Spearman Rush

Discussion in 'PvE Tips & Tutorials' started by smileyguyx, Dec 29, 2017.

  1. smileyguyx

    smileyguyx Moderator
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    Dec 25, 2017
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    Quick guide for doing spearman rushes

    What is a Spearman Rush, and why do it?
    There are three quests unlocked in Cyprus after completing the some prerequisite quests (the ones that award you an advisor, and three quests similar to the repeatable but require just one victory) - Taking out the Trash again, Kicking them to the Curb and Kicking them to the Curb again. You'll notice they overlap in that they require any opponent, fierce or stronger and unstoppable respectively, each ten times. So by defeating unstoppable AI ten times, you'd complete all three for a total of 15 chests! You can quickly defeat four at a time with a full party by building a proxy barracks and swarming the AI together. It's also a quick way to obtain experience if you're leveling a civ.

    It also counts towards the Sparta daily quest.

    How do I do it?
    Map options should be Oasis (map), Small (map size), Standard (victory condition) with the AI all being King Narmer, Celt and Unstoppable. Optional: Map Resources High so you can harvest gold and food from just one storehouse.

    When the game starts send a villager near the enemy base and start a barracks. Produce a couple of villagers, just enough to support a constant stream of Spearman. When your team totals around ten you can start attacking an AI's town center. They'll send their cavalry to defend and incidentally Spearmen are strong versus cavalry! When the TC is destroyed they'll be out of the game and you can move on to your next victim. The last one might start building guard towers but they can be focused down with ease.

    Bonus: Send your villagers for additional damage, since you'll reach max population and won't lose spearmen that quickly.

    1.1 Egyptian to Celt, pretty sure Celt cavalry are weaker.
    1.2 Added some extra info
    #1 smileyguyx, Dec 29, 2017 at 1:50 PM
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
    TheN0XUS likes this.
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  3. bbgambini

    bbgambini Hippikon

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Only difference I did was vs Babylon instead of Celt. Babylon spawns with Shield Bearers which have less dps and die quicker, and Celt spawns War Chariots who are deadly.

    Also, Babylon will focus on building a ziggurat and killing ox carts will stop their econ. Overall, spearman rush is great to level up any civ.
  4. Ephestion

    Ephestion Long Swordsman

    Oct 6, 2018
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