has ice-magic with freeze-effects.

    That would make my new suggestion about the Axe to add a snare bonus, eventhough it's not what I would like on my Norse Chief's Axe it's still good with a theme so I vote for that anyway.

    Still, the Arrow need some damage or something, or MAYBE like 10%+ LOS for Norse archer-scout.

    The staff and the sling I would have wished they had been some other kind of gears mostly.
  18. ThunderCat

    ThunderCat Spearman

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Would be nice to add damage on the arrows. Also, increase the range bit making it slightly better than Arrows of Acteon. This would enable us to use across different civs.
    Thanks for all you are doing I really appreciate your efforts. It is pleasure to play the game again. I love the new quests
  19. Tink

    Tink Villager

    Nov 10, 2018
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    Thank you for including the community in this discussion guys, it's both admirable and inviting :)
    Double thank you for all the effort that goes into these content additions... you guys are legends in a league of your own.
    Triple thank you for dealing with the criticism in such a cool pragmatic way.

    Here are my suggestions (with values that will likely need some balance tweaking):


    Arrows of the Ice King vCurrent
    Range +12.0
    Snare +19.5

    My Thoughts:
    I think most people would still rather go with "Delian Preceptor's Arrows" or "Arrows of Actaeon" than AotIKs for all their arrow using units... except for three:
    a. Norse Ranged Scout (isn't it odd that the melee scout has a better max sight capability than the ranged one?)
    b. Fishing Boat (people are stuck between choosing "Gallic Arrows" or "Hades' Flaming Arrows"... for either sight/speed. both stats are negligible in both these items I feel)
    c. Merchant Transport (as per above)

    I think this would be a great opportunity to fill the gap for these arrow-neglected units and give them a slight escape chance.

    Arrows of the Ice King vNext:
    Speed +5.0
    Sight +12.5
    Snare +25.0


    Axe of the Ice King vCurrent
    Damage +62.9
    Health +18.0

    My Thoughts:
    I can't think of any other unit besides Norse Chieftain that could benefit from these stats.
    Perhaps situational for Woadies and Zerkers sure, but not generally as most axe bearers would want to prioritize dps I think?

    There are two options:
    1. add snare, but then its just a health version of "Legendary Whirlwind Axe" or the illusive "Platanos' War Axe".
    2. replace the health... but with what?

    All current crit axes that also have damage generally have a ratio of 10 damage to 1 crit. Where damage is always higher than crit. Why not change it up a bit?

    Give dps optimizers a new toy besides "Double-Edged Axe", and let's make it chop frozen limbs off :)
    (my algorithm for calculating dps from dmg+crit is most likely very wrong, but the idea is that dps output should be as close as possible to Double-Edged Axe, with a slight nerf since its getting Snare)

    Axe of the Ice King vNext
    Crit +40.0
    Damage +25.0
    Snare +25.0


    Sling of the Ice King vCurrent
    Health +50.3
    Snare +40.1
    Range +19.6

    My thoughts:
    Very cool to introduce the first Snare sling :) (also with 2nd highest range for slings in the game tied with "Royal Hunting Sling of the Moon" but falling far behind from "Sling of the Sandwraith")
    Slingers are indeed squishy. Even if the health bonus was 100%, Range Bonus units and cavalry would still pewpewpew/trample them.
    They're Ice Cannons... they should fire safely from behind the front lines and hit their targets right between the eyes leaving them dazed or dead.
    Why not kill two birds with one stone and also introduce the first crit focussed sling too?
    (again my dps calculations on crit are likely very wrong, but the intention is for this sling to output as much dps as a nerfed "Mut's Braided Battle Sling")

    Sling of the Ice King vNext:
    Crit +55.0
    Snare +40.0
    Range +25.0


    Staff of the Ice King vCurrent
    Convert Siege +77.4
    Health +26.0

    My thoughts:
    Totally tangential to this item... I don't understand why so many priest staves have the Damage stat, which only benefits Celtic Druids (not forgetting all the other Priests which can only attack huntables).
    I can't think of why I would expose my expensive squishy priests to dangerous hunting missions... when my scout is super efficient at it... or even a lone villager is better... well... sort of :)
    Having now wasted our precious time ranting about that damage stat so awkwardly... almost all my priests are currently kitted out with "Druantia's True Oak Staff", because of the 51.5% max damage.
    Just kidding. Max Range FTW baby :D
    But then you have a look at staves with range + heal (what I really want from my healers/converters) and the only item that's worth noting is a level 20 "Golden Ankh Staff".
    Additionally, I'm not sure what the interest is in Siege Conversion. Leg Marion maybe? Not sure. Whenever I see siege, my first thought isn't ooo-pretty-lets-wololo-it.
    My first thought is a cognitive slap to my own forehead because I didn't get my long range siege out quick enough to counter it effectively, or at bare minimum a few cavalry to rush-flank it in the open field...
    Okay but enough about me ;D
    Let's rather reward our ever-faithful #1 support units in the game with a relic worthy of a Wololoist.

    Staff of the Ice King vNext
    Range +30.0
    Healing +60.0
    Speed +5.0


    Thank you for considering my ideas. Again my stats will likely need some balancing, but I hope it communicates my general idea of what items would be treasured in the end-game.

    See you guys in Trade chat :)
    PF2K likes this.
  20. SmearyNebula33

    SmearyNebula33 Spearman

    Dec 30, 2018
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    I recommend to make it very simple:
    • each current and further special item should have at least 3 stats
    • just replace the "snare", with "self-healing" ! that would be inline with the halloween sword...
    • instead of "conversion siege" the scepter should have the ability like RA has: "empowerment"
    • for the axe it should have a thrid good stat like the "self-healing"
    PF2K likes this.
  21. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Thank you all for your feedback! The following changes will be applied to the Ice King's Gear with tomorrow's patch:

    • Arrows of the Ice King
      • Snare amount reduced to 14.8%, from 19.5%
      • Damage increased to 8.8%, from 0%
    • Axe of the Ice King
      • Health amount increased to 20.1%, from 18.0%
    • Sling of the Ice King
      • Now increases Damage by 50.3%, instead of Health

    All of you guys' feedback has been very useful and much appreciated. These changes have been made with this in mind that we don't want event-exclusive items to power creep over existing items.

    Important note: the mentioned changes will apply to every piece of gear you have currently crafted as well!
    Christusvincit and rtsgamer like this.
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